Anybody start a family in their mid 30's



  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    I had mine when I was 32 and 38. I didn't feel there were any particular "risks", I had really great pregnancies. The only potential "risk" that I would realistically advise, is that IF you've never become pregnant before, it may take longer. For me, my son, took awhile to conceive. But after that, my body became pregnant easily (literally first try) for a pregnancy that never developed, and again on the first try with my daughter.

    As for weight and "not bouncing back" like someone in their 20s--I don't think so. I feel like my body was just fine and very resilient, but the reason I put on so much weight (and continued to do so after the birth) was more attributed to bad habits that had grown and grown throughout my late 20s and early 30s (like desk job & no exercise, eating out alot, etc), not strictly age-related. I think age is just a number and is only significant depending on how you've spent the greater portion of that time (healthy eating & exercising? or junk eating & sedentary?).

    Good luck.
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    As a 33 year old who has no children, I am finding this discussion very interesting. Gives me alot of hope :wink:
    I would say I have had a great life so far and don't regret not having a child yet. It will happen if/when the time is right.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I started a family when I was 28 and got married. We've just chosen to not include children in our family. :)
  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    ... And I was overweight through both pregnancies. And I have lost the "baby weight" and weigh less now than I have my entire adult life.

    So...GO FOR IT!! :happy:

    ETA: both were healthy pregnancies, and both boys are strong, healthy toddlers now. I had "risks" because of my age but I literally put NO stock in any of it, focused on my babies being healthy, and that is what came to pass.


    I had my girl (my first at 34) I weighted 276 when I got pregnant, lost 10lbs the first trimester and was 274 when I gave birth. ... after losign all the fluid form pregnancy I was 251. My daughter is extremely healthy, I had a healthy, normal pregnancy... unfortunately after she was born, I poured the weight back on and I am working on losing that plus some now. I am 260 now and I plan getting preg this year and working on losing in the mean time.

    You don't have to gain when you are pregnant... I focused on eating healthfully - mainly fruits and veg with only a few treats in small portions... actuially I found it much easier not to gain while pregnant because I was much more intouch with my body and its needs so I ate less and noticed when I was full much easier!

    Good luck - I wish you all the joy a child can bring you WHEN you are ready! :-)
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    I had my last son in May of last year...I was 38. My other two boys were born in my 20's. This last pregnancy was insanly stressful but that's also because I got pregnant 6 months after finishing radiation treatments for breast cancer. My cancer was hormone positive so my risk of the cancer coming back while pregnant were off the charts. I did have a cancer scare but biopsies were clear. I had to go to high risk doctors once a month and all of my blood tests were bad and I had a 1/13 chance that my son was going to have Downes Syndrome. I didn't care if he did or did not, I opted not to have an amnio and low and behold my little Nugget was perfectly healthy.

    Best of luck to you...just remember that those blood tests aren't always right :wink:
  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    I had my only child just before I turned 35. Personally, I do not think people should intentionally wait until they are older and assume that they will have no problem conceiving, because sometimes they do. Having children when young has many benefits. Yet, a child needs a happy, loving, stable environment and sometimes that comes with being older. However, there is no need to fear having a child in your mid 30s. I know that my health "professionals" labelled me a "high risk" pregnancy because of it and were prone to recommend unnecessary testing (some of which increase the odds of spontaneous abortion!) and procedures. So, get pregnant, have a healthy lifestyle based on unprocessed, nutrient dense food (fat is needed!) and don't blindly trust your doctor. Less poking, prodding, ultrasounds, etc is safer for the baby.

    YES to everything here!! all excellent points! I declined a lot of unnecessary testing... I knew I was going to keep the preg no matter what so I didn't even entertain all the testing for downs and other stuff...
  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    ... I had to go to high risk doctors once a month and all of my blood tests were bad and I had a 1/13 chance that my son was going to have Downes Syndrome. I didn't care if he did or did not, I opted not to have an amnio and low and behold my little Nugget was perfectly healthy.

    Best of luck to you...just remember that those blood tests aren't always right :wink:

    IMO this is a good reason to avoid those tests, they create unnecessary stress!
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    I started a family when I was 28 and got married. We've just chosen to not include children in our family. :)

    Good on you :-)

    Do you mean never ever or just not for now?