not losing anything while breastfeeding please help



  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member
    can i ask why you are exclusively pumping? I've never heard of it before, I'm just interested :) you don't need to answer :) I found pumping time consuming and its like doubling up the time to feed baby - all that time to pump then the time it takes for them to take a bottle?

    I just noticed you've got another one only 22 months old as well! they're both going to keep you busy! just be really active, eat really healthily (easy especially as you have a toddler who you should be feeding lots of healthy foods anyway) and stop worrying about dropping weight too quickly. A goal of losing half a pound a week is much better for you at this stage of your life.
  • sukaina12
    sukaina12 Posts: 16
    Hold on so I'm confused...I'm supposed to eat my base cal of 1800 plus 700 for producing 36oz a day...but then ill have no deficit except exercise calories but I can't workout that much to create a 3500 cal exercise onlyy deficit per week. So shud I cut some cals out of my diet?
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    My youngest is 1 and I am only now starting to loose weight. I have also stopped breast feeding (it was his choice really - ouch!). Concentrate on caring for your two wee ones. Eat well, get as much sleep as possible and get out and about every day. Dont put too much pressure on yourself!
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    can i ask why you are exclusively pumping? I've never heard of it before, I'm just interested :) you don't need to answer :) I found pumping time consuming and its like doubling up the time to feed baby - all that time to pump then the time it takes for them to take a bottle?

    I exclusively pumped when I had my son for 2 reasons: he didn't latch onto the breast well, but took the bottle just fine. And I worked full time. He was able to get the benefits of his momma's milk even when I could not be there.
  • w0ndrw0mn1
    w0ndrw0mn1 Posts: 6
    I only recently stopped breastfeeding after my baby reached 1 year and only then did I really start to loose weight consistently. Everyone's body is so different, some of my friends lost all of their baby weight when they were breastfeeding with such ease, but me not so much. Even though it is very frustrating, you can only do what you can do during this time. Just try to eat smart and enough and drink tons of water and be creative to get in every bit of exercise possible. One thing that I noticed for myself, was that I would strap my baby to myself in the Moby and walk all over like the store around the house, pushing my godson in his stroller whereever and although it didn't budge the scale much it made a huge difference in my shape after a while since my baby is comparable to a small giant! =)
  • eastonna
    eastonna Posts: 30 Member
    I agree with previous posters. Breastmilk for a year has proven advantages for you child. To give it up for weight loss isn't worth it for me. That said I lost about 20lbs right after birth and that hung on until about 6 months when I had a shift in my weight and dropped another 10 but not changing anything. I started working out around the 9 month mark and was pre pregnancy weight by a year. After that I dropped another 15 in 5 months. I started at 145 went up to 185 and am now sitting at 128. In the grand scheme of things it's a very short time. You have the rest of your life to diet and exercise away the pounds.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Okay, so I have two kids. A 3 year old boy and a 6 month old girl. I breastfed my boy for about 6 weeks. Breastfeeding was difficult the whole time....whe wasn't a good latcher, my production was low and I couldn't seem to boost it no matter how hard I tried. I wasn't worried about the weightloss right away, but what I can tell you is that I gained while breastfeeding him. I ended up giving up once I started back to work....he was just soooo hungry and I wasn't producing enough. I really beat myself up about giving up for a long time because I felt like I failed, but on a side note, I quickly got back to my pre-pregnancy weight (like within 2 months). Now for #2, she is a preemie, born weighing only 3lbs. I wanted so badly to breastfeed her because they say it's the best thing and bc she was so early. Between her having the same latching issues, being in NICU for 2 weeks, and me trying to keep up with my son as well, it only lasted about a week before the doctors stopped me...they said because she was having so much trouble that it was actually hindering her growth because she was working too hard for her food and burning too many calories. They put her on a great (high calorie) formula and we never looked back. They're both happy, healthy, and she's even managed to catch up to what a normal sized 6 month old should be....and mommy is skinny again! All I'm trying to say is, everyone is different. Lots of women successfully breastfeed and lose weight, lots of women don't. Lots of women choose to use formula rather than breastmilk, for their own reasons, and their babies are just fine (formulas have come a long way). If not losing is stressing you out, then maybe stopping is what is right for you and your little one. I understand how important it is to soooo many women because in the beginning it was to me also, and when I stopped it wasn't because of the weight gain. However, weightloss was a very pleasing side effect of stopping. Don't let others views on the topic of breastfeeding sway your decision. Do what's right for you and your situation.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    No I wouldn't eat 1800 + your breastfeeding cals because you wouldn't have much of a deficit. Let the bf cals create a deficit for you. So let's say you pick 1500 to be your net cals, then you'd eat 1500+700+exercise cals. Pick a net number you're comfortable with.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    Among other things, breastmilk for a year shows some evidence of helping your child's future weight control. GIving it up so that you can diet your own weight down seems ... counterproductive, especially when waiting 6 months for yourself could make a difference in your child's entire life.

    That said: I lost like crazy while breastfeeding. No counting calories, I just let my kids eat mostly on demand when I was home. It didn't start right away, but between 4 and 6 months my weight dropped dramatically. With my #2 kid, especially - she was really big for her age and didn't like solid food, and by the time she was a year old I was at my lowest ever adult weight. And I ate like a horse...
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    BMR of 1800 seems kind of high, where did you get that number?. Are you sure you are not confusing that with TDEE (or a particular % cut off of that?).
  • salydra
    salydra Posts: 29
    Personally, I am breastfeeding and eat 1200-1500 calories per day. Since you exclusively pump, you are in a situation where you will be able to tell as soon as your supply went down and can respond promptly. I'd recommend lowering your calories to a point where you are comfortable and make sure to get plenty of fat (preferably in the form of things like avocado and meat), and eat lots of leafy greens like spinach.
  • kazaroona
    kazaroona Posts: 60 Member
    I would also say that your baby is only 2 months old, you'll find that over the next few months you will drop more weight naturally anyway, just dont expect too much too soon you have a considerable amount of time left until your trip.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    1.5lbs a week a lot in any case. you just had a huge trauma between your legs. Set it to 0.5lbs per week and eat enough to make some milk.
    A lot of people have some real hard issues with breastfeeding and milk and all that stuff. You should be thankful that although you have to pump, you can still do it.
  • havenbaby
    havenbaby Posts: 7 Member
    I have a 21 month old and a 6 month old and nurse half the time and pump half the time since I work full time. I recently just started getting serious about losing weight but mostly just getting in shape. I haven't been where I would like to be even before having kids and I am currently below my pre-pregnancy weight. I lost 30 lbs in the first two weeks not doing anything (except chasing my toddler) and than stayed constant at around 155. My base calories were 1200 to lose 2 pounds a week and than I add 800 calories for breastfeeding so my daily goal is 2000 and I have been working out consistently for two weeks and have been losing about 2 lbs a week. I try not to eat back my excercise calories but if I am hungry I eat. I also really love sugar/candy so have cut out that and eat more fruit when I crave something sweet and I am trying to eat low carb and low fat food but high in protein. I found this great website that you can input your gender and if you are lactating and weight and it will tell you how many calories you need to eat to maintain your current weight and than it tells you the minimum amount of carbs etc that you should be eating a day so I made my own breastfeeding "food" item to add the calories and carbs/fats/proteins to my food diary goal to reach the minimum I need from the website and I really try to eat all the carbs, protein etc that I need and so far it is going good and my supply has not been affected at all...maybe this website can help you out too:
    Hope this all makes sense and Good Luck...I personally think breastfeeding has so many benefits to your babe and you and can also be a great weightloss tool since you burn so many calories but you might just need to play around with the calorie intake and see what works for definately need to eat a lot more to keep up with breastfeeding but I have found eating more of the right foods is the key for me!!