Food Diary: Log As You Go VS Plan Before



  • ahmadfahmy
    ahmadfahmy Posts: 214 Member
    I've always been curious when I see my friends complete their diary for the day before its even noon.

    I personally log my day as I go so I dont feel so restricted and can change things here and there as I go.

    But I'm wondering if I'm missing out on something by doing this?

    So I wanna know what are the pros/cons and why people either log their day out before its done or log their day as they go through it?

    i personally think its easier to hit your macros if you plan ahead (not like a day in an hour before its time to eat)...i log everything first then start cooking.
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    Oh, and now I have to change more because my son just ate my last apple (part of my normal bed time snack).
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I renamed my meals with a target calorie allotment for each
    Breakfast - 400
    Lunch - 800
    Snack - 300
    Dinner - 900

    That way, I have a guideline for how much I should be eating throughout the day and rarely "run out" of calories by dinner time.
  • joyincincy
    joyincincy Posts: 228 Member
    I log the day before so I know that all meals are covered and so is most my snacks... and I know how many left over ones I have to work with. I don't chain myself to it, it does change but this gives me some guidelines so I stay on track.

  • aliciapenny
    aliciapenny Posts: 51 Member
    I plan ahead so I can hit my macros properly and also so i can cook ahead of time. I do not want to cook every single night for dinner. I would rather make it on the Sunday before the week begins. When i get home I just have to heat and eat.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Until it enters my mouth it doesn't get logged. But I have general ideas of the calories I want to have in a day, so it isn't fully eat-at-will and see what is left for dinner.

    I think those that pre-log might skip logging something they ate and didn't budget for.
  • tokig0313
    tokig0313 Posts: 99 Member
    I log ahead as it not only helps me stay on track, but also helps me resist impulse purchases at the grocery store. I tend to roughly plan out my week before I grocery shop and then purchase the things on my list.

    before each meal I tend to glance at the app on my phone to make sure I have all ingredients or items for the meal and then adjust quantities or any additions/omissions as needed.

    I generally don't submit my day until I've finished eating for the day as things change at times.

    if I'm trying a new recipe, it's kinda nice to know in advance that I have the calories for it. Do I live by my plan? Not always. I don't let it stop me from unexpected meals out or that people bring over. If I need an extra snack or something, there's usually lots of fruit around.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I've always been curious when I see my friends complete their diary for the day before its even noon.

    I personally log my day as I go so I dont feel so restricted and can change things here and there as I go.

    But I'm wondering if I'm missing out on something by doing this?

    So I wanna know what are the pros/cons and why people either log their day out before its done or log their day as they go through it?

    Meh... different strokes for different strokes. Just do whats best for you.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I log after I am done with my meals. I have to be very sure of what I am going to eat before I decide to pre-log; most of the time I change my choices at the last moment.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    I log as I go. My foods are pretty consistent on a day to day basis, but my individual meals can differ radically from day to day. All that says is that sometimes I'm hungrier at one time of day than at another.

    The only time I plan in advance is when I eat out. If an online menu with nutrition facts is available, I check it ahead of time to make my least-damaging choice and plan the rest of that day's meals accordingly.
  • MamaCass30
    MamaCass30 Posts: 37 Member

    I think those that pre-log might skip logging something they ate and didn't budget for.

    And you know

    to the OP's question: I pre-log the night before. If I want something extra, I'll go for an unplanned run/walk to earn it.

    Pre-logging gives me a measure of control that I normally don't have when flying by the seat of my pants. My brain works better when I have a set plan that I'm not scrambling to come up with at the last minute. It's easier to work within my macros when I pre-log so I know what I can/can't have the next day.
  • Songbirdcw
    Songbirdcw Posts: 320 Member
    Since I pack my breakfast, lunch, snacks, and sometimes dinner for work, I try to log my meals early. Like a lot of you guys said, I like to plan ahead for dinner/dessert. I'm not consistent with it on the weekends, but when I track ahead It keeps me on track.
  • aliciapenny
    aliciapenny Posts: 51 Member
    Until it enters my mouth it doesn't get logged. But I have general ideas of the calories I want to have in a day, so it isn't fully eat-at-will and see what is left for dinner.

    I think those that pre-log might skip logging something they ate and didn't budget for.

    Not me. I log then I eat. If it isnt in my log I do not eat it.
  • RobP1192
    RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
    I log what i eat when i eat it. I don't worry too much about if i go over a "macro" or any of that stuff. I just record what i eat no matter what it is. Then if i need to make adjustments, i can easily go back and see what i did when, and where i can make changes. My diary is open. I'm not a clean eater.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Most of the time I log everything up until my afternoon snack so I know what I have to play with for dinner time and extra snacks. Much easier for me.

    ETA: at least during the week. Weekends are more relaxed. If I log it and end up not eating it, I just delete it, no harm.
  • henriettevanittersum
    henriettevanittersum Posts: 179 Member
    I log before, because I need to know many glasses of wine I can have :-P
  • Iwanttoweigh10stone
    Iwanttoweigh10stone Posts: 6 Member
    I like the idea of logging ahead I will try it!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member

    I think those that pre-log might skip logging something they ate and didn't budget for.

    And you know
    This hurt my head.

    What do these words mean?

  • I log everything right away in the morning. Being a homemaker and a stay at home mom, I already know what I am making for dinner way ahead of time so I basically base my day around that :)