If i'm over my calories...



  • tphil58
    tphil58 Posts: 89 Member
    I am with the eat and log it group on this one. If I move it to the next day I will not be able to look back and see what trends I have established. Personally I started logging because not logging was me pushing the healthier lifestyle one more day into the future again and again. I log it and if I go over I just try to learn from it and go forward. With that said...This is YOUR journey and you are the only one that can decide what works for you. As long as it works no one should care how you do it. I would just encourage you to learn and keep moving forward.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    you should not be counting calories you should be counting carbs, sugars.

    Do not listen to this terrible advice.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Question: If I go over my calories for a certain day, do you think I could just log the amount over for the next day so I make up for it by working it off/eating less the day after? (I hope this makes sense...)

    For example, say I accidentally eat 500 cals over (hey, accidents happen!) one day, can I just log 500 calories for the next day so I either do more cardio to work it off or eat less? Thoughts?

    It depends on various factors. If your eating nutrient dense foods and your only on a small deficit and you don't plan to exercise hard, then it may not be a big problem. If your doing a low calorie large deficit didn't get enough nutrients (or enough fat to absorb them), and you end up exercising hard the next day, well, you may end up passing out at the gym. Or if you end up eating all unbalanced crap the next day and run out of calories it could leave you feeling like crap.

    Also I agree with DopItUp...don't listen to the counting carbs and sugars terrible advice. You can eat as little sugar and carbs as you like and still gain weight.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    Honestly your only lying to yourself when you do that

    I don't like seeing red either so when I go into the red I bust my butt with cardio to put me in the green even if its only green by 20 calories

    I mean I get it your loss is over a week period but a month from now if your wondering how come I only lost 1 lb the last 3 weeks your gonna look back or have someone else look back and they wont be able to tell you why because you moved all your stuff around

    Sometimes I look back on my red days and it makes me stronger to push forward

    This. It's true. I'm lying only to myself and hurting no one but me. And it's still my issue in the end. I don't like being in the red, ever. So when I am, I want to work a zillion times harder.
  • jezebeldandy
    jezebeldandy Posts: 3 Member
    Own it. it's better to live in reality than persist in a delusion. I don't know about you but those kinds of mind games are how i got into unhealthy eating habits in the first place.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Log it on the day you ate it. The point is for you to keep track of trends, be more accountable to yourself for what you are eating/burning, not play with the numbers so that it "looks like" you should be losing weight on paper. Be as accurate as possible for best results.

    Also, if you are set to lose 1 pound per week on MFP, and you go "over" by 500 today, you will not gain any weight, that would just put you at maintenance calories for today. Keep to your regular deficit the rest of the week and you will be fine and still lose weight.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I'm in the "log it on the day you ate it" camp, but I have one suggestion that no one else has made:

    If you use the iPhone or iPad app for MFP, you can get a weekly summary fairly easily that gives you bar graphs of how many calories you consumed for each day of the week, your average for every day that you logged something, AND a total of remaining calories for the week. So if I go 500 calories over on Tuesday, I get a visual reminder that I need to cut back a little bit on subsequent days until the daily average is below my goal.

    That allows you to be honest with your daily diary while still getting feedback. It cuts the other way, too. I consumed nearly 2000 calories on a bike ride yesterday (39 miles with a lot of hills), and there was no way that I was going to want to eat all of those back yesterday (even after eating during the ride and having a recovery drink afterwards). So I "banked" the remaining calories at the end of the day for the rest of the week. I ended Monday with a deficit of 1150 calories, which means I should eat an additional 191 calories per day the rest of the week in order to meet my goal.

    In general, I find it much better to focus on my weekly goal than to obsess about my daily goal. The only thing is, you have to be honest with yourself for the whole week; you can't go 500 calories over each day from Monday through Thursday and then expect to make it up over the weekend.
  • chloecox
    chloecox Posts: 27 Member
    I did something similar today, I was over by about 150 calories yesterday so added 150 into my diary today so I still made sure I was still at an overall deficit for the week them just subtracted it at the end of today so my diary was a true reflection of what I actually ate. No hiding involved just keeping myself in check.