Who else is a ...

allikat93 Posts: 236
... Giant klutz?

Like seriously. Over the past month and a half I have..

1) Managed to stab myself in the right eye with a very sharp steak knife
2) Slip on a 'non-slip' mat and fall into my garbage can
3) Wack myself in the right eye with a very heavy, very sharp corner of a shelf I was building

So to explain...

1) I was half asleep and making my bf and I breakfast. I grabbed a knife off the shelf and went to look at it (Didnt know why it was where it was placed.. So wasnt sure if it was clean or dirty) and I lost my grip on the knife as I flipped it around to the sharp side. It smacked me right in my eye. Lucky for me.. I closed my eye in time and avoided serious injury.. But vision was blurry for a few weeks.

2) I was reaching over my garbage can ( more like a large garbage box.. My roommate/landlord is to damn cheap to buy a real garbage can) to put away my blender. There is a non-slip mat on the floor that keeps the animal bowls from being scooted all over the place that I just happened to be standing on. I over-extended myself and my feet went out from under me. I hit my hip on the corner of the box and my shoulder on the counter and my knees hit the cat food tub I have positioned beside the garbage box. The rest of me (head mainly) went into a rather full (and smelly) garbage pile.. Which included.. Rotten lettuce and egg shells.. The good news.. My blender landed safely on the counter. Bad news? My hip was severly bruised for about two weeks.

3) This literally just happened the other day. My bf and I managed to get rid of our large older flat screen tv out of the back room/pantry and had picked up a shelf kit the next day. I was too impatient amd didnt wanna wait for him to get off his gamer butt and build it.. We have mice and I wanted the food off the floor asap. So I took matters into my own hands and set everything out to build it. I got the first two shelves set perfectly but my bf decided it was the perfect time to talk to me and (Im still not 100% sure how it happened) as I was getting the middle shelf positioned it slipped and whacked me in the side of my head.. Bout a half inch from my eye. I ended up with a huge gash and probably should have gotten it stitched up. It hurt like hell. First time I have cried over an injury since 2009 when I stepped in a cow rut and snapped my ankle but thats another story.

Two days later my bf looks at me and goes "whats wrong with your eye?" I HAD A BLACK EYE!!! First one ever and no cool story to go with it. It has now been exactly a week and my eye still looks awful and is super tender.


Anyone else have an awesome "Total Klutz" story? I know IM not the only one out there.


  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236
    Okay.. I GIVE UP!! Sorry.. Picture wont go any smaller no matter what I try....
  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I am not.
  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236
    I guess I should say "accident prone" lol
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    For a spell...my family thought I was beating my wife because she was getting bruises all over her arms...
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    omg yikes...........
  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236
    For a spell...my family thought I was beating my wife because she was getting bruises all over her arms...

    Yeah... For the past few days.. Whenever we go into town.. My boyfriend gets some nasty looks... No one has asked me about my eye yet though lol
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    i was going to say yes until you started with stabbing yourself in the eye. so by comparison, that would be a no
  • Ashshell
    Ashshell Posts: 185
    You have a lot of time on your hands...
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I would be afraid to be around you.

    I'm not particularly klutzy, but my seven year old son has literally tripped and fell when he isn't even moving. He also falls out of chairs all the time. I don't think I'll ever let him cut his own meat now that I know that some people stab themselves in the eye.
  • Brazilll
    Brazilll Posts: 503
    It's probably safe to assume your name isn't Grace..
  • ACepero79
    ACepero79 Posts: 711 Member
    You're like that character that Martin Short played in a movie with Danny Glover.
  • Brazilll
    Brazilll Posts: 503
    You're like that character that Martin Short played in a movie with Danny Glover.

    Pure Luck. :)
  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    I'm the exact opposite. I'm always moving glasses of liquid from the edge of counters and tables to the center so they won't get bumped by people who use their hands to talk and in general are not aware of their environment. I see a knife on the counter I move it to dishwasher, or put it back away. Basically am in a constant state of awareness of my surroundings.

    I think it's from having and living with kids and when I was younger I lived with a room mate that might have been your soul-mate. If there was some way for him to knock something over, stub his toe on something, break something, etc... He would subconsciously figure it out and do it.

    Edit to say... Pure Luck is a hilarious movie. One of the few I found myself "Literally" laughing out loud.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    as much as i get bruised and scraped from longboarding, i mark myself up FAR more by walking into doorjambs, table corners, smacking my arms/hands into objects, etc. i have great balance but poor proprioception.
  • MFPRat
    MFPRat Posts: 201 Member
    I don't have a graceful bone in my body. Everyone knows me as "the spiller."

    My - whole - damn - life!!
  • cristynfaye
    cristynfaye Posts: 88 Member
    Um, yeah. I run into walls all the freaking time, and trip over nothing on the floor. Last weekend I sliced off the end of my thumb with a mandolin when I was cutting veggies for dinner. I'm constantly finding bruises and I have no idea how I got them.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I am. I have never been graceful. I have never had bruise free legs because I often walk into stuff. If there is a stone/piece of glass/a place to stub your toe on the floor I will find it. I trip over stuff, and run into walls. I have not improved with age or babies haha
  • brboydjr
    brboydjr Posts: 43 Member
    It's probably safe to assume your name isn't Grace..

    LOL:laugh: :laugh:
  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236
    It's probably safe to assume your name isn't Grace..

    No. No way. Lol. (I dont know why.. But I cant stop laughing)

    I am usually not such a klutz.. But for the past two months or so.. It has gotten bad. (Maybe it was from when I slipped on a patch of ice on my deck and fell down the stairs? I did hit my head pretty hard...)