why did you chose your goal weight?

My smallest weight (I'm 5"8) was 120. I had a lot of people say I looked sick. I'll admit I did have a minor ED, but as soon as I became pregnant with my first, I KNEW I had to start eating for my baby, which packed on the weight. I dont ever want to be that much under weight again now that I have children to take care of.

My heaviest was 220, first goal was 199, because saying I was over 200 lbs felt disgusting! That goal was met at today's weigh in!

Second goal is 189...because after having my 4th baby, no matter how hard I tried, I could just NOT break 190! Which led to me giving up and gaining another 30 lbs. No giving up this time!

3rd goal is 167, because thats the weight I was when I got the big tattoo on my back and felt comfortable showing it off. Sometimes i look in the mirror amd see the tattoo and say oh yea, i forgot about that tattoo! I know its 167 because I have it written on the bathroom wall, couldn't find my journal lol

My overall goal is 150, I just think thats a good weight for my height. Anywhere between 140 and 150 is good for me.

And to say good bye to double digit jeans! Currently in size 11 to 13, depending on the brand.

After I meet my last goal I plan on continuing this lifestyle but to tone up and eventually have muscles to show off and finally have a totally awesome before and after photo to brag about!


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I chose my goal weight because it places me just within the normal weight bmi. (: My short-term goal (which I met!) was 159, which put me at overweight for a bmi instead of obese.

    Congratulations on your onederland! :D I'm always surprised at how much a difference height can be for sizing! I'm at about 158 right now, but since I'm 5'1'' I wear a size 14-16 depending on brand! o:
  • deeann7769
    deeann7769 Posts: 21 Member
    I chose it because it seemed like a decent number to shoot for. I'm sure I can hit it without a ton of issues, and it was a good weight for me.

    To be honest, I'm more concerned with my strength, speed, and endurance than any size or weight. I'm not a horribly out of shape individual as I am now, but I know I can be better. My better weight is in the mid150 range, so I wanted to try to hit that first. If I think I can go lower and reap more benefits, I will.
  • kag896
    kag896 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'8" as well and my goal weight is between 140 and 150. I have a large frame and 140 looks very thin yet healthy on me. That's well within the healthy weight range for height. But I also have smaller goal weights in between. I just had my 3rd baby almost 4 months ago, so I want to get to 181 because it was my prepregnancy weight (sw 197, cw 189). Then 172 because that was my lowest weight since having kids. Then 164 to break into the healthy weight range for height. Then ultimately this 140-150 range.
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    I chose my goal because it puts me in a healthy weight on the BMI scale. I'm not stuck on the number, though, it's just kind of a random number I threw out there. I'm more concerned about overall size, belly fat, etc. Generally based on what weights I've been before, I think somewhere in the 150s will be pretty good for me (I'm 5'7"). I may reassess when I get there (strike "may". I will almost certainly reassess when I get there).
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I chose my goal weight after I was too skinny. At 5'4", with my build, 120 pounds is a lean, strong, weight.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Yeah, looking back on my adult life, I remember what my weight was at various times and how I looked and felt at that weight. At a time when I got very busy my weight dropped lower (unintentionally), I look at the photos and know that was too thin for my liking. But, I also know the range that was natural and felt right to me. I also know the range at which I started to feel like I needed to get back at my fitness commitment. I am also on the small side, so I do keep BMI in mind as also another range that I should not drop below by more than a pound or so. I also discuss it with my doctor(s).

    But, when committing to my fitness I did not have a goal weight in mind. I was just keeping an eye on my fitness progress. And if the scale goes up a pound or two after a lot of strength training I am aware that at least some of it could be muscle.

    I think it is good to set smaller goals and have something tangible to work towards and also to have larger goals to keep you going (I apply this in my life to other non-weight related goals). Being healthy all the while is most important. And being a mother of 4 is something to feel very proud of your body for (I'm a mother of 2).
  • holyforge
    holyforge Posts: 7 Member
    BMI didn't work for me, it says I should be 160 pounds and I looked anorexic at 178! People have told me I look healthy at 180 so that's my goal.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I chose 160, since that's were I was at my most healthiest, had >20%BF, size 8 (US), runner and triathlete and MFP makes you put in a goal weight. When I first started this "journey" over a year ago, I just wanted to get under 200, be able to shop for clothes outside the plus sized department, but since joining MFP, I've been inspired to actually reach that 160lb goal and as you can see from my ticker, I'm almost there. Now to just get my BF% back to >20%. My next goal.
  • cheerbabe080790
    cheerbabe080790 Posts: 86 Member
    I chose my goal, 115, because that is what I have been in the past when I was super fit and healthy. I felt my best there, and my BMI says its healthy...so 115 here I come :D
  • Alexandra289
    Alexandra289 Posts: 330 Member
    I always wanted to be 10 stone (140 pounds) because that's a nice round number. Now I'm below 140 and readjusted the goal to what I feel will be good for me. Ideally I want to lose a few pounds more but don't have a strict goal. Also I think my goal weight is more of a goal range now - somewhere between 130-135 and I'm currently at the top end of that.
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    I chose mine because it is what I felt comfortable at in the past. Also, it is at the tail end of the healthy range for my height a feasible goal to achieve.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    My goal weight is my ideal body weight for my height...should say "ideal"...it's also how much I weighed for most of my adult life until I went away to college and gained some (a few years back). It's when I felt my most fit and attractive...

    I may never attain it-as long as I look good and feel good, that's what matters.
  • SJackson50
    SJackson50 Posts: 282 Member
    I didn't choose a weight, but a size. As I lost weight and gained muscle, I noticed my new size did not equate to my old weight. I am 154 now and wear an eight, whereas, when I was 25, I weighed 133 and wore a 10. So, my goal size is a six. If my metabolism slows in my 50s, I will not be back in the double digits!
    Best wishes with your goals!
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    I chose at random, because i have never been 168 lbs in my adult life.
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    My goal is less than 10% body fat and or visible abs.
  • Hollyhobby22
    Hollyhobby22 Posts: 114 Member
    i am 5''8 and my goal is 175. My Dr. said this would be good for me because with my build and the amount of muscle i already have a normal bmi would be to thin for me.
  • SchroederNJ
    SchroederNJ Posts: 208 Member
    My goal for right now is 170 (5'8") --- it's about 20 lbs less than I am --- I think it's an attainable goal and if I get there and want to go down more, I can set some other smaller goals to continue to build upon my success

    For now, I have a 20 lbs target and I'm trying to focus on each 5 lb increment at a time
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Originally, I picked 160 as it's just above the middle of the BMI table for "normal" at my height. Now that I'm here, I don't care about pounds anymore.

    All my goals are now things like BF%, LBM, strength, or raw measurements. Weight flows from that.

    I do weigh myself, a lot, but I only care if it indicates a trend in a category I do care about.
  • dez_yaoichan
    dez_yaoichan Posts: 454
    I remember being 125lbs and in a size 7 pants at 16 years old. I was chubby then and have not gotten any taller.

    my HKW was 217, and since I know i'm chubby at 125, my UGW is set at 117 (but really anything from 115-135 i'd be over the moon for lol) i'm only 5'3" so it's okay for me to go so low. my mom is the same height and 105-112lbs and a size 5. i'm pretty sure I won't get into the size 5 but that's fine by me
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I chose my GW of 140 because that's the last number I remember being and fitting into a size 6/8 and that's my real goal is getting back in that size again. I don't care if I'm there at 140, 150..or whatever because I want to be muscular and very fit looking, not the skinny fat 140lbs I was in that size 6/8 years and years ago :)