Please add me! I need help losing 50+lbs!



  • KatieKlotz
    KatieKlotz Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you to everyone!!!! I feel the love! =) Seriously, I'm SO excited that my friend recommended this site to me. I can't believe the sucess stories I'm hearing, I'm sooo much more motivated today than I was yesterday. WE CAN ALL DO THIS TOGETHER! Just remember WHY you are here...remember what's important to you! =)
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    I have about 40 lbs to lose. BMI says that I should lose 75 lbs, but I dont want to be that skinny... I just dont undersand how I could weigh 105??/ I think 135 is good for me :D.... I need some new motivation as well. I have fallen out of swing of things. Good luck to you!
  • SharonP51
    SharonP51 Posts: 2 Member
    I just joined a few days ago and two of my daughters are on here as well. They encouraged me to do this as I have struggled as well. I want to lose about 70 pounds. I will add you as a friend... there is a lot of people out here to support you!!
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    Wow...looks like you have a lot of encouragement on the way!! I too will add you as a friend since you can never have to much support. I have about 75 lbs to lose so I'm with you on the journey.
  • Katie.. You have found the right place.. I am on my journey of losing 100 pounds.. If I can do it so can you.. This site has probably saved my life.. Its that inspiring! Good luck & Ill add you now!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Let's make it a 50 pound club. I've got that much to 'get gone'
    My kid is a yellow lab. He fights me for the treadmill. I have to run the stink out of him first befoe I am allowed on. You are welcome to add me as a friend.
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I'm new too. I have about 30 lbs to lose. I need all the support I can get. It's much too easy to take the lazy way out, but I don't like feeling like I have been for the past year.
  • Jersey girl here at heart still;) Born and raised there for my first 20 some years. I started with 85lbs to lose and it's SO much fun counting down!!! I am 1/2 way there now. Love this site!!!
  • Welcome to MFP!! I am also in the same boat as you are....I need to lose 50 or 60 lbs and need the support!!! I have been on here for 2 weeks now and it is really helping!!! When I see a peice of cake or muffin I think about it first and than avoid it feeling quilting if i list it on here!!! I will add you as my friend :)
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Have you all seen the Jenny Craig commercial with Sara Rue... That is my new inspiration! She looks amazing... I'm not going to join Jenny Craig, but I am printing off her picture and hope to make it there! She started last December (2009) and has lost 50 lbs as of August 2010....WTG!!!
  • mrsf17
    mrsf17 Posts: 32
    OMG I am also a 26 yr oldNJ newlywed (well 2 years, close enough!) with fat and happy syndrome!! I am adding you right now!!

    Only been here for 2 weeks but everyone has been wonderful and I know it will help!!
  • I as well am looking to lose 50+ pounds. Like you I am losing in hopes of becoming a mom. I started today! I look forward to supporting each other. Looking for other friends to add me as well. Best of Luck to us all.
  • Only my 3rd day here, but I am loving this site. I will add you as a friend, I can't wait to we all meet out goals together!:wink:
  • Hi and welcome to the community! Sending you a friend request!
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