Littlest Losers (week 7)

Hi ladies! Well, the bad news is that many of us saw a gain on Friday. BUT, the good news is that we can only go up (make that down!) from here! So let's not get down on ourselves but kick it up a notch this week!

I'm throwing out a challenge this week! NO LATE NIGHT SNACKING! This a HUGE hurdle for me. I can do so well all day and then dinner hits, and i eat it, and then eat everything else in sight until i've eaten all my calories. So this week, no snacking after dinner. NONE. who's with me?

Below is our progress - same as last week (SW, GW, CW):

Name SW GW 8/6
Akosky585 136 125 --
AnneElise 143 135 --
antiadipose 119 115 120
arobles3231 117 110 --
carilyn39 149 145 150
Chelseap891 126 110 --
Cooperledgen 140 125 --
Kath711 131 125 130
kath712 145 140 --
keylnn 158 135 --
Lobster888 130 125 128.2
MissyCrissy18 119 113 --
monkeysmum 136 125 136
mshay09 148 -- 151.3
princess purple138 128 135.8
rowie 135 125 --
salvirez 133 120 --
shannahrose 151 140 153.6
Shellee9tj 156 145 153


  • antiadipose
    week seven and ive GAINED a lb hahaha
    oh well... im not giving up.
  • antiadipose

    I'm throwing out a challenge this week! NO LATE NIGHT SNACKING! This a HUGE hurdle for me. I can do so well all day and then dinner hits, and i eat it, and then eat everything else in sight until i've eaten all my calories. So this week, no snacking after dinner. NONE. who's with me?
    i can max like a 1000 cals all day without feeling hungry... then its dinner time ... and then i want every fruit in the house, with yogurt, and nuts, and popcorn.. with some dark chocolate... and some cookies and milk lol

    im in with this challenge. ill try having my dinner a bit later... maybe 7 and then thats IT! maybe ill drink some tea or something after.
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member

    I'm throwing out a challenge this week! NO LATE NIGHT SNACKING! This a HUGE hurdle for me. I can do so well all day and then dinner hits, and i eat it, and then eat everything else in sight until i've eaten all my calories. So this week, no snacking after dinner. NONE. who's with me?
    i can max like a 1000 cals all day without feeling hungry... then its dinner time ... and then i want every fruit in the house, with yogurt, and nuts, and popcorn.. with some dark chocolate... and some cookies and milk lol

    im in with this challenge. ill try having my dinner a bit later... maybe 7 and then thats IT! maybe ill drink some tea or something after.

    haha thank God i'm not the only one. my pitfalls are popcorn, muffins, cookies, ice cream...
    this "no late night snacking" is something i'm going to try to stay with long-term, and i know the first few weeks will be the hardest. i've done it in the past and had success, but now i'm back to my old ways.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member

    im with the no late night snacking well snacking full stop in my case i tend toeat im full but then isee something and i nibble then i eat the whole thing feel ill afterwards but still keep doing it very bad for me
    plan today involve loads walking again so plenty calories burned if only i can stay away from the chip shop for easy meals
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Wow, week 7 already!! I am cool with the no late night eating challange! I am going to kick my butt this week and hopefully have a loss for weigh in!

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    What about dessert? Can we still have one healthy little dessert after dinner? Just asking...I can do without...maybe that is why I didn't have a loss. LOL

    Ok - I will do it this week. I am trying to switch things up anyway. I am going to stick to 1200 calories this week - not eat back my exercise calories - but only for this week. See if that can jump start my weight loss again. I have 3 (make that 3.2 pounds) left to lose but it is taking forever!!!! If this is maintance then I am in trouble!!!!!!

    Completed power 90 master series sculpt 5/6 this morning.
    I will do a short power walk tonight.
    I will drink 80 ounces of plain water
    I will only have one fruit and one good carb (South Beach)
    I will not snack after dinner!!!

    Lets see if I can get a loss this friday!!!

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • aggielauren
    aggielauren Posts: 16 Member
    I would like to join in! I don't really late night snack...but I all day snack. Between lunch at 5pm I'm ravenous, and I keep eating healthy snacks to tone the hunger down, but for whatever reason, I'm just completely beside myself with hunger in those few hours. Its as if those little mini snacks make me even more hungry, and once I"ve got dinner in me I feel good again. I'm thinking I'm not as hungry in the morning because of my coffee...

    So this week I'll try to tone my afternoon ravenous snacking down to just eating every 3 hours, and chugging the water in between!
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    What about dessert? Can we still have one healthy little dessert after dinner? Just asking...I can do without...maybe that is why I didn't have a loss. LOL

    Ok - I will do it this week. I am trying to switch things up anyway. I am going to stick to 1200 calories this week - not eat back my exercise calories - but only for this week. See if that can jump start my weight loss again. I have 3 (make that 3.2 pounds) left to lose but it is taking forever!!!! If this is maintance then I am in trouble!!!!!!

    Completed power 90 master series sculpt 5/6 this morning.
    I will do a short power walk tonight.
    I will drink 80 ounces of plain water
    I will only have one fruit and one good carb (South Beach)
    I will not snack after dinner!!!

    Lets see if I can get a loss this friday!!!

    Good luck everyone!!!

    that is my thinking too. i've swirtched up my exercise & am only doing the shred until my wedding, but i'm doing it everyday instead of a few times each week. i'm also tossing in a few spinning classes, but overall, much more strength training and less cardio than i had been doing.

    as for late night snacking, i'm allowing for one small sweet dessert (i always have dessert) after dinner, but NO EATING after 7:30 PM. i typically go to bed by 10 for my 5:30 wake up call, so this well give my body 2 1/2 hours to digest before it shuts down for the night. hope my new plan works!
  • shellee9tj
    shellee9tj Posts: 221 Member
    I am soooo with you all, I am a HUGE late night snakcer!! I generally don't go to bed until aroung midnight but I will stop eating at 8:30ish and call it a night (I usually sit and enjoy a snack after the kiddos go to bed at 8p). This will not be easy but that's why it's a CHALLENGE right, LOL!! Good luck all!
  • antiadipose
    i found eating dinner a bit later helped me, tho i did have some papaya after dinner last night.. it was still totally not sinful!
    i think if anything... ill have a few baby carrots or something like that but I AM IN on this 100%

    =] good luck ladies
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    We always eat early because of the kids and I try to eat one thing for a snack but lately it's been more so I will only eat one small snack after dinner. Will try to eat it earlier in the evening and only ONE!
    Good luck all!
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    had a successful night last night! ate dinner a bit late because i waited for my brother & future sissy in law to get into town. we ate dinner around 7:30, then i had a peach just before 8 and didn't eat anything else! wasn't even hungry!!

    completed day 6 of the 30 day shred this morning. staying on track with it this time! i can feel the strength increase in my arms & abs, which is encouraging. i'm even starting to see some definition in the tummy, which is something i haven't seen since before high school!

    happy tuesday ladies! we're going out to dinner tonight at a japanese hibachi steakhouse, so i'll try to make good choices by skipping the rice & adding shrimp to my vegetables. wish me luck!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I did good last night too. I had my no sugar added fudge bar after dinner and that was it. Just water until I went to sleep. The only goal I didn't do was an extra walk. I went for a visit to see my friend that is in town with her babies. So, i played with babies instead.

    But my goal for today:

    1.) Power 90
    2.) spin /ab class
    3.) Only 1200 calories
    4.) 80 ounces of just water
    5.) no snacking after 8:30

    Lets see if we can do it this week!!!!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Alright I am going to do the 30 day shred tonight and maybe before bed some yoga to relax. I have had a good day with fruits and veggies. Went shopping so I have a ton of fresh produce! :bigsmile: makes you feel so good!

    Its a hot one today so I am for sure getting in all my water! :drinker:
  • lew826
    lew826 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I'm new to this group, but I have something I'd like to add. I used to always eat after dinner, dessert, leftovers, whatever I felt like. I have to say that I think it is a habit that can be broken. One day, I decided that I would stop eating after dinner and that lasted awhile. Now if I am really hungry, I have a banana or a light yogurt so I do not feel deprived, but now that I am out of the habit, I rarely even reach for those. Good luck kicking the habit and I hope it pays off for all of you soon!
  • Fitmamasita
    I am having a lot of difficulty losing the dreaded 10 pounds. Last year, as I approached 40, my metabolism crashed and my eating habits went out the window after I married for the second time and began cooking large, family meals. I was able to lose the first 5 pounds I gained immediately but I have not been able to lose the last 10 pounds. I have been exercising pretty consistently and have stepped up my routine in the last month. My husband and I also began tracking our meals on myfitnesspal a week and a half ago. I see now why tracking calories is important. Before tracking my calories, the splurge meal or day I allowed myself was probably double the calories I thought I was taking in.

    Now, I'm tracking my calories (averaging 1200 cal./day over the last 1 1/2 weeks). I am also running/walking 2 miles 2-3/week and doing 1 hour of hot yoga each week. Why is the scale exactly the same?!! It's hard not to get discouraged. Any words of advice??
  • RooMcDermott
    RooMcDermott Posts: 105 Member
    I am looking forward to the start of school, love the routine of the fall and the change in the weather to cooler nights!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    I am looking forward to the start of school, love the routine of the fall and the change in the weather to cooler nights!

    I totally agree! Fall is my favorite season!
  • jlout
    jlout Posts: 19 Member
    I'm up for the challenge............snacking after dinner is not my downfall it's the time before dinner. I just want to snack and the calories add up so quickly then eating dinner puts me over. It's a constant struggle.:sad:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Just checking in... hungry today... not sure what is up with that. I eat a healthy breakfast, good snack and lunch. Maybe the chocolate was a trigger... I eat a little piece from the work kitchen. I will make a note of that.

    Keeping up with my goals.

    Note to fitmama,

    I totally hear you. These last 10 pounds have been the hardest ever. I started on June 1st with Power 90 and June 6th with South beach because since Febuary I could lose a pound and keep it off. But since June 1st I have managed to lose and keep off 7 pounds. ( Gain and losing one more.) I am stuck again.. I was doing everything I could think of and nothing worked. I ordered Power 90 and started that and then revamped my eating (which by the way has always pretty healthy. It is very frustrating...especialy when other people eat whatever they want and don't gain weight!!!!

    I don't have any helpful advice -except maybe switch things up. That help me for a little bit but I am still struggling. You are in the right place for support and motivation . Don't give up...keep at it...You are healthy for it, even if the numbers on the scale don't say what we think or want.

    Have a happy healthy day!!!!