Plus 50 and fit?

That wouldn't be me yet, but I was wondering who else is pushing 60 and on the fitness journey too!

How are you doing it?


  • stuosborn
    stuosborn Posts: 4 Member

    No one wants to talk to me!!??? Gosh..
  • georgygirl
    georgygirl Posts: 104 Member
    Not quite pushing 60 I'm 51 and definitely wanting to get fit
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    I'm 53, I walk 4miles nearly every day & go to the gym 3 times a week for strength training
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    It was my 70th birthday last month, not up to running marathon or climbing Everest fitness but I try to have a daily walk, weather permitting, not gym stuff, I would find that so boring & tedious, just walking to shops, or pub ;-), about 40 minutes a day, plus a bit of gardening now weather has improved
  • Maddius
    Maddius Posts: 78 Member
    G'day there,

    Knocking quite firmly on the door of 58, and have decided to exit weight and image problems forever. New to the journey so I'm watching what I'm eating and drinking and moving the bod with cardio and weight training. Replacing old obnoxious habits with new and exciting ones.

    Taking inspiration from those that have already achieved, those that are currently achieving and those who are engaging in doing the hard yards to achieve.
  • prdavies1949
    prdavies1949 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi I was 64 yesterday, I ran 7 miles last Sunday, I am in training for a 1/2 marathon next month.
  • KeithChanning
    KeithChanning Posts: 214 Member
    Hi I was 64 yesterday, I ran 7 miles last Sunday, I am in training for a 1/2 marathon next month.

    Happy birthday for yesterday. I am only three weeks off that - no running, but daily three mile (hilly) walk with the dogs.
  • stuosborn
    stuosborn Posts: 4 Member
    You ALL are inspirations to me. Thanks for the posts, folks..

    Now I know I'm not alone as a "pushin' 60"-year old into strength exercise and losing body fat. My trainer has me down to 218.. Lookin' for MORE!!
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    I am 57 and counting. I got rid of 23 pounds over 15 months.

    I am on Maintenance Mode now. My goal is to reduce Body Fat.

    I worked out 6 days a week, 1 of the 6 days with a personal trainer.

    MFP is very helpful to keep on track on my chosen healthy lifestyle

    Good luck in your journey
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I'm almost 50 and determined to get fit. I'm doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and C25K, with the goal of having several 5K races under my belt by the time I hit the big 5-0. My parents died in their mid-50s so I'm determined not to follow that path. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'm 51 and training for my first half-marathon next month.

    I do a 5k Park Run every Saturday - last week I broke the 30 minute target, and had a new PB this morning (waiting for the official result, but MapMyRun says it was 29 minutes)
  • DaveEnberg
    DaveEnberg Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 53 and on a fitness journey also. Made new years resolution to loss 72 lbs for myself and my wife. Not easy but very rewarding. My wife is also 53 and on the journey too. Sure helps to have her there. Best of luck with your journey.
  • dan323
    dan323 Posts: 271 Member
    I'm 52, training for my first marathon in November.
  • djkamin60
    djkamin60 Posts: 88
    I'm turning 53 in July and have been trying to lose weight. Was doing well until I quit smoking two months ago and packed on 25 lbs. so am back to where I started before my MFP journey. Did a 3-mile heart walk the beginning of May and next weekend I am doing a quarter marathon walk. Something like 6.5 miles.

    I have a group of friends(all over 65 years old) and we get together and walk, talk, laugh alot, and do fun things together. They are all retired or semi-retired and I work full-time so they do a lot more together, but the support is great. I need to lose because I am borderline diabetic with a strong family history of diabetes and heart disease.

    I have tried a lot of new foods and find I like them. Did Zumba for awhile, but was hard on my knees.

    Best advice for you would be find something you like to do and keep at it.

    Congrats on your weight loss so far!
  • Tess2076
    Tess2076 Posts: 1
    Hi. Will be turning 57 on June 4. Never thought I would make it this far; now that I'm here I need to make some changes. Aim to look better at 60 than I did at 50. Just getting started and have only lost 8 pounds with the help of a nutritionist but I am determined. Thanks for all the motivation I see here!
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Here I am last May (2012), 57 years old at 232 pounds


    Here I am last weekend (May 2013) before my 1st Mud Run, 58 years young at 151 pounds


    Here I am after finishing my 1st Mud Run

    Here's a link to my story about the Mud Run that also includes a link to my story when I reached goal on Easter 2013

    You can certainly lose weight and get healthier if you really want to.
  • TerriOuimet
    TerriOuimet Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 56 and working at it slowly. Waiting on knee replacement surgery so the exercise / fitness part is out of my life for now but working on keeping my food intake under control. Long way to go, but will makeit. Nice to meet you all
  • violettatx
    violettatx Posts: 230 Member
    Hi. I'm 54, and I do weight training 3 days a week and a bit of cardio on three other days. Weight lifting has made the biggest changes in terms of body composition, along with a balanced eating style and getting enough protein. It is never too late to start getting fit!
  • pamelawvonbergen
    pamelawvonbergen Posts: 6 Member
    Yes I am plus 50 - 54 to be exact. I was recently diagnosed with Diabetes 2 - definitely from being overweight. I have struggled with my weight nearly my whole life. I have now reconized that I have to change my lifestyle and the foods I put into my mouth. It is amazing when you track your calories to see how much I was overeating !! OMG But now its time to make a change and get to a healthy lifestyle. So far My fitness pal has been awesome.
  • BnBrew
    BnBrew Posts: 1
    Gonna give this a try. I'm 61, have COPD and trying to lose weight. I tried to do a bootcamp but because of the breathing problems, I just can't do it. Thankfully I'm not on oxygen and hope not to be. I go to the gym 3x a week and work with a trainer in a small class of women around the same age. I don't weigh myself everyday, I don't even weigh myself every week. I have lost 23 pounds so far but I think the lost inches count more. I've gone down a whole size since August and would like to lose at least 40 more pounds. I take my lunch to work everyday so I can be sure of what I eat. I do drink alot of green tea but more because I enjoy it not just because it's good for you. I'm going to keep at it!