Today Show Club! (Everyone Always Welcome)

shari253 Posts: 202
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I was inspired by the Today Show (8/9/10) to join this site. Hey Fellow Today Show-ers, let's form a club to support each other. We were all brought here by the same event, and we are starting on the same day. Let's do it! Introduce yourself and start posting.

As for me, I'm 56 years old (all ages welcome in the club), and I NEVER watch the Today Show. I took the morning off to relax and quilt, and turned on the TV to see the Tamara segment. It resonated with me. Today is the day I do this thing! No more procrastination. Im 5'4" and weight 182. I'd like to get to about 145. Now to look around and figure this site out. I sure am thankful it is free!



  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Welcome Shari! This is a great site. Everyone is so supportive, no matter how big, small, near, or far. Good luck to you!!!
  • My name is Christine - I want to lose at least 40 pounds and need all the help I can get!
  • Alleghany
    Alleghany Posts: 200
    Welcome! :flowerforyou: You'll find this site is TONS of FUN and people give you amazing support! Seriously, it's absolute MAGIC as long as you are honest with yourself, log everything and stay in the correct calorie zone. Be careful to eat enough cals otherwise you'll screw up your metab and stop losing. Please read the following links/threads which have invaluable info. I wish I had read these sooner!

    Hope this helps! I'm so glad you joined!! Good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • cristiO
    cristiO Posts: 1
    Well Hello there, I also saw the Today Show and decided to do this thing! :o) my name is Cristi and I turned 50 this July and decided that today is the day! We just bought some horses as auction and I was out there hauling water and a bucket of apples for "Spirit" that's what we named the Mare she is a rack of bones and just couldn't let her go to the glue factory, she is in Foal, so that was another reason not to let her go to the GF, but any way, back to the basics, I am 5' 2" and weigh in at 167. I am hoping to lose at least 37 lbs. :o) Thanks,
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Hi! Thanks for joining. I just entered all my food for so far today. Unfortunately right before I joined this site, I had made and eaten two ham and cheese sandwiches on croissants, lol! Looks like I'll be having a teeny dinner, lol!

  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    I know what you mean about eating the wrong thing before joining. i ate pop tarts and ramen noodles for breakfast and lunch. Dinner will be small but better. I am going for the treadmill in a bit also. i also saw it on the today show. i am inspired now.
  • Hi all! I joined this morning after I watched the Today Show as well - such a great segment. I had a baby six months ago, and I've lost all the baby weight BUT I was 30 pounds overweight when I got pregnant, so that is the thirty that I'm trying to lose. I was once an avid runner, but herniated discs got in my way. In addition to healthy eating, my main priority is to fit in some kind of excercise at least four days a week. Good luck to everyone who joined today and I want to encourage all of us to stick with our goals and make our successes!
  • Hi

    Already introduced myself under recent posts...So I'll just say hello and good luck to all. Janiebird
  • Hi my name is Colleen.
    Although I didn't see the show, I read the transcript online this morning and this sounds like a program I can work with.
    Stepping on the scale I realized that I currently weigh-in 4 pounds over my delivery weight with each of my 4 daughters.
    Enough is enough! I want to be able to shop with my daughters, not have to go to a different part of the store because of the sizes (the styles are a completely different reason!)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I'm her because of the Today show also. It would be great to celebrate each others successes! Sherrie
  • This makes me very excited. Thankfully I hadn't had anything to eat yet when I saw the today show so I was able to make a semi decent choice this morning....(need to go to the grocery store). Anyway, it's nice to meet you all. I want to lose atleast 150 lbs so I am very excited and pray that this will be the step to get there. Good luck to you all :)
  • Hello Shari et al

    I too am a Today Show watcher and thank goodness I caught this morning's show. I am so excited to find this site and now I'm really glad you started this thread

    I'm 50 (turning 51 on Wednesday) and need to lose 30lbs. I'm going to read the links that were posted.

    I'm an avid equestrian. I ride English and show (when I can afford it). I live in Enfield, CT

    My user name is SharonsJetSet. JetSet aka Tony is my horse
  • 24paws
    24paws Posts: 2 Member
    I believe everything happens for a reason, home from work, sick today, and just turned on the tv and caught the Today Show, never have seen it before, but thankfully today I did! I signed up, and am so thankful to see so many that are on the same journey I am on, one to a healthy life, one day at a time! Turning 50 this fall, and want the next 50 years to be healthy, and to run marathons! I know I can do this! I have 70 lbs to lose, and look forward to hearing from anyone with tips to help me, I hope I can in turn help you also! We can do this!!
  • jgilbe
    jgilbe Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Shari,

    Good luck in your quest to lose some weight and be healthier. I saw the segment on the Today Show as well, and ironically we are at the same height and weight with about the same goal. I look forward to hearing about your progress!

    Best wishes,

  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Wow, this is exciting! Let's all keep posting and keep up the good energy. I feel very connected with all of you. We all saw (or read) the show and something clicked inside of us. Like many of you, I love animals. We have two dogs, and I've been around horses a lot even though I've never had my own. And I too want to get back into running! Sounds like there are a few of us with that goal. The first step for me is to start walking and build up my joint strength and endurance..

    So far today since joining I have resisted all temptations. I am now headed to my moms to see her, my sister, and sister-in-law. There will be food. My plan is to drink LOTS of water, seeing as how I have not drank a drop yet today, lol. This program is making me very aware. Tonight I'm planning a heathy dinner of fish and veggies, plus I will walk.

    I am really happy there is a group of us doing this together!

  • I too joined today after seeing the Today Show and I would love to hear, see and share my journey with everyone else who joined today. Today is the day!!!
  • Shari congrats on making it through the day. Not sure which part of the country you're from. I'm east coast so its nearly 7pm here. I have so far logged all my food. I spend 30 minutes grooming/washing my horse and 30 minutes riding him. After hubby has his dinner, we're going to take the dogs for a walk. We have 2 Yorkies who love going for walks. We just like to wait until the evening when the sun isn't as strong.

    for me it will be one day at a time. I learned from previous diets that journaling and reaching out to the community is key to keeping me focused.
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    I have been here a couple of months and have found this site to be a great source of encouragement and support. I am looking at this as a lifestyle and not just a quick hop to some weight loss. Welcome to all the newcomers and if you'd like a friend, send me a request..
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Welcome to MFP all you today show watchers. I'm so glad Tamara's segment was able to reach out to so many and bring so many of you guys to the site. The site can work wonders for not only helping you lose weight but teaching you good eating habits. It's an amazing journey and I wish you all the best of luck with it.

  • same thing happened to me today. I quilt also! This is going to be a great group.
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