whats your WHY in losing weight?



  • nlespier
    nlespier Posts: 47 Member
    1) I want to feel better about myself. Right now I can't look in a mirror without wanting to cry.
    2) I want hubby to look at me like he did when we first got together. He says the extra weight doesn't bother him, but I know it does.
    3) I want to be able to run around with my children and not get tired.

    There's a bunch more, but those are the top reasons.
  • Caaja
    Caaja Posts: 45 Member
    1. I want to wear small fashionable clothes.
    2. I want to keep up with my boys.
    3. I want to see my muscles.
    4. I want to make my husband proud of my appearance.
    5. I want to be proud of my appearance.
    6. I don't want to die in the zombie apocalypse because I couldn't run fast enough.:laugh:

    this! plus I want to feel sexy again.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    1. I want to feel free playing and running around with my kids. Not sitting down because I am worried someone will see me jiggle in the wrong places
    2. To for 1 time in my life feel sexy
    3. To feel free with having my husband put his hands anywhere on my body he pleases without me pulling away
    4. To be able for the first time ever wear a bathing suit in public
    5. To finally wear shorts
    6. To just feel confidant
  • Celebi03
    Celebi03 Posts: 310 Member
    1. Me
    2. Me
    3. Me
    4. Me
    5. ME
  • ichoose2believe
    ichoose2believe Posts: 108 Member

    2. I want to keep up with my boys.

    6. I don't want to die in the zombie apocalypse because I couldn't run fast enough.:laugh:

    THIS... But also when I started I was 320 and I shouldn't weigh that much. Why carry it around if I don't have to. And to to be perfectly blunt I would love to shake my *kitten* and my thighs not follow.
  • ichoose2believe
    ichoose2believe Posts: 108 Member

    2. I want to keep up with my boys.

    6. I don't want to die in the zombie apocalypse because I couldn't run fast enough.:laugh:

    THIS... But also when I started I was 320 and I shouldn't weigh that much. Why carry it around if I don't have to. And to to be perfectly blunt I would love to shake my *kitten* and my thighs not follow.

    One more... Why the hell not... I've been fat... lets try the other side.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I want to prove I can look good nekkid and still get regularly screamingly drunk.

    This may lead to intimate encounters too.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    I want doctors to take my health issues seriously instead of applying the flippant "lose weight" cure-all.
  • dearly4ever
    dearly4ever Posts: 61 Member
    1. Get pregnant while at a healthy weight (right now seems I cant even though been trying for over a year)
    2. Be able to wear a 2 piece swimsuit. All my friends are skinny and dang its just depressing when they come out in their 2 pieces and I am all self conscious in my one piece if you get what I am saying
    3. Be happy: dont get me wrong I am happy now but I miss the days when I was smaller.
    4. Be able to go shopping and see an outfit and not feel like I will look fat in that outfit
    5. Be able to wear shorts and be confident. I love the beach and I always go in jeans because I hate how I look in shorts
  • natasa26ca
    natasa26ca Posts: 107 Member
    I am not just losing weight. I am changing my way of living so i can:

    1. slow down aging process
    2. look and feel better (meaning - sex bomb)
    3. be 90 years old and still be able to wipe my own *ss
    4. wear whatever i feel like wearing and not worry about my rolls showing
    5. be a sexy looking mama with 2 kids
  • luckyshilling
    luckyshilling Posts: 229
    I'm a diver and one day I saw a picture of myself in a wetsuit. I looked like an 8-ball.

    :heart: :heart:
  • luckyshilling
    luckyshilling Posts: 229
    Cuz I like to wear red and don't want to be mistaken for the Kool-Aid man.

    No offense to the Kool-Aid man.

    Oh, Yeah!
  • gettinfitaus
    gettinfitaus Posts: 161 Member
    To actually get some me time. It would seem the only valid excuses to go out alone are to go for a run or to go donate blood and I have a fear of needles that is much stronger than my fear of sweat!

    To be able to wear shorts without displaying all of the cellulite down my thighs.

    To be able to feel better - my entire family on one side struggles with depression and anxiety. I am beginning to think that I am not exempt.

    To be able to get into the pool with my kids without feeling horribly self conscious.

    For the feeling of achievement. I got a little taste last night when I managed to complete almost every one of my intervals and beat my usual pace. I have booked in for a 9km run in September and I can't wait to cross that finish line.
  • angelasramsey
    My son is a wrestler and I'm tired of him being embarrassed at how big his mom is.
  • meagank28
    meagank28 Posts: 52
    Tired of looking like I left my butt out during a hailstorm!!!
  • coolvstar650
    coolvstar650 Posts: 97 Member
    I don't want my weight to keep me from not participating in life. Sometimes I don't go do fun stuff with my friends or I bail out of doing things with my family because I was too heavy to enjoy the activity. I don't want to be like that any more.
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    CaffeinatedConfectionist Posts: 1,046 Member
    Mine are all mostly shallow sounding reasons. Whatever. I'm OK with that.
    1. I'm going through a divorce. (DON'T SAY SORRY IT'S BETTER)
    2. I refuse to not take the time for myself anymore
    3. As conceited as it may sound I know that if I walk into a room people will notice when I'm at a lower weight (this isn't just because of looks obviously so don't think that is the only thing I'm talking about here)
    4. I am ready to update my summer style. I just need another month or so
    5. I've been putting off getting another tattoo, but this is going to be reward for meeting my goal over the next 5 weeks.

    Pretty much these, except I just ended a long-term relationship instead of having a divorce. There was nothing legal, it just lasted for 5+ years. I was on MFP prior to that, but going solo has really helped me to make myself a priority, for once, and that has accelerated my fitness by a ton.
  • owlets1401
    owlets1401 Posts: 12
    I want to lose weight because. ..
    1. I want doctors to take me more seriously when I see them about my health.
    2. I want to be able to feel fantastic at the beach.
    3. I would love to be able to fit into my old shorts and not have rolls.
    4. It want to be as fit as I can be, even with my medical issues.
    5. I want confidence and to boost my self esteem.
    6. And when my time comes to be a mother I want to be a MILF.
  • mommyofX2
    mommyofX2 Posts: 56 Member
    1. I wanna be able to run after my kids
    2. I want the spark back with my boyfriend
    3. I wanna feel good in my own skin
    4. I want to be healthy
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Why not?