Why did you start?



  • NashvilleScott
    I have battled weight since my early 20's (I am 38 now). Sometimes I have won and sometimes I have lost. My largest was 380 back in 2004 and I managed to get back to around 215 by 2007. I then gained back to around 280 at the start of 2011. I was getting married in June 2011 so I went hard and weighed in at 235 on my wedding dat June 11th 2011. I guess I was married whcih made me fat and happy...lol, so I snuck back up to 300 in january of this year 2013.

    My wife and I want to have children and that is what hit me this time. I want to be active and set a good example for my future children and that started with me setting a good example and making better choices. So here we are approx 4+ months later and I have been working my butt off and weighed in today at 245.

    I am also happy to announce my wife is 14 weeks preggo. We had 3 miscarriages over the past 1 1/2 years and this is the first time we have made it to the 2nd trimester, so we are excited and I am as determined as ever to get this weight off.

    My original goal was to weigh what I weighed on our wedding day on our 2 year anniversary, whcih means I need to lose 10 more pounds in the next 3 weeks which will be very difficult. Then my long term goal is to weigh around 215 by the time the baby arrives!!

    Good luck everyone!!

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  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    Got sick and tired of being fat. I hate it.
  • chixyb
    chixyb Posts: 107 Member
    I actually started my final journey 1 1/2 years ago because it was my last "try" before I was going to have lap-band surgery. Well, my "try" turned into a "do" and I haven't looked back. Yes, I've always struggled with my weight, but I wasn't always heavy. I bounced back and forth via disordered eating most of my life. This is the first time I'm actually being healthy, and it's amazing.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    So my doctors will start treating my health problems instead of blaming it on being fat.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    I got tired of being 'fat' and feeling older than I was. A photo on a vacation with my daughter was the final straw.
  • edcardenas1227
    Because I got scared when I got on the scale at home and it didn't register. It only went up to 300 pounds. I had to do something. So now I've dropped almost 30 pounds and have about 30 more to go. I'm starting to feel better and loving the new me.
  • spangler1972
    spangler1972 Posts: 18 Member
    Why I started: I do some acting, and I there's a role I've wanted to do for years now. Problem is ... I'm starting to look old for the part. So, I thought I'd take off the pounds I should anyway, start lifting again (probably July), and see where I am in 7 months. We'll see if that shaves off enough years to fit the bill. Oh, probably some hair dye, too.

    Why I'll keep going is the more important part, but this was a good enough excuse to get me started. Even if it seems silly.
  • kevinpruitt
    kevinpruitt Posts: 50 Member
    I started for several reasons. First and most importantly, its pretty much the same reason I stopped smoking 2 years ago and that reason is so I could be a good father to my two year old daughter. I kept thinking how in the world am I going to keep up with this child when she gets older if I cant even get up off the floor after playing with her now.
    Also my wife has been a huge inspiration as we both are dieting together and on the same page, so it really helps.Lastly I love Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and eight years ago was quite good at it when I was a 120lbs lighter. A couple of months ago I went back to class after being gone all those years and adding all those pounds. At first I was miserable, couldn't move on the ground, white belts were keeping position on me and no matter what I tried, I just didn't have the energy to compete. That is now changing.
  • dlw1464
    dlw1464 Posts: 10 Member
    Because am tired of hearing myself complain about it and wearing black all the time:angry:
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 820 Member
    I moved to a hot country and realized that I wouldn't be able to wear 3 or 4 layers all the time. Also it seemed like a good a time as any to make a positive change in my life. I'm fed up with all my leggins and pants splitting at the seams (where they rub because I have large thighs), and I'm fed up with looking at something cute only by the time its my size its no longer cute, or there isn't one in my size :(
  • AlexThreeClaw
    AlexThreeClaw Posts: 73 Member
    I started because my thighs rubbed together so much it wore holes in my fat jeans. How much more clear does a sign get, right?

    You may think that would be a sign but I'd worn through two pairs of trousers without ever considering that the problem may have been my enormous thighs. In my mind it was no different than if they'd worn out at the knees. All material wears out eventually. Shrug. Replace.

    I started knuckling down and making an effort when I realised my weight was creeping up again and I was struggling to look after my dog without assistance. I'm finding it much easier to stay on track when I remember that he's my responsibility, and it's my duty to take care of myself so that I can take care of him.
  • SheilaNewton83
    My best friend and I wanted to have a huge bash when we turned 30. I wanted to be hot for this party! Well I got pregnant 2 months after I turned 29, and we didn't have the party. We plan to have one when we turn 31, and I WILL look good for it.

    My knees are killing me.

    My daughter is overweight and getting made fun of at school. We have commited this summer to getting fitter together.

    I have 3 beautiful kids that I want to be here for. Bad history of heart issues in my family.

    I wanted something to be passionate about. I love my kiddos and I love being a mom, but felt like all I am is a mom. I'm now passionate about getting my whole family fit and healthy and I feel better mentally as well.

    And well... I want to look smokin hot naked for my husband!
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    I received my wedding pics and really decided my new hubby and I needed a drastic change or we wouldn't be there to see our future kids grow up.
  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member
    Because I'm vain and I was sick of feeling like crap about my reflection.
  • philippians4and13
    philippians4and13 Posts: 32 Member
    Lets see, where do I begin:
    to be healthy,
    to be able to paint my toenails comfortably,
    to be able to see what I'm shaving,
    to be able to tuck in a shirt,
    to not be afraid to uncover at the beach,
    to feel comfortable with my body,
    to wear all those clothes in the back of my closet,
    to be able to walk 3 flights of stairs without feeling like I'm dying,
    to be a good example to my children,
    so my mom would quit telling me I need to lose weight,
    to get rid of my double chin (no more giraffe neck in pictures).....I could go on forever! LOL

    Yep, that sounds about right!
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    Because the pants size I've been wearing the entirety of my adult life weren't fitting anymore; I looked and felt like a stuffed sausage. Absolutely refuse to go up a pants size, so there was no choice but to go down some lbs.
  • greenmm1980
    greenmm1980 Posts: 86 Member
    A doctor I work with told me to go look at a patient in the ICU. He said "I cant fix fat. No matter what I do, I cant fix him." I decided that day I did not want to be that patient lying in the bed with the doctors saying they couldnt help me when it is something I could have fixed. So I did, I took the steps and choose to continue taking them every day. TFTB - too fat to breathe wont be a diagnosis in my future!
  • LouBeeeLou75
    LouBeeeLou75 Posts: 54 Member
    Jeans were getting tight and I wasn't prepared to go up a size.
  • zinatara
    zinatara Posts: 76 Member
    I had several reasons to start. One was that my mother got diabetes 2 and that means that I am at risk too. Another thing is that I felt that things got harder to do, like bending down and tying my shoes. And of course I'd like a body I can be proud of. But the most important reason is that I want my kids to learn healthy habits and have a mum who can do things with them.

    But I think I was just ready now. I've tried before, but it was easy to give up. This time I've invested time and money in this. I've bought new clothes for work out and am actually working out. And I'm using several apps on my phone including MFP. So I'm hoping this can be a lifelong change. But I'm still learning and finding out what works for me and my family.
  • Mya_Tala
    Mya_Tala Posts: 9
    I decided I was tired of not being able to keep up with the life I wanted and realized it will only get worse as the years and the weight pile on. So I decided to stop waiting for tomorrow to roll around to do something about it and decided to take that first step and i'm hoping to continue taking those steps each day that comes along.