help with exercise schedule

Making goals for June. This is my current schedule, but I miss boxing/kickboxing, so what should I get rid of to make time for it?

Mon- long run 7-8 miles
Tues - Upper Body
Wed- Core
Thurs - Short Run 3-4 miles
Fri - Upper Body
Sat - Leg Day
Sun - Rest


  • JulieBFit4Life
    how long are you core workouts? when I do my kickboxing DVD it is a CORE workout too.
  • HealthyNowForever
    HealthyNowForever Posts: 45 Member
    Core is usually yoga or pilates and the moves that are geared more towards abs/back. I usually do 45 minutes to an hour.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,618 Member
    Is the kickboxing a class or a video? If its a video, just do it opposite one of your lift or core days(like if you lift or do core in the morning, do kickboxing in the evening, or vice versa).