gym pet peeves



  • jadb22
    jadb22 Posts: 5 Member
    Hahaha love your list!!!
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    #1) people who choose the machine directly next to you.
    I will never have this problem, as I don't do cardio. However, some people are creatures of habit. They choose one machine, and stick with it regardless of who is near it. Are they directly interfering with your intense ellipticalling? Probably not.

    #2) people who stare at you while you're working out.
    People look at everyone, everywhere. If I was annoyed by this I would never leave my house.

    #3) people who keep checking your workout status.
    Again, people's eyes go everywhere. More often than not, they're worried about their own stats, not yours.

    Bring a towel and wipe down every machine before you use it, regardless of who was on it before and what they did. Solves this problem pretty easily.

    #5) people who change the channel on the TVs in front of everyone without asking.
    Hate the channel that much? Change it back yourself.

    #6) people who wear excessive amounts of make-up to the gym.
    People can wear stilletos and push-up bras to the gym for all I care-doesn't affect my workout. If a man wants to walk backwards on a treadmill wearing nothing but a leopard print bra and hot pink boxers, he should go for it.

    #7) people who are too sick to even be out of the house, let alone at the gym.
    Better than avoiding the gym after breaking a nail, I'll say

    #8) people (usually men) who make beastly noises after lifting.
    People grunt when they make an effort. If making an effort is an issue for you, you should probably not be annoyed by #6.

    #9) getting hit on at the gym.
    People get hit on everywhere. Ignore and move on.

    #10) people who bring energy drinks/coffees onto machines with them.
    Who gives a flying crap what anyone else drinks? Is someone's cup of joe on their treadmill causing you such anxiety? I think not.

    I stopped giving a flying crap about anything and everything else at the gym. Helps your workout, and your results, trust me.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Thank you!!!!!!! I feel the same way. Nough said.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    To much perfume!
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    My gym has machines in a circle for circuit training. You do one machine for one minute then switch. I HATE it when people choose the machine directly next to mine. Sometimes I like to spend an extra minute on a certain machine and I can't when you're right behind me, waiting for that machine. So frustrating!

    This would piss me off and I would b!tch to the poor workers at curves about it. They knew exactly where I was coming from.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    The people that don't let me grunt while I lift heavy things.
  • shellyburger
    shellyburger Posts: 90 Member
    My gym has machines in a circle for circuit training. You do one machine for one minute then switch. I HATE it when people choose the machine directly next to mine. Sometimes I like to spend an extra minute on a certain machine and I can't when you're right behind me, waiting for that machine. So frustrating!

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but there is a time limit on these things. You're supposed to switch to the next machine, so I don't think you can be really mad if people are waiting on you to be done.. that's your fault not theirs.
  • ddunham09
    ddunham09 Posts: 1
    Talking to your bros about bro science when not one bro is even using the bench you're sitting on. MOVE, FOOL.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    this. what animal does this????

  • lizzzylou
    lizzzylou Posts: 325
    this. what animal does this????


    oh my god that's hilarious. Night made.:laugh: :laugh:
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    OP: I have the SAME peeves at the gym!! I'm still in college and the majority of college students are SO inconsiderate!! You need to add "not re-racking weights"!! The people at my gym take the barbells to the other side of the room or upstairs and leave them there. It shouldn't be a scavenger hunt for the 10 lb dumbbells.... Jerks.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    My pet peeve about people in the gym, is people in the gym with pet peeves about people in the gym.:love:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    so i've kept quiet long enough about these things, i just keep them in my mind and shoot hate glares, but i don't think i'm alone. i just left the gym, and these are all fresh in my mind. enjoy... comment... share.

    #1) people who choose the machine directly next to you.
    if the gym is busy, i can understand. but i was literally the only person in this cardio room, and there are at least seven treadmills. why must you hop on the treadmill right next to me? this also leads me to number two.

    #2) people who stare at you while you're working out.
    i'm over here, dripping sweat, panting while i run. do you think my peripheral vision can't pick up the fact that you are staring at me? WHY ARE YOU STARING AT ME???

    #3) people who keep checking your workout status.
    you don't need to know how many calories i've burned, how much of an incline i'm running at, how many mets (whatever they are) i've attained, etc. keep your eyes on your own machine please!

    this should really be number one. i think it's the most disgusting thing. if you hopped on the elliptical for three minutes and were like, "nah, i don't wanna work out today" and left, that's one thing. the guy over here sweating buckets needs to wipe down what he's touched after he's done. EW! and any machine that requires me to sit on it, i don't care to sit on your swamp-*kitten*. please have some common sense!

    #5) people who change the channel on the TVs in front of everyone without asking.

    #6) people who wear excessive amounts of make-up to the gym.
    really? and i love when it's the same women who hop on the treadmill for five minutes, walk super slow, then leave.

    #7) people who are too sick to even be out of the house, let alone at the gym.
    i just watched you sneeze all over that magazine you're reading. and i don't think an intense cardio workout is going to make that hacking cough any better!

    #8) people (usually men) who make beastly noises after lifting.
    first of all, you just scared the **** out of me. second of all, stop it. third of all (this only happened once), i checked out the weight you lifted after i supressed my heartbeat, and you were benching 75lbs. what?

    #9) getting hit on at the gym.
    stop it. i'm sweaty, i smell bad, i'm not wearing make-up, and i can barely even breathe because i'm running too fast. you're lucky, because if i had the breath to spare, i would have told you where i was going to shove my foot.

    #10) people who bring energy drinks/coffees onto machines with them.
    what? that cupholder is for a water bottle, or a gatorade, or anything really except for a hugely large iced coffee with one million creams in it. and it's not for your 42oz big gulp from 7-11 either. or your giant can of monster. just stop it, because i just smelled a combo of your breath plus your sweat. you stank, and you're putting all the calories you're trying to burn right back into your body with that drink.

    i don't know if people will interpret this as whining or whatever, but i felt i had to get it off my chest. anyone share these problems? :)

    11 - People who do not concentrate on their own work out and then post *kitten* about others in the gym.

    OP focus on your work outs..maybe you will see better results...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    My pet peeve about people in the gym, is people in the gym with pet peeves about people in the gym.:love:

    bahahahahaha amen brother!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    The gnarly neanderthals in the weights room who do one rep at the heaviest possible weight, walk around the cardio room, stare at the women there, then at a mirror for 10 minutes then repeat this process.

    I'd also like to know what those grunt type noises they make mean when a non-lifter enters the weights room to lift.
  • Brianna72994
    Brianna72994 Posts: 887
    My gym has machines in a circle for circuit training. You do one machine for one minute then switch. I HATE it when people choose the machine directly next to mine. Sometimes I like to spend an extra minute on a certain machine and I can't when you're right behind me, waiting for that machine. So frustrating!

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but there is a time limit on these things. You're supposed to switch to the next machine, so I don't think you can be really mad if people are waiting on you to be done.. that's your fault not theirs.

    There's not necessarily a time limit. I go to a very small gym so those are the only machines they have, other than the treadmills, bikes, and ellipticals. So people use those machines without even circuit training. Sometimes I do like to spend an extra minute on the machines because I don't feel like I worked hard enough. So it gets kinda annoying when people pressure me to move. Especially when there's about 12 machines in the whole circuit, and they could have chosen ANY other machine
  • sangeyvang
    sangeyvang Posts: 182
    I agree. I hate when people don't wipe the machines after. I went on the elliptical and my hands felt SO sticky, so now I wipe the machines before and after. And I also don't like it when girls come in and they just stand there and talk. OR they are on their cell phones talking all loud.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    sounds like OP needs to get her own personal gym, that way she wont have to share space with others. problems solved :wink:

    besides that, some of these are just goofy. if you have time to look at someone's makeup and ascertain whether or not she's wearing too much or just enough makeup at the gym then you either need to be working harder, going to help spot that dude BPing pounds, or cleaning machines