Why did you start?



  • HermioneDanger118
    HermioneDanger118 Posts: 345 Member
    Because I want to be an action movie hero girl. :smokin:

    I want to be able to run through the jungle for 3 miles without coughing up a lung.
    I want to be able angry, determined pull-ups in a holding cell.
    I want to be able to go to kick boxing classes and not have anyone question it.

    Also, I want to be able to be able to beat my husband in tickle fights. :heart:

    you are awesome

  • alglenn2013
    alglenn2013 Posts: 97 Member

    to be able to see what I'm shaving,

    Eloquently said!

    This and to stop hating parts of my body. It is all me, and I shouldn't hate any of it!
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    I've never been thin, but I was much more fit in my 20s, before the kids, and then when the kids were babies/toddlers/preschoolers.

    But the last 4-5 years has been really hard and complicated, and I got sedentary. And I started feeling old. And powerless. And creaky. And I may have to be middle-aged, but I don't have to be middle aged and weak and incapable.

    So while there's a whole lot going on right now with my family, job, community that I have absolutely no control over? I can do something for myself. and while I'm at it, I can model a life of activity and self-care for my kids.

    All the vanity in the world didn't make me start. Larger clothing, unflattering pictures weren't enough. But realizing I felt winded at the top of a long flight of stairs and wasn't able to lift something that *I* moved into the house 7 years ago? That was eye opening.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    the biggest loser show inspired me
  • tessaeve
    tessaeve Posts: 75 Member
    For health reasons and to be able to keep doing my favorite hobby, horseback riding.

    But mostly:

    My best friend lost 100 lbs. and I became "The Fat Friend".
  • REDROBE_69
    REDROBE_69 Posts: 48
    I grew up loving comic books. So I've always wanted to be strong.
  • vickybabydoll
    vickybabydoll Posts: 13 Member
    It use to be real easy to lose weight...i'd stop eating so much exercise a little and the pounds would fall off but ever since i reached the mid 20 mark they just creeping up and up. After tons of clothes not fitting or being too tight and then finally having to give in to buy bigger clothes... Time to make a change and I realized this is pretty much a life time commitment to eat healthier and be more fit if I want to lose it and keep it off but I'm ready. Been a shaky two months but I've seen enough progress to keep me going and it helps that I have friend who happens to trying to lose weight as well so we are doing this together.
  • Diana8923
    Diana8923 Posts: 147 Member
    I always kind of battled my extra weight. I know what it means to be a 10 years old girl on a diet. I was always the chubby, chunky one. In my teenager years my motivation for loosing weight was to get others appreciation. That's gone now. And I think I am now mature enough to do it for me, for my health, for my joy. And I've came here to meet people with the same issues as mine. People who have been bullied and what not. The food and exercise diary works great for me and showed me what I'm doing wrong. And the people here are amazing and inspiring. :flowerforyou:
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    My younger sister started losing weight. I didn't want to be the only fatty in the family. Haha
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    Started to look better in my wedding dress, staying to get fit for life.
  • coldwishes
    coldwishes Posts: 49
    Not being able to wear the clothes I wanted to, and not feeling attractive in anything I did wear.
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    One day, I was taking a shower and realized I was getting winded. I couldn't believe what was happening to me. I made the decision that feeling had to end. No one should get tired from moving a washcloth around.

    Today is my 500th consecutive day on MFP; I haven't missed since day one. When I think about how I felt that day, I'm both happy and sad. Happy that life is behind me but sad I had to hit my ultimate low to get here.
  • unapologetically_crystal
    i started because my family is overweight. my mom and i both used weight watchers in the past. i think she lost like 65lbs.. anyways the new year would be coming and we had iphones and my mom said she heard there might be apps to lose weight. i searched and said there were calorie counting apps but that i had no idea how calorie counting worked. my mom was really interested but new to apps in general so i knew i needed to figure out the app for her and teach her how to use it.. so then i said id do it with her. that i would try. and then i found out it was fun and my weight started dropping. :) she lost a nice bit of weight here too but still struggles because she doesn't always stay accountable and she is too stressed and doesnt get support other then me. but im super thankful to her for this idea because surely i would have NEVER started otherwise.
  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    Main reason? because I'm fed up of being fat.....morbidly obese to be precise :frown: next my age. I ain't getting any younger :blushing: Thankfully I'm not suffering any ill effects from all this fat YET (well, apart from aching knees!) and want to give myself the best chance I can of not getting high BP etc. And,........I want to feel SEXY!!!!! At this size, I certainly DON'T :grumble:
  • healthytanya1
    healthytanya1 Posts: 198 Member
    Size 20 jeans did it for me and my xl shirts were getting tight. I gain all my weight in my butt and thighs so I like to measure my progress with jean size and now I'm down to a 14 after losing 25 lbs. Still have 25 more to go until my first goal and hoping I will be a size 10.
  • dietcokeg
    dietcokeg Posts: 68 Member
    I got sick of hating to look at myself in pics, i was always in denial about my weight and it wasn't until i looked in pics that i saw the full gravity of the situation that was my obesity.

    i got sick of saying at home all day and the rare time i went out i would wear ugly sweat pants partly because i didn't want to be noticed and partly because its the only thing that fit.

    i got sick of running out of breath running up a flight of stairs.

    i got sick of shoveling crap down my throat and not feeling satisfied after.

    i got sick of not being apply to buy 'cute' clothes anymore.

    I am not here yet, but i closer then i was yesterday and i feel great - go to the gym everyday because i love it, cooking healthy, doing my first 6k on 9th June and a step closer to fitting into my cute clothes in my wardrobe!
  • Diana8923
    Diana8923 Posts: 147 Member
    I got sick of hating to look at myself in pics, i was always in denial about my weight and it wasn't until i looked in pics that i saw the full gravity of the situation that was my obesity.

    i got sick of saying at home all day and the rare time i went out i would wear ugly sweat pants partly because i didn't want to be noticed and partly because its the only thing that fit.

    i got sick of running out of breath running up a flight of stairs.

    i got sick of shoveling crap down my throat and not feeling satisfied after.

    i got sick of not being apply to buy 'cute' clothes anymore.

    I am not here yet, but i closer then i was yesterday and i feel great - go to the gym everyday because i love it, cooking healthy, doing my first 6k on 9th June and a step closer to fitting into my cute clothes in my wardrobe!

    This really spoke to me! Way to go girl! :wink:
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    I hit an emotional low about 16 months ago, I could feel my depression coming back, my health was going in the toilet and I looked at my then 5 year old daughter and I said enough is enough. I wanted to keep up with her, be a positive role model to her and I wanted to love myself again.

    I have achieved all that, my BP is normal again, I have lost 75lbs and gone from a size 16 to a size 6/8, food is a daily conversation here as well as physical activity. My DH and I want to be a role model to our daughter compared to what other things she sees in our family.
  • Kxgz
    Kxgz Posts: 198 Member
    Quit smoking and didn't want to gain weight. Now I love training and I can't wait to see what I am capable of.
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    The reflection in the mirror made me start .