Are you addicted to myfitnesspal?



  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm starting to become addicted. But its better than that thing I have gonig on with Meth.

    Thats a joke people. (If I was on Meth i wouldn't need to lose weight)

    AND you still have all your teeth!
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    I check on here at least 5 times a day. And on days that I am avoiding work, I troll the forums most of the day.

    This is me to a tee. I have been using MFP since Jan 2011. I did have a 680 day consecutive streak going but that got ruined last Thanksgiving. But I'm back at again this year and today marks my 145th day. I love using MFP and cannot ever think of not logging my food, even when I reach my goal weight.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    MFP is should be called "myworld"
  • Lynds7128
    Lynds7128 Posts: 132

    Love MFP!
  • Jelly_Bean313
    Jelly_Bean313 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in deep as well. I log everything and check at least 8-10 times a day.
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    Man I've got it bad!!
  • Chelle377
    Chelle377 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I admit it... yes, I'm addicted... lol :happy:
  • runner2runner
    runner2runner Posts: 1,937 Member
    I suppose the fact that I'm currently accessing it on an iPad in an iStore free of charge is an indication of how addicted I am. iStores are like free Internet cafes. That's so awesome!
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    I divorced Facebook for MFP. Im so happy now :heart:
  • runner2runner
    runner2runner Posts: 1,937 Member
    I divorced Facebook for MFP. Im so happy now :heart:

    I've neglected Facebook for MFP too
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I'm pretty sure I am. I log every day, and go on the forums daily, even if I don't post.
  • briteyes1002
    briteyes1002 Posts: 313 Member
    Im usually logged in the entire time I am at work. However I rearely check in while Im at home or on the weekends :) MFP makes my work day go by so much quicker!
  • most definitely. im on here majority of the time. i love to read the recent forum topics and i like to check out friends' responses on other threads. i love motivating my friends and receiving motivation from them... tho i typically run out of ways to cheer people on so sometimes i end up saying the same thing to everyone but i dont think anyone minds.

    and its really not a shocker to be addicted to this site considering for over 500something days i have logged on EVERY day. thats intense. im always thinking about it, on it, or talking about it. definitely an addiction.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    No. I like it, but if it went off line tomorrow I wouldn't care.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member
    No. I like it, but if it went off line tomorrow I wouldn't care.

  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    That's just silly!

    *refresh page. refresh page. My Home. My Profile. refresh. Inbox. Friends list. Message Boards. refresh page. refresh page.*

    OMG like looking in a mirror :)

    haha..... this is me some days.
  • twinmoon
    twinmoon Posts: 108 Member
    Guilty. I used to eat at night and watch TV. Now, I read posts on MFP, enter my foods & no late night eating. I'm also obsessed with logging accurately. If i don't have time to log when I eat, I take a photo to make sure I log it all. Love reading success stories. Addicted.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Um NO..
    I used to spend a lot of time on here.
    not so much anymore.
    I basically know how many fats/proteins etc. im eating after religiously logging
    ive watched ppl come and go, drama unfold etc.
    its fun to log on and post gif's sure, but to take anything too seriously is just a personal waste of time.
    im over it, its over-rated.
  • KML617
    KML617 Posts: 220 Member
    I'm hardly on at all. And I rarely post in the forums. Those addicted need to get a life.

    And yet here you are... posting in the forums.... very suspect!
  • ttmspeace
    ttmspeace Posts: 240
    Yes Yes ,I am very much so :)