why did you chose your goal weight?



  • Neshmi
    Neshmi Posts: 42 Member
    My goal is between 165 and 180, depending on how I feel when I get there. I chose that goal because I remember what it was like to be at that weight, and I felt great. I want to see if I can rekindle that feeling of overall health. It may come at a different weight, but generally that's where I think I'll end up.
  • tanashai
    tanashai Posts: 207 Member
    I'm going by body fat %; I don't want to be super low on the healthy range, (I'll lose my figure!) but the lower middle would be fine with me. It would also be the lowest I've weighed since university! But really, I'm also just enjoying having already dropped 20+ pounds and having more confidence again. So, my goal weight now is about 165, 166, though 170 will feel awfully good-that was early pregnancy weight-over four years ago!
  • chandratro
    chandratro Posts: 12
    i chose my goal weight based on what i remember looking like at that weight. SW was 206.5!! i am 5"7' - CW is 180 :) GW is 155.
    175 is what i weighed when i got married so looking forward to hitting that soon. 165 my body is usually pretty happy at and is easily maintainable (in the past anyways it was been) 155 is when i feel like i am at fighting weight. I have gotten down to 145 before in my adult life but at that weight my husband finds me too bony & too many people ask me if i am eating enought. I have an athletic build so even though the bmi for my height is 140 - 150ish - that is just too small for my frame.
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    I don't really have a set number, but rather a range. The last weight I felt/looked decent at was 175, so I'm aiming for anywhere between 140-170.
  • Graham_077
    Graham_077 Posts: 67 Member
    It’s the weight I need to get to to achieve a body fat % of between 10-12%. After that I will adjust my target weight as I bulk up but keeping the body fat % the same.
  • jikkenkekka
    jikkenkekka Posts: 61
    My first goal weight is 160; I'm still quite a way off from that. I just sort of arbitrarily chose that last year when I was recommitting myself to losing weight. Once I get closer to that, I'll start thinking about where I'd like to eventually end up. I'll probably end up choosing something around 140, but it will all depend on how I look. I don't personally care to ever look rail thin, but I do want to be healthy, in good physical shape, and be able to accomplish things that I haven't been able to do at higher weights (longer, more challenging hikes, mud runs and other obstacle course type fun runs, etc.). That's the most important bit to me.
  • justdazed
    justdazed Posts: 57 Member
    Healthy BMI range but ultimately going for health (Blood sugar, BP, and cholesterol). If that means stopping at 160 lbs or 135 lbs etc. I'm fine with that :)
  • homeyjosey
    homeyjosey Posts: 138 Member
    I didnt have a weight goal, I had a body fat % goal. Once I reached it, I thought i was too light for basketball so did a slow bulk and now range between 155-160 at 5'8"
  • davidrapp5
    davidrapp5 Posts: 14
    Going to pull a page from my time as a coach here...

    My first goal weight is 270 lbs. (from my current weight at 302) by the end of 2013. When you pick a goal, follow the SMART acronym. A goal should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. For me, 30 lbs lost in 6-7 months is definitely within reach. My other goal is to keep working out 3-4 times a week when the summer weather's done.

    And as many people have already said...screw BMI. BMI only takes height and weight into account. It doesn't account for muscle mass, blood pressure, cholesterol, or anything else that really matters. Case in point: I got a health screening a few weeks ago here at my workplace. My blood glucose level was good, my blood pressure was normal (even after a cup of coffee), and for the first time...well, ever...my cholesterol was in normal ranges. Yet, according to BMI criteria, I'm obese. Oh, yeah, and my waist was two inches smaller from the last time I measured.

    Point is, I made my goals by what I think I'm capable of. And you've got a great idea having more goals set as you progress. Just make sure you focus on getting that first goal.
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 672 Member
    I was 110lbs the majority of the time I was on dialysis as a young adult of 5'6". When I got my transplant and the restrictive diet was lifted, I gained about 6 pounds over the first 2 years following. I maintained that weight until I made a major life change and moved across the country all by my lonesome.

    I looked good at 116. I felt good at 116. I had a ton of energy to do everything I loved. I was active in the theater and went out dancing at least once a week. I was carefree about whether I ate pastries or fresh fruit. I don't just want that weight back, I want that fulfilling lifestyle back.
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    I'm currently maintaining at 141lb but when I first started with mfp in Jan 2013, I set my target weight to be 145lb (I'm 5ft 7"). I chose this goal because approx 8 years ago this is what I weighed after loosing 28lb back then. This time I've managed to drop below 145lb and I'm very happy to maintain where I'm at. I'm normal with my BMI but no idea about BF%. All I know is I feel great :happy: