Do your family/friends find your diet annoying?

Is it just me or does anyone else feel a little scrutinized for changing their diet?

My family, friends and boyfriend sometimes do make snide comments about 'fussy eating' and my brother said something the other day about 'YOUR stupid vegetable healthy stuff'... I mean, I'm currently attempting maintenance as I have lost all the weight I need to, but I am still trying to keep up healthy eating habits which means still eating more vegetables, whole grains, lean meat etc and apparently that makes me a bad person for eating an alternative to burgers and fries!

Does anyone else get this? I don't really know how to deal with it... I hate feeling like I am annoying people but at the same time I want to keep healthy for myself. I had a McDonald's happy meal the other day and my boyfriend said 'I feel a lot happier when you eat fast food!' Great!


  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Been there, done that, and wrote the book. Keep doing what you are doing - that's all you can do.

    My friends pick the most gawd awful restaurants to eat at too - in fact they want to go out for fried chicken wings tonight. That's all fine and dandy as normally I would pick something else on the menu, if it were a normal restaurant. However, at this place, that is pretty much all they have, unless I just want to eat only a side salad.

    I wouldn't mind eating something higher calorie, but it has to be absolutely wonderful tasting, and fried chicken wings DO NOT fall under that category... lol
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    They did at first. Then they watched me lose a crap ton of weight, and now they're cool with it.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I have been thru this and continue to face this. I have been called crazy and obsessed even. I try to bring my own snacks wherever i go so i know i will always have something healthy on hand if i am in a position where i need to eat something. I have been laughed at more time than i can count. I have been called too picky because i ask for something to be made MY way.

    But i really dont care what people think any more... I am proof that what i am doing is working. I have turned down requests to go places with friends due to the fact i refuse to eat at a place that i cant order something i enjoy. Its not worth it to me unless i truly want to.

    Keep doing what you are sure they would like to have your dedication and secretly admire you for it!! Now that you are at your weight you have to keep doing what you are doing and be vigilant or it will come back.

    Sounds like your boyfriend would like to sabatoge you.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    When I first started at 215 lbs (just shy of being in the obese category), I didn't get as much flack for it. However, the closer I got to my goal weight, the more scrutiny and comments I got about my healthy eating choices.

    Many people don't understand why I still track my intake now that I've reached my goal. The answer is I don't want to be another statistic of somebody who lost the weight, only to gain it back.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I have been thru this and continue to face this. I have been called crazy and obsessed even. I try to bring my own snacks wherever i go so i know i will always have something healthy on hand if i am in a position where i need to eat something. I have been laughed at more time than i can count. I have been called too picky because i ask for something to be made MY way.

    But i really dont care what people think any more... I am proof that what i am doing is working. I have turned down requests to go places with friends due to the fact i refuse to eat at a place that i cant order something i enjoy. Its not worth it to me unless i truly want to.

    Keep doing what you are sure they would like to have your dedication and secretly admire you for it!! Now that you are at your weight you have to keep doing what you are doing and be vigilant or it will come back.

    Sounds like your boyfriend would like to sabatoge you.

    Congrats on your stats and making goal!
  • cook6609
    cook6609 Posts: 182 Member
    Sometimes I deal with this... However, I'm at the point of "I don't care what they think".... I have lost about 60lbs, and I'm loving the new me. I will not stop for them... Most of the time it's just jealousy on their part. However, I have had the opportunity to inspire others. My mom is now losing weight and she has lost 15 lbs so far (in 2 months). I'm just glad that I can make an influence on others which makes it worth it.
  • gabbylab
    gabbylab Posts: 146
    My family finds it most annoying when I decide not to go out to eat with them. I don't do this all the time, just sometimes I might be coming off a bad weekend and have set my mind to stay in line for the week.
    It's hard to get them to understand that I have to make these choices for myself sometimes, especially when they are heading to the local bar and grill to get 3/4 lb burgers.
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    Most of them are very encouraging. A few remind me to "not lose too much weight." I think they think I'm trying to get back to my 20 year old 5'7" 103 pound and ate everything in sight self. ;)
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    My family finds it most annoying when I decide not to go out to eat with them. I don't do this all the time, just sometimes I might be coming off a bad weekend and have set my mind to stay in line for the week.
    It's hard to get them to understand that I have to make these choices for myself sometimes, especially when they are heading to the local bar and grill to get 3/4 lb burgers.

    I handle this by eating first, then just ordering a glass of wine while they kill their arteries.
  • Cricket09
    Cricket09 Posts: 41 Member
    They did at first. Then they watched me lose a crap ton of weight, and now they're cool with it.

    You made me choke on my smoothie! ROFL! Love it!
  • adenium11
    adenium11 Posts: 173 Member
    I get it all the time. In the last year I have changed my complete lifestyle. Do not get me wrong Ill have a brownie or eat out here and there. However, I don't ( like you mentioned) seek this out. So when I try avoid it or minimize crap in my food choices Ill get comments from my mom like " well we will bring our own food cause you dont like to eat what we eat" well I have a family and cook the best for all of us, and things the kids will eat. So it's not like we are on the raw food diet here... so the change in our diet isn't extreme.. Oh The frustration!

    Keep at it though! You worked to hard to lose it over some fries ;)
  • StormSparks1994
    StormSparks1994 Posts: 50 Member
    Yup. My friends actually dragged me a restaurant where there was nothing healthy and said to me to have a cheat day even though it'd only been a week in. I end up having something of their dessert menu which was a fruit salad. Plus if I dare to have a guilty snack at home, someone (mother dearest) will remark "i thought you were on your diet". EVERY. SINGLE.TIME :angry:
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    I don't know if they think it's annoying but yesterday we had a cookout with my parents and she made a ton of food I didn't want to eat. Sure, I could have just had small helpings of things but I didn't want to. My mom made the comment, I don't know what you eat anymore. I mean, I still eat food, lol, just not unhealthy food. I don't know if she took offense and honestly I didn't care. She is overweight herself and I don't want to be her when I am her age. If she wants to eat that way, there is nothing I can do about it BUT I can control what I eat and what I don't eat. I don't think I should be given a hard time for being healthy. I don't let it bother me. I am gaining so much more, and not extra weight!
  • standoug888
    standoug888 Posts: 126 Member
    people are always going to criticize you when you make a change but all you gotta do is focus on you and not what other people think because there not trying to do the same thing you are I get it all the time a lot of times I don't even go out to eat with my friends because they wanna go to the worst restaraunts ever they always say "you don't always have to eat healthy" but if I followed what they said I would be eatin bad everyday because that's all they eat just focus on you and what you want to do. just stay focused and committed and don't listen to what other people criticize you of even if its family theres always going to be someone trying to bring you down
  • mshopey
    mshopey Posts: 125 Member
    I to a cafe the other day, to meet an old school friend, who ended up having a cheeseburger and complained that i should have one too, as it's what polite.
    I didn't, and lost 7lbs this week (my first week but still) and i'm glad i never had one.
    She said it tasted like crap anyways.
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    I'm getting flack for NOT changing my diet habits while pregnant. I upped my calories, but still eat pretty healthily for the most part. I'm pregnant, so apparently I'm supposed to pig out and not give a crap. Not gonna happen!!
  • herhighnessvictoria
    Yes! I just got home from college and I'm pretty sure my family is trying to sabotage me. My dad is really big into Paleo so a lot of bacon and red meat comes into the house. He also starts preaching if he sees me eating whole grains. They kind of expect me to eat whatever is put in front of me as well. I'm also into big breakfasts and they're not, so every morning it's, "I don't know how you can eat that much this early."
  • hilldiggity
    hilldiggity Posts: 166 Member
    I'd ask them why do they care what you eat and let them answer for themselves. If it's not interfering with the way they have to cook to be around you, then it should be no problem at all. I'd follow it up with, "I don't have a problem with the way you eat, so I don't understand why you have a problem with mine."

    Put it back on them. THEY are the ones who have the problem NOT you. Screw them if they find it annoying. It's your life, it's your choice, it's none of their business. And congrats on your loss!
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    When I first started at 215 lbs (just shy of being in the obese category),

    You must be tall because at 5'4-3/4" tall, 215 I was considered obese; even at the 184 which is my current weight the chart states I am obesed. (Boy that was hard to take after working so hard to lose those 30+ pounds :frown: )
  • rosellasweet
    rosellasweet Posts: 163 Member
    Standoug888 is right. Every time you make a change, a lot of the people close to you are going to criticize least at first. I've never understood this. I've been criticized for my choice of school and degree, but I now work at large law firm making a good wage. I was criticized for my marriage but here we are creeping up on year 2 and almost 9 years together overall.

    So naturally everyone started criticizing me for my eating habits. In college, a friend and I were doing P90 and seeing good results after a month when my friend decided she wanted to quit. The rest of that year all my friends wanted to do was eat out at places like Krystal's where all the teeny hamburgers are at least 200 calories and come in a 4 pack. Needless to say we were all gaining weight. When I moved in with my husband, things got a lot easier because my friends spent a lot of time eating and if I didn't eat with them, then I didn't spend time with them. Two of my guy friends were close to 300 and my female friend was hovering around 250. Somehow I luckily never reached the 200 mark and have stayed around 170-180. My husband sometimes criticizes my "rabbit food" but when we go out and I'm checking the restaurant website for nutrition information, he's very supportive. You have to learn to not care what others think because when you start looking great and feeling even better, then they'll have to eat their words.