Dr Recommends Gastric Bypass over lifestyle



  • sammi674
    sammi674 Posts: 41
    You should definitely look into getting a different doctor! Good on you for standing up for yourself and saying no. You have lost weight, and that's proof you have the mindset to do this on your own. Even with the surgery, a person has to make huge adjustment and learn to be healthy or they'll just gain it back with or without surgery. The stomach can be stretched again, and more often then not, it is... So trying to make someone go through a major surgery who can succeed without the 'tools' is dangerous and unprofessional.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am so Proud of you for doing what is "Right" for you. I would R-U-N Far and Fast from that Dr. He is Scary!

    It is not because he is recomending Surgery, Surgery is the Right Choice for some people. The Scary Thing is that he is not acknowledging your Hard Work and Success and - Even More Important!! - he is not acknowledging Your Words and Your Desires for Your Own Health Care.

    :heart: I am praying that you are able to get away from him. Don't let your Insurance force you to stay with him. Fight them HARD if you have to because You Are Worth It!!!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,155 Member
    Great job! You're proving you're capable of doing it the better way so there's no reason to be pushed into this surgery. I think it's time for a new doctor, one with a little more compassion and humanity. They're out there. I just saw a new family doctor for a physical (the old one left) and instead of trying to steer me into the weight loss program they also run (shakes for meal replacements) this one just acknowledged my 31 lb loss and didn't mention it.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    So, what's the problem? Your idiot doc is an azz...YOU are the customer, find another, YEAH, it's that simple!

    If you are not threatened immediately, continue to do what you are doing, your way is the BEST and more sustainable.

    BTW: Vegetarians are taking the title back...anyone who eats Flesh (fish) or products from animals are NOT Vegetarians! And frankly, in addition to no animal products, I Believe that at least 60% of your food should be Fruits and/or Veggies. These so called Vegetarians and Vegans who eat all of these high carb - refined items (they are not food), texturized protein and cereals are "Carbotarians" not Vegetarians. So called Vegetarians who do not like veggies and fruit is a true joke; they are in it for one thing...the REFINED carbs!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I haven't seen your charts so I'm not going to join in on piling on the Evil Greedy Doctor. And this doesn't rise to the level of bullying. But good for you for deciding to commit to a lifestyle change. I'm rooting for you to succeed. You may want to switch to an Endo that you respect for future treatments examinations tho.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Find a doctor that will work with you through the lifestyle change and efforts to lose weight through diet and excercise. There's no sense in fighting with someone you don't respect or think has your best interests at heart.
  • marygee1951
    marygee1951 Posts: 148 Member
    I'm so glad you have the guts to say 'No!', OP!

    I can't stand the thought of throwing up on perfectly normal foods. I admire those who do succeed with surgery, but the limits it puts on your culinary life are not something I'd volunteer for, even without taking the risk of complications into consideration.


    I seriously considered surgery....and just about every doctor I see recommends surgery. I actually went all through the pre-surgery requirements.....orientations, individual and group counseling, losing % of weight, etc. -- but then I thought of all the problems people have after the surgery - dumping, not being able to eat fatty foods, etc. I enjoy food too much to give it up !
    I want to be able to eat anything I want (in moderation). :laugh: :laugh:
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    I have a family member that did more than the gastric bypass-he had most of his stomach removed. He is a very intelligent person as well. I still, to this day, cannot understand the logic behind life threatening surgery over gaining control of your food intake. Yea, it is hard to study diet and then actually control the food intake in both quantity and quality. However, the gastric bypass only addresses half of the problem, the food quantity, it does not address the food quality problem.
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    Find a doctor that will work with you through the lifestyle change and efforts to lose weight through diet and excercise. There's no sense in fighting with someone you don't respect or think has your best interests at heart.

    Not just a doctor. I would make friends (online and in person) with people that have overcome obesity by a lifestyle change. Too many doctors look for shortcuts, i.e. pills and surgery.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I'm seeing a weight loss doctor and my endocrinologist on a regular basis.
    Today I'm with my endo.
    He hasn't seen me in 6 months.
    After 3-4 minutes he says to me-and not in a compassionate voice-"So when are you going to
    just buckle down and get the surgery?"
    I was incensed.
    I had just told him I've lost 45 pounds.
    This is the 2nd time he's tried to bully me into surgery.
    I told him "never".
    I told him I know people whose lives were destroyed bc of a botched surgery.
    Then I asked him what about the people who after 5 years start stretching what's left of their stomach out and become overweight all over again? My issue is appetite control. Cutting half my stomach won't stop appetite. But teaching my brain and body to reach for salads and protein when I'm hungry, and not cakes, cookies, ice cream and bread; and increasing my activity every month, week and day will help me to accomplish my goal.
    When he was with a patient in the next room, I heard him telling that patient how he was an ovo lacto vegetarian....how superior it must be to be him.
    I can't help but imagine how this as**ole has brow beaten less "stubborn" people into surgery. Don't get me wrong...surgery is the answer for some people, just like my methods are the answer for others. For this pompous as* to try to bully me into what he "thinks" is best for non-vegetarian fat people just rubs me the wrong way. I actually fantasized about getting up and beating the sh(& out of him right there in the treatment room.......but then I'd probably have a hard time refilling my testosterone prescription.

    Two words: "You're FIRED".
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    Get a new doc! Obviously what you are doing is working so keep up the good work. Several coworkers and friends/acquaintances have had the surgery and its difficult with many possible complications.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Good for you. Do the best thing for your own body. Also, get a new doctor. :flowerforyou:
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    You can do this on your own and your skin will thank you !!!
  • mrswoodstock
    mrswoodstock Posts: 29 Member
    without going into to much detail. my ex husband was 770 pounds... he lost 100... had the surgery and DIED from complications. one of our biggest fights married was that i knew he could loose it if he really wanted to, i would say "if you can loose the weight you have to in order to even be a canidate for the surgery then you dont NEED the surgery bc if you can loose 100 pounds you can loose 200".

    i know about 12 people who have had the surgery. one (obviously) has passed away from complications, one has lost the weight and kept it off and is actually healthy, two have lost the weight but have been in and out of the hospital since, and the rest either lost the weight and gianed it back, or didnt loose enough to make a big difference. BUT thats just people i know of personally who have had the surgery.

    he isnt a good dr . remember alot of doctors get some sort of "kickback" for reffering patients to certain operations and medicines
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    The doctor doesn't make any money with you doing it your way.
    On your next visit, take a notepad and take notes while he's talking to you. And then ask him, "So you are actually recommending unnecessary surgery when I am successfully losing weight without it? Do you mind if I record these consultations?"

    Or get a decent doctor.

    Forget about the notepad - make it a tape recorder. It sounds like this doctor is more concerned about making money off of an unnecessary surgery than your health. Time to shop for a new doc, I think.

    And a giant *FANTASTIC JOB* for the 45 pound loss!!! :flowerforyou:
  • KettleCorn13
    KettleCorn13 Posts: 6 Member
    Please, please get a new doctor. I have a good friend that had it done and just had to have emergency surgery to remove scar tissue that was causing severe pain. Another friend's dad had it done and he ended up having a massive stroke from it. Last but not least, another friend of a friend actually lost her life at 28 after gastric bypass. Her organs failed and she passed away shortly after Easter a couple of years ago. I'm not trying to scare anyone, but it's a serious surgery.

    Any doctor that recommends surgery over a healthy lifestyle, should not be a doctor. Sending you healthy wishes!
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    Find a doctor that will work with you through the lifestyle change and efforts to lose weight through diet and excercise. There's no sense in fighting with someone you don't respect or think has your best interests at heart.

    Not just a doctor. I would make friends (online and in person) with people that have overcome obesity by a lifestyle change. Too many doctors look for shortcuts, i.e. pills and surgery.

    I totally agree. One of my friends here lost over 130 pounds..no surgery. She went to a nutritionist. At first her calories were 1600, later 1200. She stuck and still sticks to a very clean diet. She loses consistently and has less then 30 pounds t go. It can be done. I suggest a nutritionist and finding people on here who have done it without surgery. Remember you only have one life.
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    So, what's the problem? Your idiot doc is an azz...YOU are the customer, find another, YEAH, it's that simple!

    If you are not threatened immediately, continue to do what you are doing, your way is the BEST and more sustainable.

    BTW: Vegetarians are taking the title back...anyone who eats Flesh (fish) or products from animals are NOT Vegetarians! And frankly, in addition to no animal products, I Believe that at least 60% of your food should be Fruits and/or Veggies. These so called Vegetarians and Vegans who eat all of these high carb - refined items (they are not food), texturized protein and cereals are "Carbotarians" not Vegetarians. So called Vegetarians who do not like veggies and fruit is a true joke; they are in it for one thing...the REFINED carbs!

    Actually, vegetarians are simply people who do not eat MEAT.

    VEGANS are those who do not eat or use animal products, including not buying leather, silk, wool, etc.
  • WVmom24
    WVmom24 Posts: 266 Member
    You have to remember that doctors are just people. Even he, being an educated person on the matter, is subject to not truly understanding your situation and where you're coming from. If he continues to be so callused to your opinion on surgery, find a new doctor. Congrats on your loss so far....a lifestyle change is definitely the best way to lose weight. My mother got a lap band and lost 40lbs, then gained 30 back. Now she throws up after eating or drinking certain things, has bad cramps, and her stomach's stretched back to regular size. So she has many complications, paid out the wazoo for the surgery, and she barely has any weight loss to show for it. She could have the band filled more to re-constrict her stomach, but that is like $200 and the clinic is hours away. She can't afford to do that over and over. She just simply has no will power and wanted the surgery to be a cure-all. I've heard of many others having the same problems and more. Hope everything works out for you!
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    Let this Bozo-Doctor [no offense to real clowns intended] be your motivation to lose and get healthy with lifestyle changes---you can do it. And lose the doctor.

    I too know people who have had horrible consequences with surgery [and a few who have been fine]---trust your body and keep, keep, keep making changes. Remember even adding a few more minutes of walking or movement a day adds up.

    Success is the best "revenge" in this case.