30 day shred day one



  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    yesterday was my day 2- Everything was fine except the jump rope.... my calves/ back of knees could barely handle it. I must have super weak muscles back there.

    I love the feeling when it's over :p
  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 487 Member
    Jillian Michael-30 day shred. you can buy it at wal-mart for $10.00.

    You can find them on Youtube for free- all three levels
  • 212ackley
    212ackley Posts: 431 Member
    I got through day 9 after starting may 2nd...then life happened and I didn't pick it back up...Wednesday May 29th will be day 1 all over again :) ~~~ I'm heading out of town for a vacation tomorrow through monday.. and there is no way tuesday morning will find me awake early enough to fit in a workout!
  • AdrieneJ
    AdrieneJ Posts: 141 Member
    I've had this DVD for a couple of years and I've worked through it a couple of times, increasing my weights each time. I'm proud to say I can do level 1 with 8 pound weights. :)
  • Leslie1124
    Leslie1124 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm on Day 5 and I know it is already working!! While I think it is definitely hard, the best part is these are exercises I can do! I am very sore but am pushing through it. I have found that if I count in my head during the exercises I can get through it.. I don't really know why that is but it works for me. I have never been able to work out consistently for 30 days, I have always given up. I'm really hoping this time is different. I need to change my lifestyle. I am also eating healthier, more fresh fruit and vegetables and only lean meat. Saying no to sugar, fried food, pasta and white breads. Of course all the things I love!! I have a history of emotional eating and those comfort foods were always my go to choice. Now I'm trying to focus on exercise to relieve stress and have found that taking a walk outside with my headphones on is very comforting!

    I took ibuprofen before the workouts when i got so sore that first week that way i wouldnt have to take rest days. It worked for me and i pushed through. I havent been sore since and im on day 24 no rest days
  • jobean12
    jobean12 Posts: 99 Member
    haaaahahahaha.. wait til tomorrow........... that is, if you gave it your all today, you will be hurting tomorrow. :)
  • jobean12
    jobean12 Posts: 99 Member
    never take ibuprofen before you work out. bad idea, significantly increases your risk of injury.