Calories Burned Driving



  • No different than sitting at a desk and using a computer imho.
    Minimal arm movements, yes you're thinking hard but I doubt that makes a diff, and you move your legs occasionally (as you might under your desk too).

    Now, if you're a UPS package car driver, different story!

    Personally I wouldn't log anything but working out and just make sure you set your profile to your real type of lifestyle. I was initially thinking for me, lightly active, but I think sedentary is more realistic is I drive to and from work and sit at a desk...
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    But I drive REALLY HARD.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jimchaloupka1
    jimchaloupka1 Posts: 1 Member
    I suggest if your activity level is set to sedentary, then driving is out of the normal and ok to log.
  • Question guys, does one burn calories having sex?
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    Question guys, does one burn calories having sex?

    Only if you're doing it while driving.
  • I drive a truck and I never put down my driving in the app ?.
    But if I have had a hour or two unloading loading trucks then I will put it down.
    The problem I have found is the healthy food bit?.
    I can't just pull up at a supermarket as my 37 foot truck won't go in the car park.
    But if you plan ahead you can eat healthy by knowing where you can get your fresh grocery's from.
    No more donner kababs, or chocolate for me. Chicken & salad wraps, soup, or if I want a big meal I'll have lean meat
    And a load of veggies ?::happy:
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    About as much as I burn sitting here typing all day, which is next to nothing.
  • eve1381
    eve1381 Posts: 1
    I have to say no - I started driving 1 1/2 - 2 hours each way to work every day about 2 years ago - in that 2 years I gained 25 pounds. I've just lost 20 of it and am working on the rest with great determination. You are better off leaving it out, it'll only help you in the long run to do what you are here for.
  • c53204
    c53204 Posts: 35 Member
    A bit extreme, but F1 drivers burn about 2000-3000 calories a race. Sure its high speed and although us mortals don't drive that fast, we still have to concentrate a lot while on the roads. The brain uses a lot of calories.

    Try sitting down in a car 'sedentary' for six hours driving and
    see how physically and mentally tired you feel.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    A bit extreme, but F1 drivers burn about 2000-3000 calories a race. Sure its high speed and although us mortals don't drive that fast, we still have to concentrate a lot while on the roads. The brain uses a lot of calories.

    Try sitting down in a car 'sedentary' for six hours driving and
    see how physically and mentally tired you feel.

    Oooh ... can I log doing crossword puzzles too?

  • JmBlck
    JmBlck Posts: 1 Member
    I have to disagree with many of the posts I've seen today on this topic. I spend 8 to 15 sometimes 18 hours a day behind the wheel as an over the road truck driver. It is NOT the same at all as driving a car, listening to the radio and taking it easy. It's easily one of the most exhausting, mentally and physically, jobs I've ever had. (Much worse in heavy traffic and winter driving)
    I don't know if it equals some of the caloric counts I've seen on line, but do know it works for cardio to some extent, as evidenced by the pounding heart and heavy breathing.
    When you add to the driving, getting up and down, in and out of the truck 15-20 times a day, climbing in and out of the trailer multiple times, winding up and down landing gear, dropping and hooking multiple trailers it all begins to add up. Have no idea how much, but it all adds to something.
  • I think the point is if your driving more then you normally would. If you sit behind a desk most of the time, and then for whatever reason find yourself driving for a given amount of time, that is out of the ordinary and therefore counts as something. I do believe however that the number of calories they show for driving seems excessive. I do log it but I log it as about half of the actual time.
  • phjorg1
    phjorg1 Posts: 642 Member
    I think the point is if your driving more then you normally would. If you sit behind a desk most of the time, and then for whatever reason find yourself driving for a given amount of time, that is out of the ordinary and therefore counts as something. I do believe however that the number of calories they show for driving seems excessive. I do log it but I log it as about half of the actual time.

    it counts as something. driving. which counts the same as sitting on your *kitten*.... If you don't go to work and instead sit on your *kitten* all day, do you log that as it's out of the ordinary too??
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    hmm, I took this kinda sexual,,,,
  • Mail_Girl1009
    Mail_Girl1009 Posts: 2 Member
    I count driving... but I deliver mail on the side of a mountain out of a left hand drive jeep. So I stay alert, back straight, lots of twisting and pulling trays over seats, walking packages to doors, etc. But I count it as 4 hours even though I do it for 5 so all the extra moving and lifting is just a bonus. In the summer I count it as 4.5 because of the oven my jeep becomes. I think it's all about what your doing while your driving and how alert you have to be.... : )
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    in my opinion no because driving isn't exercise unless your fred flinstone and using your feet

    When ppl enter calories for ridiculous things like cleaning, I think that they are desperate to see their daily calorie burn be higher (possibly bc they didn't work out that day). It would be easier for you to just work out instead of counting silly things like driving and vacuuming. Those things are not going to help you lose weight, so it's pointless to even add them to your log, IMO.

    I count driving... but I deliver mail on the side of a mountain out of a left hand drive jeep. So I stay alert, back straight, lots of twisting and pulling trays over seats, walking packages to doors, etc. But I count it as 4 hours even though I do it for 5 so all the extra moving and lifting is just a bonus. In the summer I count it as 4.5 because of the oven my jeep becomes. I think it's all about what your doing while your driving and how alert you have to be.... : )
    Shouldn't you just include that in your profile by stating that you have a strenuous job? That would be like a waitress saying that she walked for hours a day.
  • Has anyone considered that the size of truckers bellies could be due to the fact that they don't have much choice when it comes to eating healthy. .... Since I have started watching my calories I have lost almost 20 lbs since the beginning of the year (thanks largely to the fact that I have a fridge in my truck and can keep healthier food) and I do not exercise at all. Maybe my metabolism is high or maybe it's because I am DRIVING 11 hours a day.

    <ha ha> This is a unfriendly truck driving environment. Long Haul persecution LOL
    Maybe those websites were wrong about the amount of calories burned. :ohwell: How often do you see long-haul truck drivers who look as fantastic as Tami or Banks? :bigsmile:

    Wow, that was an unexpected little shot in the arm today! :flowerforyou:


    We'll start a new nonprofit organization; we'll call it **The MAHLT Shop** (MAHLT : Mother's Against Hating Long distance Truckers) <ha ha> :-)

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Ok, now to get back to be serious here, and the reason I visited this thread. I'm going to absolutely ! log some form of calorie burning during days that I go out because I live in a third world country, and driving here is a "far cry" from anything sedentary LOL. When I typically go out for a few errands (two hours or more), I come back sore and tired, and often want to rest.

    Driving in places like India, the Philippines, and many other countries is in the very least a moderate exercise. Dodging bicycles, motorcycles, constantly on the break peddle, and not to mention I drive a stick so shifting gears in all of that traffic and all that turning leaves my arms often sore and tired also. <ha ha> I need therapy just thinking about it :-)
  • Qski
    Qski Posts: 246 Member

    When ppl enter calories for ridiculous things like cleaning, I think that they are desperate to see their daily calorie burn be higher (possibly bc they didn't work out that day). It would be easier for you to just work out instead of counting silly things like driving and vacuuming. Those things are not going to help you lose weight, so it's pointless to even add them to your log, IMO.

    I count driving... but I deliver mail on the side of a mountain out of a left hand drive jeep. So I stay alert, back straight, lots of twisting and pulling trays over seats, walking packages to doors, etc. But I count it as 4 hours even though I do it for 5 so all the extra moving and lifting is just a bonus. In the summer I count it as 4.5 because of the oven my jeep becomes. I think it's all about what your doing while your driving and how alert you have to be.... : )
    Shouldn't you just include that in your profile by stating that you have a strenuous job? That would be like a waitress saying that she walked for hours a day.

    I definitely am logging cleaning or any other work that makes me drip sweat and my chest pound because of the amount of effort I am putting in. If I hurt from it and sweat from it, it's exercise. Granted it hurts or makes me sweat because I usually don't do anything but sit on my butt and hit pay in my internet banking for whoever is cleaning my house or weeding my garden, but that doesn't mean because they do it without breaking a sweat day in and day out, I am not going to be exerting myself if I do it? If cleaning or "ridiculous things" are easy for you, then no --- you can't log it cos it makes no sense; but it makes a lot of sense for someone who is very overweight and very unfit and not used to doing any of those ridiculous things.

    And yes, if a waitress has selected sedentary to calculate her calories burned, she is perfectly entitled to add her hours of walking, as is the driver above to add the driving....
    If you don't add it into what you are burning as part of your job, then add it as exercise, if you do add it to what you are burning as part of your job then you dont add it as exercise.

    No need to be self-righteous about what you choose to do or not, it adds nothing to the discussion other than pointing out your self-righteousness.

    The more G's you pull when driving; the more you need to concentrate, the more turns you have to make, the amount of traffic you have to contend with, the type of traffic you have to contend with and your own sensitivity to stress or anxiety under certain traffic conditions would all play a part in how much calories are burned when driving. If you know you're working it, then add it.

    Be honest with yourself your choices will only effect you.
  • Chewing gum burns roughly 11 calories an hour.
    If you're a nervous leg bouncer or pencil tapper, you're in luck. On average, fidgeting can burn between 300-350 extra calories per day.
    And for you dirty mofos. 300 calories an hour during sex....if ya last 2 hours, thats 600! for me,,,,300 divided by 60 and boo yah! yay 5 calories! Winning
  • So driving a vehicle, especially standard, does count as calories, and it depends on how accurate you want to be. Me....anal. every move i make, and every bite i take. :P
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