5"3 ladies?



  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I'm 5'3, feel free to add :)
  • PrajnaFaux
    PrajnaFaux Posts: 45
    I'm also 5'3" and am really enjoying this site!

    I've lost 15 pounds since December (I'm at 183 now), but best of all I've been able to start running again, which I love. I like tracking my exercise and getting rewarded with extra calories. I've never seen a plan that does that, and I think that's why I've had trouble losing in the past. If I do a long run, I can burn 600-800 calories, and being on a 1600 calorie diet that put me into starvation mode. Now I know why I was gaining instead of losing: too much exercise and not enough calories! I have a lot more energy now, too.

    Anyone is free to add me, and my food journal is public. I try to use the note feature too, so I can track special circumstances, weather or not certain foods agreed with me, or how I was feeling emotionally. I'm using MFP in conjunction with Celebrate Recovery, so it is important for me to journal and be honest with myself.
  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    I'm 5' 3" looking to lose around 15 more pounds. Add me too if you want!
  • shayemimi
    shayemimi Posts: 203 Member
    I'm 5'3" and down 87+ pounds now (depending on the day lol) It's been a year since I started, and I'm basically done, just toning and firming now, and if the scale continues to go down that's good too. :) It can be done!! I have pics on my page. I started at 218.5 and I'm about 130. :)
  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member
    I'm about four months into things. I started off at 165 and now weigh 139 for a loss so far of 26 pounds. I still have work to do, but the pictures are the beginning of February, end of march and two nights ago.

  • Natalienowicki
  • tlzita
    tlzita Posts: 2 Member
    When you lose so much weight, does your skin shrink too? I'm 5'3. Started around 220 pounds and am now at 208. My goal is around 145-155. I've been wondering if I will have flabby skin all over or if it will shrink.
  • luckyshilling
    luckyshilling Posts: 229
    I am 5' 2.5". Currently losing. Check out my profile and friend me if you like. :wink:
  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
    140 i am guessing
    Hey Ladies, Im 5'3 and have been working out for about 6 weeks with my trainer. the scale has only slightly budged, but I feel my body has changed alot. I was wondering, based on my pics what do you think I weigh?
    BTW Waist: 26in Bust: 39.5 Hips:41

  • Natalienowicki
    Hope the pics come up this time
    Hey Ladies, Im 5'3 and have been working out for about 6 weeks with my trainer. the scale has only slightly budged, but I feel my body has changed alot. I was wondering, based on my pics what do you think I weigh?
    BTW Waist: 26in Bust: 39.5 Hips:41

  • VaingloriousVictoria
    VaingloriousVictoria Posts: 137 Member
    I've lost 133, and I'm looking to lose at least 20 more. :) Be proud and keep focused!
  • VaingloriousVictoria
    VaingloriousVictoria Posts: 137 Member
    I have loose skin, but I'm going to start seeing a PT to help build muscle and tone.
  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member
    @babymudd....I would guess 150-155. I weight a little under 140, so that's my basis for comparison.
  • molly_grue
    molly_grue Posts: 215 Member
    I'm 5'3"!
    This is me after I had lost 7 lbs:
    and now:
  • kaltey
    kaltey Posts: 20 Member
    I'm 5' 3. I've lost 39 and currently not trying to lose anymore weight. I started in August of last year.
  • Angiesolomon
    Angiesolomon Posts: 144 Member
    5"3 I lost ten pounds and now maintaining around 110
  • allycamui
    allycamui Posts: 9 Member
    I'm just over 5'3, maybe 5'4 on a good day, haha. I started around November of last year at 180, after having hit a ma of 186 previously with working for Godiva, lost about ten pounds, got off the train for awhile, gained back a couple of pounds and restarted last week and have lost 2.4 pounds since then to bring me to 169.

    The thing that has helped me the most is eating better (fresh fruit, veggies, little to no meat, watching the grains) and doing some exercise. I'm not much of a runner (yet), but I have been walking, walking, walking!

    Feel free to add. =)
  • natasa26ca
    natasa26ca Posts: 107 Member
    I'm 5'4 can I play?

    I was 218.6 I am now about 116 :-)

    absolutely amazing achivment. Congrats to you!
  • amitglinkedin
    amitglinkedin Posts: 223 Member
    Amazing Transformation
  • 21angelic
    21angelic Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 5"1 but I keep yo yo-ing, I lost 1. 1/2lbs last week and then this week I've put 1/2 back on...............still never mind :sad:
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