Paleo diet and Ketosis- Questions about Maintenance

rsaeedi Posts: 7
edited January 25 in Food and Nutrition

I am starting a very strict paleo diet tomorrow and I am limiting my carbohydrate intake to 50 grams or less a day. I'm interested in getting my body into a state of ketosis. I listened to a lecture by Mark Sisson who said that we can reprogram our genetic makeup by sticking to a low carbohydrate intake for 21 days. The theory has intrigued me, so I have decided to try it. Plus, I've been on a weight-loss plateau for 7/8 months and I think my body needs a sort of shock in order to get over this hump.

This isn't the first time I'll be Paleo, but it's the first time I have counted the number of carbohydrates I eat during one day. I've already planned and prepared. What I am thinking about is the future at this point.

In the past year (before my plateau) I lost weight somewhat consistently, around 1 lb a week, 2 if I was lucky. I didn't mind the slow weight loss because I always figured it was real weight coming off. I'm thinking that in 21 days I would like to lose a minimum of 3 lbs and a maximum of 6.

My questions are these:
1. After 21 days, at what rate should I begin to integrate more carbohydrates into my diet? I do not want to shock my body once again and gain the weight back.
2. During this period of ketosis, should I eat only 50 grams of carbohydrates if I exercise? I workout 4-6 times a week doing bikram yoga, circuit workouts, sometimes I run. Is it a good idea to save a portion of my 50 grams for before my workout, or should I add more grams in order to not deplete my workout?
3. Is it true that your body cant be in a state of ketosis if you eat more than 50 grams of carbohydrates? I read on a blog just now that you can still be in ketosis if you eat 25-50 grams of carbohydrates before your workout, on top of your 50 grams. Is this true?

I guess my biggest concern/question is #1. I'm really nervous about the next 21 days because I know that it will be somewhat of a struggle for me to eat under 50 grams of carbohydrates. I don't mind being on a paleo diet, in fact, I like it, but this is taking it extreme, I just want to know that after this period of 21 days, if I DO decide to add more carbohydrates (those still in the realm of paleo) I won't add the weight back on.

Thank you in advance for your responses.


  • oskeeter1
    oskeeter1 Posts: 10 Member
    Lyle McDonald comes to mind over at Might be worth a quick read, he's a genius.

    I rarely go over 100 carbs and when I go keto, like now, I don't even eat 20 carbs. I also cycle, lift, etc every day. Don't panic, but you're not going to be a fantastic athlete during low carb periods. But you won't need many calories either, because you'll simply stop being hungry.

    Ok, I take back my second sentence. Go read some of Lyle's stuff. Specifically, the rapid fat loss handbook. It'll provide the empirically based answers you're looking for.

    Best of luck.
  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
    anyone else?
  • rsaeedi
    rsaeedi Posts: 7
    Lyle McDonald comes to mind over at Might be worth a quick read, he's a genius.

    I rarely go over 100 carbs and when I go keto, like now, I don't even eat 20 carbs. I also cycle, lift, etc every day. Don't panic, but you're not going to be a fantastic athlete during low carb periods. But you won't need many calories either, because you'll simply stop being hungry.

    Ok, I take back my second sentence. Go read some of Lyle's stuff. Specifically, the rapid fat loss handbook. It'll provide the empirically based answers you're looking for.

    Best of luck.

    Thanks for the website tip! I looked at some of the articles he has written about carbohydrates, specifically, "How Many Carbohydrates Do You Need?" (, and it answered some of my questions about ketosis and exercise. High intensity endurance athletes can deplete glycogen levels fairly quickly and might need to replenish their carbohydrate levels 30-45 minutes before activity with 25-50 grams of carbohydrates.

    Personally, it's my first day today. I haven't exercised yet, usually I leave it for later afternoon/evening. But I have integrated a green juice with 21 grams of carbohydrates into my daily food plan. I'm thinking I will juice and drink that right before my workout and it will give me at least a little bit of the carbohydrates I need in order to keep my intensity high. Otherwise, if that doesn't work today, I was thinking that I will start early morning workouts. That way I can eat a fruit serving with almond milk and chia seeds, workout, then eat a small meal afterwards. We'll see how this all plays out.

    I still havent found my answer to my first question about reintegrating high carbohydrate levels into my system after the 21 days. @oskeeter1, are you saying that you cycle with your keto days? How does that work? How often do you eat less than 20 grams of carbs? How do you feel during your workouts? I read something about low-carbohydrate diets and feelings of euphoria. Have you read about that? Felt it?
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