You know you've been single for too long when...



  • JessieJanie
    JessieJanie Posts: 428
    I will marry you!

    Hahaha, I skipped your reply without realizing it. Damn, how can I miss out a marriage proposal?!
    You're pretty, yes, I accept. :P Do I take it you like the same things?

    Yes! You're pretty too! I love Dr.Who, and sci fi movies, and horror movies and cooking. I'm pretty nerdy, and I'd rather stay home and sew or watch Firefly than go out drinking.

    A girl after my own heart. Yes, beach wedding or garden wedding? I leave it up to you. A Vegas wedding is good too. :P
    I love knitting, it relaxes me a lot. Tell me you're a tenth Doctor girl and we can start picking names for the babies.
    Oh, I have been meaning to try watching Firefly. People keep recommending it to me, but since I'm in the middle of a X Files re-watching I haven't really had time.

    Let's go with a beach wedding. David Tennant forever! Seriously! We should get married. And you should get around to Firefly, it's awesome. Although, I'm an X-Files fan too, so I can't blame you for not getting to it yet. If you're also into fifties pinup stuff, then we're soul mates.

    I not only love 50s pin-up stuff, but my whole style on daily basis is inspired by it. One of my biggest girl crushes is Dita Von Teese. I adore the fashion, the lingerie, everything. I made a post today showing my new swimsuit which is from my mom, an original 50s piece. I even work out listening most of the 50s inspired songs by Christina Aguilera.
    And you like X Files.... yes, this is official, girl. We're sooo getting married. (I will start by sending a FR if you don't mind. xD Or does that make me creepy?)

    Yay! And I already sent you a FR!!!
  • Darius66
    Darius66 Posts: 62 Member
    We exist!

    We just didn't believe you did!
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    just jumping in to say this exchange is making me chuckle - love it when you click with someone when you just start chatting :)

    By the way, saw the pic of your Mum's swimsuit and it's lovely, lucky you having such a lovely cossie to wear
    I will marry you!

    Hahaha, I skipped your reply without realizing it. Damn, how can I miss out a marriage proposal?!
    You're pretty, yes, I accept. :P Do I take it you like the same things?

    Yes! You're pretty too! I love Dr.Who, and sci fi movies, and horror movies and cooking. I'm pretty nerdy, and I'd rather stay home and sew or watch Firefly than go out drinking.

    A girl after my own heart. Yes, beach wedding or garden wedding? I leave it up to you. A Vegas wedding is good too. :P
    I love knitting, it relaxes me a lot. Tell me you're a tenth Doctor girl and we can start picking names for the babies.
    Oh, I have been meaning to try watching Firefly. People keep recommending it to me, but since I'm in the middle of a X Files re-watching I haven't really had time.

    Let's go with a beach wedding. David Tennant forever! Seriously! We should get married. And you should get around to Firefly, it's awesome. Although, I'm an X-Files fan too, so I can't blame you for not getting to it yet. If you're also into fifties pinup stuff, then we're soul mates.

    I not only love 50s pin-up stuff, but my whole style on daily basis is inspired by it. One of my biggest girl crushes is Dita Von Teese. I adore the fashion, the lingerie, everything. I made a post today showing my new swimsuit which is from my mom, an original 50s piece. I even work out listening most of the 50s inspired songs by Christina Aguilera.
    And you like X Files.... yes, this is official, girl. We're sooo getting married. (I will start by sending a FR if you don't mind. xD Or does that make me creepy?)

    Yay! And I already sent you a FR!!!
  • Quix82
    Quix82 Posts: 99 Member
    I've been single for a long time. The single life is getting kind of old but hanging out with the couples that I have over the past few years makes that "choice" that much easier though. :P
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    I will marry you!

    Hahaha, I skipped your reply without realizing it. Damn, how can I miss out a marriage proposal?!
    You're pretty, yes, I accept. :P Do I take it you like the same things?

    Yes! You're pretty too! I love Dr.Who, and sci fi movies, and horror movies and cooking. I'm pretty nerdy, and I'd rather stay home and sew or watch Firefly than go out drinking.
    You are my type of girls - too bad you don't live closer- we could not "hang-out" together! :)
    Eventually you will meet the right guy- go do something you love to do- there will be someone there who loves it too. :)
  • LeeM86
    LeeM86 Posts: 124 Member
    @ghsfitnesspal - It has been nerdy love at first sight, to be honest. lol. I love it when that happens too.

    We exist!

    We just didn't believe you did!
    We exist, and no one sponsor us like they do with Pandas.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    I'm the same way and been with my boyfriend for 3 1/2 years. I drink maybe 2-3 drinks/year b/c I don't need the calories!

    Don't worry and don't stress... you'll find the right one :)
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    Aweeeee... sounds relentless.... just DO NOT Start collecting CATS, and talking to yourself....If i wasn't married I would become a hermit....i think... BUT you are young and you will find someone... KEEP POSITIVE...
  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    You'd rather sit home and watch the new season of the Borgias than put on a bra and deal with some strange guy's issues...
  • LeeM86
    LeeM86 Posts: 124 Member
    I will marry you!

    Hahaha, I skipped your reply without realizing it. Damn, how can I miss out a marriage proposal?!
    You're pretty, yes, I accept. :P Do I take it you like the same things?

    Yes! You're pretty too! I love Dr.Who, and sci fi movies, and horror movies and cooking. I'm pretty nerdy, and I'd rather stay home and sew or watch Firefly than go out drinking.
    You are my type of girls - too bad you don't live closer- we could not "hang-out" together! :)
    Eventually you will meet the right guy- go do something you love to do- there will be someone there who loves it too. :)

    Shame! It would be cool to have a group of nerdy girlfriends to hang out. I'm pretty much the only nerd in my group, even if some of them like some shows I like, but not in a fangirl way. Am I too old to fangirl? Whatever, I'm young at heart. xD
    I know, I know... sometimes you just miss having someone to stay at home with, an cuddle, and cook, and have relaxing nerdy fun. *pouts*
  • Darius66
    Darius66 Posts: 62 Member
    @ghsfitnesspal - It has been nerdy love at first sight, to be honest. lol. I love it when that happens too.

    We exist!

    We just didn't believe you did!
    We exist, and no one sponsor us like they do with Pandas.

    Well now I know you exist ;)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    you develop carpal tunnel from....well, you know...
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    We exist!

    We just didn't believe you did!

    Yes, they are out there. I seen them. Most of the time they are taken, too young, or married :ohwell: Won't stop me from looking. Also you know you been single for too long when a girl flirts with you and you are clueless/oblivious to the flirting. Happens to me all the time.
  • Wakefromsleep
    I think it is because you are always surrounded by weeping angels. Get rid of them, and your time traveler will find your demension soon enough.
  • LeeM86
    LeeM86 Posts: 124 Member
    We exist!

    We just didn't believe you did!

    Yes, they are out there. I seen them. Most of the time they are taken, too young, or married :ohwell: Won't stop me from looking. Also you know you been single for too long when a girl flirts with you and you are clueless/oblivious to the flirting. Happens to me all the time.

    Hahaha, I can relate with the last one so much. I think it specially happens to those of us who didn't really get much attention before.
    I was jogging some weeks ago and some guy started to talk with me and say nice things about how he saw me jogging almost everyday and what a cutie I was and blah blah yada yada... and I was looking around like "are you talking to me?" lol. I'm socially awkward on top of all.
  • LeeM86
    LeeM86 Posts: 124 Member
    I think it is because you are always surrounded by weeping angels. Get rid of them, and your time traveler will find your demension soon enough.

    Don't you see my photo? I open my eyes wide to not blink. Weeping angels scare me too much... but that would explain a lot. Yes.
    Should I start making "bad wolf" grafittis? That would actually be a great idea to attract nerdy guys. Like a mating call for nerds.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    I know I have been single for too long when I realize that the only guys I am attracted to are the ones who are 10 years younger than me. Which equals the 10 years I have been single. So basically my taste in men hasn't changed and I am still stuck in being in my early 20's.. lol

    I thought you were going to say 14 and 15-year-olds. lol
  • lanajaymurphy
    lanajaymurphy Posts: 129
    Might just add you know you've been single too long when:

    Your grandmother start asking when you will get married..
    People start questioning your sexuality..
    You slowly let yourself go..
    You see happy couples smile, then pour anther drink..
    You can't remember the last time you kissed someone and felt something
    Infact you can remember the last time you kissed anyone at all..

    sigh.. this clip always makes me giggle.
  • Wakefromsleep
    Dress up in anything Next Generation or Battlestar and you will be shaking them off with stick
  • Darius66
    Darius66 Posts: 62 Member
    Dress up in anything Next Generation or Battlestar and you will be shaking them off with stick

    Oh man I am not even that nerdy anymore but that still does it for me!