Gastric Sleeve Patients?????

Hello! My name is Kelly and I had the gastric sleeve surgery a little over 5 weeks ago. I am doing really well for the most part but the one thing I still struggle with is dealing with the desire to eat!!! I'm not hungry, but particularly when I am at home, I could just graze my way through the evening. Now, granted since having surgery that really isn't an option as my stomach can only handle maybe 1/2 cup of food at a time. I guess I am really starting to understand the concept that bariatric surgery is a TOOL, not a solution! I have supplementing my diet with protein shakes to help get in the right amount of protein etc.... but goodness, I often have a hard time choking them down!

I guess what I am really looking for is other gastric sleeve patients to gain knowledge, insight and support from. So, if you are out there, I would love your words of wisdom and success. I am down a total of 29 lbs so far, with 15 lbs of that being since surgery. I went through a 9 month physician monitored weight loss program before I had my surgery.

Hope to make some new friends and meet new people going through this same journey!


  • sparker78
    sparker78 Posts: 9
    Hi Kelly
    I had my sleeve done on March 15th and have a total weight loss of 60lbs (20lbs on the 2 week pre op diet and 40lbs since surgery) and I completely understand where you are coming from, because I find it really hard to stop grazing also. And grazing on the wrong foods. I think if I didnt graze I probably would have lost a lot more than 40lbs since surgery. The sleeve really is only a tool, and not a miracle cure!
  • 65fl
    65fl Posts: 1
    Hey Kelly,
    I had the sleeve on 4/29. Your are absolutely right, this surgery as all WLS are a tool, not a miracle cure for obesity. It is our responsibility to make the right choices. What are you grazing on or right now you are just dealing with the desire to graze? I would highly recommend keeping fresh fruit in the house and graze on that if you must, otherwise do something else. Take that cute little dog in your avatar for a walk, do a 5 minute exercise routine, something, anything to prevent yourself from falling into old habits. We all have demons to battle, good luck on your journey and congrats on the 29 lb weight loss.

  • Candi5903
    Candi5903 Posts: 3 Member
    I am scheduled for my sleeve on 6/6/13. Just started my preop liquid diet today! So excited:smile:
  • silmarilliane
    silmarilliane Posts: 133 Member
    i don't have a sleeve but i completely know where you're coming from - the diet chef adverts go on about how you don't feel hungry with their food. i'm not overweight because i feel hungry all the time, but because i like food and most of the time can't stop myself eating!!
    i find things like boiled sweets or chewing gum quite handy as they keep my mouth thinking it's getting food for a while and fairly low cal. i also find sometimes i really want something savoury (which would normally be a pack of crisps), but have a cup of oxo or something.

    hope you find a solution :)
  • joslynjeanne
    joslynjeanne Posts: 17 Member
    I had my sleeve on 4/26. I don't find that I want to graze cause it takes all I have to eat 3 meals and possibly 2 snacks. My biggest problem is that I spend 90% of my time thinking about what to eat, when to eat it and eating it. I hope that this obsession lessens when I'm further out. I don't want to spend the rest of my life fixated on food. Seems like trading one addiction for another.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    BUmp- I'm sending you guys friend requests- sleeved in December...5 months post op, down altogether 108 lbs! VSGers rock!
  • Hey Kelly i am Jacquelyn and i was sleeved 2/26 of this year and i'm down 78lbs since my day surgery!! I still struggle but i'm doing much better and starting to feel like ME again except with better habits! Even better i don't regret the surgery anymore!!! :))
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    We have a VSG group on here, with a lot of great threads to help, support and motivate you!!
  • Hello Kelly and Ladies,

    I had the gastric sleeve 18 months ago and I am down 74 lbs since I began with the pre-op. I was so afraid of any type of gastric procedure as I had heard all the horror stories. Nonetheless, I wanted to be off insulin so I proceeded. My insulin dosage has been reduced to half the dosage, but I am looking to get rid of it all together.

    Enough about my story; what I wanted to share was that is the reason I am here, to try and get these next 25 lbs off. the first weeks after my surgery, I thought I was going crazy, I couldn't even eat one egg!! Our brains have been trained to eat a full plate of food. Yes the sleeve has definitely helped with the eating, but not the brain function. I find myself eating six times a day rather than the normal three to try and keep from eating the junk. I have found that NOT to work. As one poster stated, you have to find something else to do. You can't sit around the house all day doing nothing or at all for that matter. Find a hobby, read a book, knit, walk, exercise -- something has to occupy our minds to keep us from thinking about food. Water is also a key. I add crystal light to curb my sweet craving.

    Bottom line is this is only a TOOL and we have to completely change our lifestyle. I exercise 3 to 4 times a week but in order to reach this goal, I have increased it to 6 times a week. On this plan, I am removing BREAD all together. I get my grains from cereal or oatmeal but no sliced bread, cornbread, cakes, pies, biscuits, etc. My rule is if I ABSOLUTELY have to have it, take one piece and leave it alone.

    The other key is we can't let our family and friends keep us from our goal. Send a meeting invite to yourself for times to exercise and stay active so that when that invite comes for a dinner party, you're already booked at that time, but can possible do that later. YOU ARE YOUR PRIORITY!!

    Sending you all friend requests!! Looking forward to the support.
  • healthieramanda
    healthieramanda Posts: 95 Member
    had my sleeve October 2012. I have lost about 50 pounds, but generally my weightloss is slow because of various medications I am on.

    Sending you all a friend request as some support would be fantastic!!!
    Anyone else - feel free to send me a request
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    Hi Kelly! Congratulations on your VSG. I had mine on 4/4/12. Grazing is definitely a problem. I usually combat the urge by having hot tea or Swiss Miss Diet Hot Chocolate. For me, the hot liquid satisfies that urge to put something in my mouth--almost like having food & I'm also making progress on my liquids for the day. I would get rid of anything in the house that is tempting--especially since you are still getting used to your new eating habits. If you are going to snack, make it something high in protein--turkey pepperoni, babybel light cheese, shaved turkey, a boiled egg. Make sure you track everything. I often pre-plan everything I eat so that I can fit my snacks into my calorie goals & then I don't feel tempted by boredom snacking because I know that I can eat my snacks when I want them.
  • 2bawallaby
    2bawallaby Posts: 17
    OMG there are more of us!!! YAYAY!!! I was sleeved on 17 April 2013. Have only lost 16kg since 1 April 2013. Whilst I know I should be happy about that, I would have liked a lot more. Made the simple mistake of not measuring myself before the surgery - I should have, as I know I have lost centimetres - just would like the scales to move more. My hubby took the scales away and gives them back once a week so that I do not consume myself with the desire to stand on them, and the subsequent disappointment when they have not moved!!

    I have started taking my runners to work, and when I am bored with what I am doing and go looking for food (yes those psychological tricks our mind plays on us), I put my runners on and go for a walk. Have told my colleagues that there may be times that I just leave the office for about 10 mins and they are fine - I don't smoke so I don't feel guilty about it at all. I have also started on the treadmill every night. I have just started 10mins at 4.00km/hr - now I know that is not a lot, but it is far more than I used to do (at 162kg walking into work was an effort) - and will build it up over time. Although I have only done it 5 times, I already feel better about it, and look forward to doing it each day. The walks at work have helped. At home, as well as the treadmill, I have gotten into knitting and jewellery beading. I think I am onto my 8th scarf!!

    I would love to be friends with you all and we can help each other along. I have just started the soft food part of my diet (we have 2 weeks soups, 4 weeks pureed, 2 weeks soft progressing moving into real food). So tips, recipes, support, motivation, guidance, love all appreciated.

  • willowbas
    willowbas Posts: 7 Member
    I'm not going to share my's very long and involves lap-band, erosion, an 8-day stay in the hospital, removal, and sleeve. Let's just say this - I'm currently seeing a therapist for eating disorders after realizing the sleeve, the band, DS, RnY are merely tools. My brain wasn't "fixed" when my body was. Nice to see successful sleevers! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi there! I had a VSG in November 2011. I weighed 254 before I started my 2-week pre-op diet. I'm down 66 lbs as of today and I feel great!

    Right after the surgery, the weight came off really easily. A liquid diet will do that to you. Once I was eating regular food, however, I plateaued. And yes, I was grazing. Not hungry, but eating when I didn't need to. My hair started to fall out. I had no energy. I was eating the way they taught me at the surgeon's office, taking my supplements, but I wasn't getting all the nutrition I needed. So I hired my own nutritionist.

    He put me on a diet that is rich in plant proteins - soy, hemp protein, nuts, beans, leafy greens - instead of animal proteins, and that has made a world of difference. My hair stopped falling out and my energy returned. I eat mostly vegetarian now (about 70%), supplemented with eggs and dairy most days, a couple of servings of fish or chicken a week and occasionally red meat. He says that it is because plant proteins do not need to be mechanically broken down in the stomach as much as meat does. Makes sense and seems to be working. He also has eliminated most of the bread and sugars from my diet, gotten me off of artificial sweeteners and generally has me eating "clean." That has stopped the grazing.

    The other thing that has really helped is exercise. I started a couch-to-5K plan in February and now run 30 minutes 3 times a week and do a yoga class 2-3 times a week.
  • Candi5903 - We'll be thinking about you tomorrow! Best of luck!
  • Hey Everyone,

    Had the gastric sleeve done on April 8, 2013 - it has been a learning process every day. I am learning very slow that I need to keep myself busy or I start snacking and not accountable for what I have eaten. Each day I keep saying I am going to put exercise in my daily routine and I have done it a few times since surgery but nothing set in stone yet. I have liking my fitness pal to hold me accountable with what I eat. Looking for recipes and ideals to keep me on track. Have a wonderful day everyone :-)
  • sguer56
    sguer56 Posts: 13
    Hello, I am getting the sleeve on July 8 and would really love some mfp buddies that have gone through or about to go through the procedure to talk to. Please feel free to add me as a friend so we can support each other. Thanks!
  • melegge
    melegge Posts: 5
    I am scheduled for July 1st! I am so excited to start my journey again with a tool I am so hopeful will work!! :)
  • SusanB148
    SusanB148 Posts: 72 Member

    I hope you can avoid going through weight loss surgery. Nearly everyone I know that went through it wishes they hadn't due to the long term digestive and other health complications.

    You might want to check out this forum:
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member

    I hope you can avoid going through weight loss surgery. Nearly everyone I know that went through it wishes they hadn't due to the long term digestive and other health complications.

    You might want to check out this forum:

    This is a bunch of b^llsh!t, to put it bluntly. I know many, many people who are happy and successful post-WLS. I also know many, many people (including me) who have lost weight "naturally" and then gained it all back plus some. I know one person who had Lap Band who regrets it, but only because it was ineffective and she wishes she had the sleeve.

    The main forums here are not WLS-friendly, but there are many successful, positive, healthy WLS people who use this site. There is a group for sleeves -- VSGers -- that is a more helpful place to post.

    Feel free to friend me -- I was sleeved 09/11 and eat healthy and work out hard with heavy weights and HIIT. There are a lot of sleevers and NROL devotees on my friends list that are very helpful as well.