Acupuncture- real or hooey?

jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
no im not asking iff acupuncture will help me lose weight. but has anyone truly received good benefits from it? (i.e. not a placebo effect)

mainly asking because (TMI, sorry) i have been having major cycle issues (lack there of, actually. possibly due to my crazy shift work schedule, which luckily just changed to a month of days followed by a month of nights (for months it has been 3 days, 3 off, 3 nights, 3 off...etc ) so im hoping that will help things). i think thats one of the main factors taking a toll on my body and my hormones.

ive heard from a few people that acupuncture may help regulate my hormones (and help me get pregnant) and might offer some good side effects for my body in other ways (digestion,maybe?)

just looking for some insight.


  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Acupuncture is a stress relief technique that hs been shown to work. In terms of weight loss it has nothing to do with energy balance
  • spacebabe47

    From the excellent blog Science Based Medicine:

    "A new study which randomized 638 adults to either standard acupuncture, individualized acupuncture, placebo acupuncture using tooth picks that did not penetrate the skin, and standard therapy found exactly what previous evidence has also suggested – it does not seem to matter where you stick the needles or even if you stick the needles through the skin. The only reasonable scientific conclusion to draw from this is that acupuncture does not work."

    Some points about Acupuncture:
    1) Acupuncture is said to work by "balancing you Chi". Chi come from a pre-scientific view about how the body works. While this make be a useful philosophical concept, it is not a medical one. Chi does not exist the same way insulin exists. You cannot balance it. It will not help regulate your hormones.

    2) All of the positive studies on acupuncture come from places that design their studies poorly and never publish any negative results. The better designed and properly blinded studies all show no effect.

    3) You may feel better after an acupuncture session. Most people really enjoy going to a practitioner, having their concerns addressed, and undergoing some sort of intervention. However, it doesn't matter what that intervention is. It could be poking you with needles or toothpicks or waving magic crystals over you. It also won't do much for you medically other than create a placebo effect.

    I would suggest checking out more articles on the Science Based Medicine blog on acupuncture. I find it is a really good resource for this kind of thing. It has well researched and cited articles written by physicians and researches who want to make sure science is the foundation of medicine.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I had acupuncture on the NHS in two of my pregnancies to help with pain and it did work.

    first time I had it done I was sceptical but afterwards the pain had defiantly lessened.

    It does not hurt - I can remember falling asleep during one of my sessions with about six needles in my scalp.

    A friend of mine had acupuncture during her chemo treatments as part of trial and she said it made a difference.

    i know that some people think its a lot of hooha but it is one treatments offered on the nhs - I had both a midwive and a physio who was trained in it.
  • Gongfu_1960
    Gongfu_1960 Posts: 23

    From the excellent blog Science Based Medicine:

    "A new study which randomized 638 adults to either standard acupuncture, individualized acupuncture, placebo acupuncture using tooth picks that did not penetrate the skin, and standard therapy found exactly what previous evidence has also suggested – it does not seem to matter where you stick the needles or even if you stick the needles through the skin. The only reasonable scientific conclusion to draw from this is that acupuncture does not work."

    Some points about Acupuncture:
    1) Acupuncture is said to work by "balancing you Chi". Chi come from a pre-scientific view about how the body works. While this make be a useful philosophical concept, it is not a medical one. Chi does not exist the same way insulin exists. You cannot balance it. It will not help regulate your hormones.

    2) All of the positive studies on acupuncture come from places that design their studies poorly and never publish any negative results. The better designed and properly blinded studies all show no effect.

    3) You may feel better after an acupuncture session. Most people really enjoy going to a practitioner, having their concerns addressed, and undergoing some sort of intervention. However, it doesn't matter what that intervention is. It could be poking you with needles or toothpicks or waving magic crystals over you. It also won't do much for you medically other than create a placebo effect.

    I would suggest checking out more articles on the Science Based Medicine blog on acupuncture. I find it is a really good resource for this kind of thing. It has well researched and cited articles written by physicians and researches who want to make sure science is the foundation of medicine.

    It's foolish to form opinions about without knowledge.

    Personal experience:

    1) My daughter (at 4 years old) was diagnosed with asthma She was being poisoned by inhaler steriods, vomiting after treatment, etc...It was horrible. ..Then, cured (c-u-r-e-d) of the disease with acupuncture and herbs from a Chinese-trained doctor. Cured.

    2) I had a 110 lb steel hatch slip at work and jam my neck, and within a year there were days I literally COULD NOT turn my head, period. Chiropractic failed...Physical terapy made it worse....Cortisone injections, temporary relief.....Then my gongfu teacher introduced me to HIS teacher, who with one (1) acupunture session fixed my neck.....Been 16 years now.
  • gettinfitaus
    gettinfitaus Posts: 161 Member
    All I know is that after two treatments I went into labour after being threatened with induction and all sorts of interventions.
  • missability
    missability Posts: 223
  • cerexflikex
    cerexflikex Posts: 58
    I really think you should see a Dr about your hormones and cycle.
  • rose_gian
    rose_gian Posts: 43
    Acupuncture worked to help relieve some discomfort from my scoliosis. I'm not familiar if there are any weight loss benefits. .
  • 007FatSlayer
    007FatSlayer Posts: 132 Member
    My husband and I recently started getting treatments for problems with pain and it works for the both of us. At first I was skeptical, but I'm surprised how well it works. I think who you select as your acupuncturist is very important and I'm sure it plays a part on if your treatment is successful or not. I don't know if it works for weight loss, but it works for the everyday aches and pains.
    Good luck
  • Lexi507
    Lexi507 Posts: 79 Member
    My head tells me that there is no way sticking a needle into someone releases heat and fixes energy pathways, but it apparently does work. I had a cat who had severe arthritis (abuse before I adopted her) and had a lot of trouble walking. The vet recommended that we try acupuncture and it seemed to work really well. She actually could walk pretty well for a couple of days after her treatment. Now, I don't understand how it could possibly have worked, but I know for a fact that there is no chance that my cat was pretending it worked so I'd be happy, so it apparently does work.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    I tried it when I lived in China. I didn't really feel it did anything much for me (I had it for several months so I gave it a good shot).

    I then moved to Japan. I have some bad back issues and when it got bad my colleagues here recommended I give acupuncture a try. I wasn't keen because I felt like it hadn't really worked for me but I was in a lot of pain and figured it was worth at least giving a shot.

    It was AMAZING. The guy here literally does miracles. I can't stress enough what a difference he's made to my overall well being. In fact he's made such a difference that I have only gone for one session in the last 12 months, basically things are so much better now I virtually never need to go.

    So to sum up. Yes it does work. I don't care what any studies show or don't show the fact is that for me personally he definitely made a huge difference (and I know I was predisposed to not expect a difference because of my China experience) and secondly not all acupuncturists are created equal. So if you do try and you feel it's not helping you might want to try a different practitioner.
  • 61keys
    61keys Posts: 20 Member
    My child was having a serious asthma week a few weeks ago. We had been to urgent care and the allergist that morning and his breathing was still labored. He had an acupuncture appointment already so we just kept it. We walked in and the dr runs out "I hear asthma" and takes him directly back. She breaks her "routine" and puts the needle in his asthma spot first. Within the minute his breathing returns to a normal range. His next appointment at the doctor he makes a 100 on his breathing test -- something my kid doesn't do.
  • 122ish
    122ish Posts: 339 Member
    I have never tried it but am commenting cause just yesterday when my cousin and I were discussing our depression and meds she said she stopped her meds when she started acupuncture. Although she is like the president of healthy eating and lifestyle since she started acupuncture so that might be a factor too. She is married to a dr and has her masters, so I kinda listen to her advice
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    actually, not hooey! which surprised me.
    but, in a recent copy of new scientist, i found the latest studies into the way accupuncture works. apparently it's all in the twist, which tugs on connective tissues. i'm dubious as to helping with weight loss but there is solid evidence that it works for many conditions.
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    I really think you should see a Dr about your hormones and cycle.

    ive of course seen a doctor. we are about to resort to a 2nd round of meds, so i wanted an opinion about other options.

    thanks all!
  • AnguishLanguish
    AnguishLanguish Posts: 149 Member
    I have had acupuncture to help with a back injury; my physiotherapist (fully trained and qualified to administer) identified that acupuncture was better at releasing deep muscle knots (not the exact words she used) than just using stretching and body pressure. It definitely worked for me. Not sure about its use for hormonal imbalances etc but it def helped with my injury.
  • Gongfu_1960
    Gongfu_1960 Posts: 23
    My child was having a serious asthma week a few weeks ago. We had been to urgent care and the allergist that morning and his breathing was still labored. He had an acupuncture appointment already so we just kept it. We walked in and the dr runs out "I hear asthma" and takes him directly back. She breaks her "routine" and puts the needle in his asthma spot first. Within the minute his breathing returns to a normal range. His next appointment at the doctor he makes a 100 on his breathing test -- something my kid doesn't do.

    My daughter had a similar experience (see my ealier post) . I recommend ANYONE whose child is diagnosed try it.
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    My child was having a serious asthma week a few weeks ago. We had been to urgent care and the allergist that morning and his breathing was still labored. He had an acupuncture appointment already so we just kept it. We walked in and the dr runs out "I hear asthma" and takes him directly back. She breaks her "routine" and puts the needle in his asthma spot first. Within the minute his breathing returns to a normal range. His next appointment at the doctor he makes a 100 on his breathing test -- something my kid doesn't do.

    My daughter had a similar experience (see my ealier post) . I recommend ANYONE whose child is diagnosed try it.

    Please, please, please any parent whose child has asthma DO NOT use acupuncture as an emergency treatment if their symptoms worsen. Children deteriorate very quickly, asthma KILLS children frequently throughout the world. I have seen this happen in emergency departments and the later you leave it to get medical assistance the harder it is to save them. An acupuncturist can not intubate and ventilate your child when their lungs shut down.
  • epie2098
    epie2098 Posts: 224 Member
    I absolutely love acupuncture. I have chronic shoulder pain, and have seen 3 doctors and 2 physiotherapists for it, as well as had an ultrasound to look for structural abnormalities. Nothing is wrong with me, but I have pain.

    Acupuncture is phenomenal. I can do yoga again, and reach for a coffee at the drive thru. No, I can't lift weights any more, but I can run and not be in pain, too.

    It's worth a try for weight loss, but it's still going to come down to 90% nutrition and 10% exercise over time. That being said, acupuncture and restoring energy balance cures my husband of night munching. I know when it's time to send him back because he eats everything in sight after dinner!
  • epie2098
    epie2098 Posts: 224 Member
    I really think you should see a Dr about your hormones and cycle.

    ive of course seen a doctor. we are about to resort to a 2nd round of meds, so i wanted an opinion about other options.

    thanks all!

    TMI alert, but acu helped lessen the rate at which my body loses blood. Awesome! Keep your hands still when the needle is in your uterus point :)