Just had a baby and started INSANITY today!!!

It has been a month since I had the baby and I've been recovering from a C-section. Today was my first workout day and I feel FANTASTIC! Anyone else starting Insanity too?


  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Truly amazing :-) Congratulations on the new baby, and your well being.
  • Kaedemoon267
    I am starting June 3rd. I am putting together a challenge group for it too :)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Wow! Insanity after 4 weeks? I thought I was hardcore doing kickboxing after 7 weeks :laugh:

    Congratulations on your baby :flowerforyou:
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member

    Just kidding. I'm jealous. Good for you!
  • ndaoang12
    ndaoang12 Posts: 10
    HI there
    I am currently doing insanity! and looking for other people who are also doing it :) motivation is the key right (:
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Congrats on the baby! I hope working out so soon is ok for you. I did my first real workout 5 weeks post partum and although I felt great that day, I woke up with bad cramps the next day and tmi but had some bleeding. So just listen to your body. Good luck!
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    You might want to talk to your Ob/Gyn before doing such and intense workout after a c-section. You are still healing and could potentially pull your internal incisions (not the skin) apart. Totally awesome that you're feeling so motivated to get back on the wagon though! Congrats on baby!!!
  • Akrion
    Akrion Posts: 115 Member
    I hate to say this but my OB/Gyn said that you're only suppose to be lifting as much weight as your baby for the first six months after the c-section. Insanity requires push ups and lots of core engaging exercises where you are lifting your own body weight.

    I am very sorry because I know how discouraging it may seem when you are so motivated but you should really get an OK from your OB/Gyn first before doing this exercise. Even a year after c-section, I still get twinges and cramps around my scar when I am doing the month two workouts.
  • JennChamb
    JennChamb Posts: 55
    I've had 3 c-sections so I miust warn you to PLEASE fake it easy. The first 6wks you're not supposed to exercise and it is advised to wait up to 6 month for any vigorous exercises, especially lifting and abdominal stuff. You can pull apart your internal stitches, cause a hernia, even rip the healing incision and have internal bleeding or other issues. Start small and work your way up. I'm 4m pp frlm baby 3 on Wednesday and I'm just now slowly entering ab workouts.
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    I hope you talk to your doctor before you do any more Insanity. I have never done that program, but understand it can be really tough, even if you're in great shape and haven't had recent surgery.
  • jimithegreek
    ....thought you had the baby AND started INSANITY today! That would have been something! LOL! Congrats on your baby!
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    Be careful because I just had a miscarriage 6 days ago and the doctors told me not to do anything other than brisk walking for a month.
    After a C-Section, I think you may be doing too much too soon :/

    Best wishes
  • heyyoudontgiveup
    heyyoudontgiveup Posts: 64 Member
    You truly are insane and may be going against your doctor's orders. There is a reason they say wait 6 weeks before working out or heavy lifting after a C-Section. Your insides have not healed completely and you may rupture something.

    Welp, good luck!!!!
  • Mumbles83
    Mumbles83 Posts: 626 Member
    Just finished week 1 of insanity :) ... and Congrats on the Baby

    Feel free to add
  • getrealforme
    I had 2 C Sections, and could not do vigourous exercise for 6 months. I walked a ton thou, and got back to my pre pregancy weight and lost another 5 pounds by the time my babies were a couple months old. I am in good shape, and would have never been up to a workout like Insanity after a C Section. Be careful, and talk to your doctor. Insanity is brutal.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Woah... people... OP hasn't said whether she's been cleared to exercise or not. And I've never heard of any doctor saying you can't lift anything heavier than a baby for 6 months! Usually 6 weeks recovery but it is possible in 4... I just gave OP the benefit of the doubt that she's been told it's okay.
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    I think on one of the "Insanity" infomercials, there was a lady who said she was cleared to do "Insanity" a week after having a baby. I wish I could find the video from that infomercial. I was like, "That's crazy!".

    I found the video on YouTube.
    Look at 2:12 in this "Insanity" infomercial video on YouTube.
    The lady says "I was cleared to workout a week after I gave birth."
  • JennChamb
    JennChamb Posts: 55
    Woah... people... OP hasn't said whether she's been cleared to exercise or not. And I've never heard of any doctor saying you can't lift anything heavier than a baby for 6 months! Usually 6 weeks recovery but it is possible in 4... I just gave OP the benefit of the doubt that she's been told it's okay.
    After a c-section the guidelines of exercise are different than a vaginal birth. A cesarean section is MAJOR ABDOMINAL SURGERY. No different than the restrictions to take it easy after appendix removal or open heart surgery. It's just as major surgery.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Woah... people... OP hasn't said whether she's been cleared to exercise or not. And I've never heard of any doctor saying you can't lift anything heavier than a baby for 6 months! Usually 6 weeks recovery but it is possible in 4... I just gave OP the benefit of the doubt that she's been told it's okay.
    After a c-section the guidelines of exercise are different than a vaginal birth. A cesarean section is MAJOR ABDOMINAL SURGERY. No different than the restrictions to take it easy after appendix removal or open heart surgery. It's just as major surgery.

    I've had 2 c-sections. I was kickboxing after being cleared for any exercise of my choosing at my 6 week postpartum checkup.
  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    I just want to say your amazing!! I don't have kids but I think I would be whooped out and not workout. Great job:)