

  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    uhhUhh.....Go to your doctor. Sounds like PCOS.

    From what I read you either bleed for months straight..

    Or doesn't even come. So second opinion.
  • debbielh412
    debbielh412 Posts: 17 Member
    ^ exactly what I was going to say. I have PCOS and have menstruating issues as well.
  • chanel1twenty
    chanel1twenty Posts: 161 Member
    Hello Ladies.... It's officially been 1 whole year without my period.... it stopped when I lost 10 pounds. I'm not underweight.. my doctor said she wouldnt recommend gaining anymore.. she suggested maybe INCREASING MY CHOLESTEROL. I've been eating eggs everyday for almost a year...

    just wondering if anyone else's diet changes have caused them to stop their period???

    There are 53287746363 reasons that a woman could become irregular. Some women are just that way. I had my first period when I was 10, didn't have my second til I was 12. I'll go 5 months perfectly regular, 3 months without one, have 1, not have one for another year and a half.
    I have two kids, I didn't have as period 3 months before conceiving my first, got pregnant with my second when my first was four months-old without having a period in between, and I just had my first period since Feb. 2011, and my youngest is three months.

    There's nothing wrong with me.

    Every woman is different. Obviously get checked out, but no reason to freak. You aren't underweight so that shouldn't have anything to do with it. I struggled with Anorexia in high school, and didn't have a single cycle during my time with the illness.
  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
    You are amazing! Thank you soo much for posting that ! I had no idea.... but that makes sense I started this bootcamp class and a couple weeks ago he took our body fat measurements...... i think its the body fat percentage. I have an appt with my gyno next month.. i'm going to ask about it :)
  • jess_1993
    jess_1993 Posts: 151 Member
    I stopped getting my period altogether for a little over 6 months from overexercising and under eating. Although I enjoyed not getting my period (of course every girl would) I know getting a monthly period is a sign of health! If girls don't get period it somehow affects our bone density and gives you a greater risk of osteoporosis. You can google it but I suggest you go to a doctor ASAP. (By the way, my NORMALIZED period came back after really decreasing my exercise and eating regularly for 2 months).
  • chanel1twenty
    chanel1twenty Posts: 161 Member
    You are amazing! Thank you soo much for posting that ! I had no idea.... but that makes sense I started this bootcamp class and a couple weeks ago he took our body fat measurements...... i think its the body fat percentage. I have an appt with my gyno next month.. i'm going to ask about it :)

    Definitely ask the ob/gyn. Weight loss can absolutely cause this-any major change to the body is exactly that. A major change to the body. And when it comes to your body and all the systems operating within it, it's everything in full circle. Everything effects everything.

    If you're only symptom is no period, it's highly unlikely to be Polycystic Ovaries. I have 2 cousins with the condition, and they are irregular, yes...but they also cannot lose weight, have thinning hair, chin hair, and so much testosterone that one of my cousin's blood sample got confused for a man's. PCOS untreated has a mass amount of hormonal issues, and if the only thing you're having is irregularity then it's doubtful that's the problem.

    Don't worry about your 5 kids that you want just yet. Like I said before, I'm insanely irregular (if I'm even having periods) and I have two kids :-)
  • mrau719
    mrau719 Posts: 288 Member
    Hello Ladies.... It's officially been 1 whole year without my period.... it stopped when I lost 10 pounds. I'm not underweight.. my doctor said she wouldnt recommend gaining anymore.. she suggested maybe INCREASING MY CHOLESTEROL. I've been eating eggs everyday for almost a year...

    just wondering if anyone else's diet changes have caused them to stop their period???

    Sounds to me like it's past time for a second medical opinion.

    Yea--second opinion. My workouts have caused me to not have as many, but I still have one at least every few months. Unless you are dramatically under-eating you should go speak with an ob/gyn and get your hormone levels checked, etc
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Mine are lasting longer and more painful. Willing to trade.
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 476 Member
    Is the doctor you're talking about a gynecologist? I'd go see one if not. Actually, go see a different one, even if this one is a gynecologist.

    This is exactly what I was thinking.... If you are seeing just a general physician, then definitely go to the OBGYN and see someone who specifically works in this area and can delve deeper into what might be causing it. This is probably a bigger issue than your current doctor is making it.... If this IS your OBGYN, then I'd go elsewhere..... Best of luck to you!!!
  • Valera0466
    Valera0466 Posts: 319 Member
    My daughter didn't have a period for years. She was heavily into Karate and the Doctor said her body fat percentage was to low. Sure enough when she cut back on Karate and gained a little weight she started having regular periods. If your Doctor is not able to tell you why or form a treatment you should see another doctor.
  • KimberlyDCZ
    KimberlyDCZ Posts: 525 Member
    Mine didn't stop but it certainly changed. It changed a lot of things, for example, I lost a lot of hair bc I was losing weight too quickly. I had to get on the pill to regulate.
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    Get a second opinion and maybe talk to your doctor about a prescription to help you start your period, then maybe birth control (if thats something your interested in) to help regulate? My Sister in law went a year without hers, then got put on a medication to make her start, she was normal for a few months then started every 2 weeks, she had to be put on birth control to manage her cycle and she was a virgin at the time. Our bodies are weird sometimes lol Good luck!!
  • cchapa0911
    cchapa0911 Posts: 14
    Mine didn't completely stop, but it did start my cycle completely over after I lose a decent amount of weight.
    A year without a period.. That'd be nice. Especially if it took PMS with it!
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I wish. That sounds lovely.

    I second that!!!

  • luckyshilling
    luckyshilling Posts: 229
    I once did not get my period for ten months. Then I had a baby.


    I'd go back to the doctor now that you have upped your cholesterol like reccommended and it didn't help.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
  • lfergurson1
    lfergurson1 Posts: 137 Member
    thats a 3r for me lol
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    1. As suggested, please see another ob/gyn
    2. You may not ovulate... which means you may have one hella time getting pregnant if that's the case.
    3. Birth control to force your period may be advisable (was for me).
    4. This isn't totally unheard of. It happens more often than people may think. Don't freak, but see a different doctor and get some tests to figure out exactly what the cause is as it may directly impact your fertility and other health matters.

    ya.. she said i'm not ovulating... which sucks.. because someday i want like 5 kids :/

    There's your problem. You frightened your ovaries...just like you scared every other man reading this thread.
  • chanel1twenty
    chanel1twenty Posts: 161 Member
    1. As suggested, please see another ob/gyn
    2. You may not ovulate... which means you may have one hella time getting pregnant if that's the case.
    3. Birth control to force your period may be advisable (was for me).
    4. This isn't totally unheard of. It happens more often than people may think. Don't freak, but see a different doctor and get some tests to figure out exactly what the cause is as it may directly impact your fertility and other health matters.

    ya.. she said i'm not ovulating... which sucks.. because someday i want like 5 kids :/

    There's your problem. You frightened your ovaries...just like you scared every other man reading this thread.

    Lmao, you were warned by the title of the thread!

    Then again, I'm sure the title of the thread made it so you HAD to read it...