Burning calories and still not losing weight



  • shana1925
    shana1925 Posts: 13 Member
    Well prior to now I wasnt working out sadly. I would just do like household things wash etc. I wanted to change now because I felt I needed.to include exercise in my everyday life. And now idk whats going on. So I just recalculated MFP and it said since im active I should consume 1740 cal a day....so if thats true then should I eat 1740 and workout or just eat 1740 minus the 500 cal workout? And does anyone know if bodymedia works or should I invest in purchasing one?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    @sherrimiller12 I do sweat a lot on the treadmill sometimes its hard to keep up with 4.0 and my incline is always at 2. I havent measured my waist and other things and I am 5'7 and if I am building muscle when will I actually start to lose the weight or at least see that im losing on a scale?

    Indeed, you are burning decent amount per hr, about 573 NET. MFP or HRM or treadmill would be reporting GROSS.

    So that would be your eat-back.


    And that is highly accurate, more than people think, better than HRM actually when walking that speed.

    And it is a decent workout for you now with a lot to lose, it won't be way down the road.

    So you are also on your feet all day long.

    So if walking is still a struggle for you, that is making body improvements, which will not be weight loss, but gain.

    So measurements very necessary at the start here as you make increases in stored glucose and water, greater blood volume with water, ect, and fat inches drop.

    When your body is done making those improvements needed that your exercise is asking for, then weight can drop.

    Did that calorie goal include only exercise, or fact you are on your feet all day?

    And indeed weigh food for couple weeks, just to see how close you really were. Though it sure would be hard to make up a big deficit like that merely through slightly mismeasurements, unless you are forgetting whole meals.
  • shana1925
    shana1925 Posts: 13 Member
    @heybales....I think I got confused on what you said? Lol. Today when I did 4.0 my shirt was totally drenched in sweat....so I would assume I am burning 500 cal? Plus I my thigh muscles are kinda sore...so I would assume im doing something right. But are you saying that im just gaining muscle?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Well prior to now I wasnt working out sadly. I would just do like household things wash etc. I wanted to change now because I felt I needed.to include exercise in my everyday life. And now idk whats going on. So I just recalculated MFP and it said since im active I should consume 1740 cal a day....so if thats true then should I eat 1740 and workout or just eat 1740 minus the 500 cal workout? And does anyone know if bodymedia works or should I invest in purchasing one?

    MFP gives you a deficit BEFORE exercise so yes, you eat exercise calories back ..... BUT be careful here.

    Activity level - you were given extra calories for that. If you are "acutally" moderately active (or anything less than active) .... then the bump in calories was too much.

    If your calorie burn as stated is too high ..... then eating back a percentage is wise. Pick a percentage & see how it goes.

    Re: BodyMedia/BodyBug whatever .... those are not really very good for calculating cardio workouts .... that's a HRM (heart rate monitor).
  • shana1925
    shana1925 Posts: 13 Member
    @sherrimiller12 I do sweat a lot on the treadmill sometimes its hard to keep up with 4.0 and my incline is always at 2. I havent measured my waist and other things and I am 5'7 and if I am building muscle when will I actually start to lose the weight or at least see that im losing on a scale?

    Indeed, you are burning decent amount per hr, about 573 NET. MFP or HRM or treadmill would be reporting GROSS.

    So that would be your eat-back.


    And that is highly accurate, more than people think, better than HRM actually when walking that speed.

    And it is a decent workout for you now with a lot to lose, it won't be way down the road.

    So you are also on your feet all day long.

    So if walking is still a struggle for you, that is making body improvements, which will not be weight loss, but gain.

    So measurements very necessary at the start here as you make increases in stored glucose and water, greater blood volume with water, ect, and fat inches drop.

    When your body is done making those improvements needed that your exercise is asking for, then weight can drop.

    Did that calorie goal include only exercise, or fact you are on your feet all day?

    And indeed weigh food for couple weeks, just to see how close you really were. Though it sure would be hard to make up a big deficit like that merely through slightly mismeasurements, unless you are forgetting whole meals.

    The 500 calorie came specifically from treadmill
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    The 500 calorie came specifically from treadmill

    Machines over state calories too .....

    Calorie burn is dependent upon many factors: height, weight, age, gender .....EXERTION level ..... as well as others.

    What a HRM "attempts" to do ...... it knows your resting heart rate and compares that with your heart rate during the workout. The more often your heart rate is measured .... the more accurate it will be. This is why a HRM with a chest strap is most likely a more accurate figure than wrist only models.

    A certain MPH or incline may be hard for you (sweat is not a factor) ..... that very same workout may be easy for the next person.

    Machines that don't have you input various factors use DEFAULTS. Men burn more calories than women .... they are larger, they have more muscle mass.
  • ZandaD
    ZandaD Posts: 1
    I am running on my treadmill every other day and normally I burn around 690 cal when I run on speed 8km p/h and my incline is 4, so I dont think walking would burn same amount cal.... Maybe you should try some other calorie caunter?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    @sherrimiller12 I do sweat a lot on the treadmill sometimes its hard to keep up with 4.0 and my incline is always at 2. I havent measured my waist and other things and I am 5'7 and if I am building muscle when will I actually start to lose the weight or at least see that im losing on a scale?

    Indeed, you are burning decent amount per hr, about 573 NET. MFP or HRM or treadmill would be reporting GROSS.

    So that would be your eat-back.


    And that is highly accurate, more than people think, better than HRM actually when walking that speed.

    And it is a decent workout for you now with a lot to lose, it won't be way down the road.

    So you are also on your feet all day long.

    So if walking is still a struggle for you, that is making body improvements, which will not be weight loss, but gain.

    So measurements very necessary at the start here as you make increases in stored glucose and water, greater blood volume with water, ect, and fat inches drop.

    When your body is done making those improvements needed that your exercise is asking for, then weight can drop.

    Did that calorie goal include only exercise, or fact you are on your feet all day?

    And indeed weigh food for couple weeks, just to see how close you really were. Though it sure would be hard to make up a big deficit like that merely through slightly mismeasurements, unless you are forgetting whole meals.

    The 500 calorie came specifically from treadmill

    Then it was close, but it should have reported even more.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    @heybales....I think I got confused on what you said? Lol. Today when I did 4.0 my shirt was totally drenched in sweat....so I would assume I am burning 500 cal? Plus I my thigh muscles are kinda sore...so I would assume im doing something right. But are you saying that im just gaining muscle?

    You may be gaining some muscle, non-measurable amounts, to carry the load in this manner you are not accustomed too.

    But LBM =/= muscle mass.
    Rather, muscle mass is just one of many things that are a part of LBM. You can gain LBM without gaining any muscle mass.
    BMR energy calories is mainly spent on water management in the cells.
    Water weight is biggest part of LBM and if it goes up, metabolism goes up.
    And if fat is dropping at the same time - weight stays the same.

    You are burning more calories than 500, according to formula's found very accurate for speeds 2.4 - 4 mph, 573 calories actually, over and above what you would have burned just resting.

    You are going longer and farther and faster than you have ever before. Your's body's response - store more glucose for endurance. Glucose stores with water.
    Need more oxygen for this effort, increase red blood cells and blood volume. That's more water.
    Muscles have been worked out, time to repair. That retains water in them.
  • kitty_kong
    kitty_kong Posts: 56
    I am 23 years old and weigh 241lbs. I have been trying to lose weight for the past 2 weeks now but nothing is coming off? I dont understand what I am doing wrong- I eat or try to eat 1687 calories a day and so far I have been burning between 500-700 cal on the treadmill walking on average 3.5 or 4.0 at 45-60min a day in the morning before I even eat. I would like to get down to 220 in the next 5vwks. Can someone please explain to me what I am doing wrong? My boyfriend has been working out with me and he has already lost 11 pounds! Please reply with seriousness. Thanks

    That's a lot of calories to be eating!!! Average is 1,200
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I am 23 years old and weigh 241lbs. I have been trying to lose weight for the past 2 weeks now but nothing is coming off? I dont understand what I am doing wrong- I eat or try to eat 1687 calories a day and so far I have been burning between 500-700 cal on the treadmill walking on average 3.5 or 4.0 at 45-60min a day in the morning before I even eat. I would like to get down to 220 in the next 5vwks. Can someone please explain to me what I am doing wrong? My boyfriend has been working out with me and he has already lost 11 pounds! Please reply with seriousness. Thanks

    That's a lot of calories to be eating!!! Average is 1,200

    No, minimum recommend for sedentary person for reason of safely getting all their nutrients in is 1200.

    Much like minimum building codes - not for performance, not for longevity, not for aesthetics, safety only.

    You want to perform better, live longer, look better - then exercise and eat more than minimum safety 1200.

    And until someone has actually logged what they used to eat before starting their diet - they have no informed opinion regarding what is high or low calorie level - vast majority have absolutely no clue outside common recommendations.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    So I just recalculated MFP and it said since im active I should consume 1740 cal a day.

    Why would you choose active? You can't choose active based on an hour of walking and then also eat that back.
  • shana1925
    shana1925 Posts: 13 Member
    I chose active because walking at a speed of 4.0 is pretty hard for me but i do it for 60 min and i burn alot of calories. Also, I dont just walk everyday I also workout to jillian micheals 30 day shred and sometimes do Billy Banks and I workout 4-5 days a week...combining all of those I dont think it would fit the criteria as "lightly active"
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    The activity setting is for your job or usual daily activity. You add your exercise separately. Choosing active and then eating your exercise as well is double dipping on calories.

    Also perceived exertion based on not being very fit doesn't bump up your activity level. Sweat, being tired and sore muscles shows a poor level of fitness, not that you are working harder than anyone else.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I chose active because walking at a speed of 4.0 is pretty hard for me but i do it for 60 min and i burn alot of calories. Also, I dont just walk everyday I also workout to jillian micheals 30 day shred and sometimes do Billy Banks and I workout 4-5 days a week...combining all of those I dont think it would fit the criteria as "lightly active"

    MFP doesn't consider your exercise in setting up your calories. It only wants your job info. There is a section for your fitness goals, but it's not part of the calculation. Go with your normal daily work type activities then log your work outs and eat those or part of those back. Don't figure them in.
  • Emjay70
    Emjay70 Posts: 16 Member
    Are you drinking enough water. Make sure you stay hydrated.
  • Powerfocus
    Powerfocus Posts: 18
    What you are eating is really important as well as the combination on your plate. Fruits are nice but some are high in sugar like bananas, watermelon, pineapple, etc but if you are a vegan these may be okay for you. This is what I do I try things and see how my body reacts. I stick to nutrient dense food, low carb fruits and veggies. For example instead of bananas I eat berries, instead of potatoes I eat green veggies, instead of corn I eat bran, and I only eat 98 to 99% fat free meats turkey chicken fish or vegetarian meats low fat check your plate combination you want to have protein fiber low fat. I don't do oil only fish oil supplement and primrose oil supplement I know olive oil is a healthy fat but for me doesn't show on the waist line and still equals to 120grams of fat for a serving . I know nuts are healthy but they are high in fat and I will not eat them unless I know I have worked more than enough to burn them off. Food labels tell you a lot you might want to check the salt it makes you retain water .
  • miriams76
    miriams76 Posts: 138 Member
    I started exercising more intensively just over a month and a half ago. The first month, only about 1lb came off despite quite low nets and always being under my calorie goal (1300). I've lost about six lbs since though! Most of that has started dropping off the last couple of weeks. Whenever I've tried to lose weight, it's been like ths. The first month or so, nada, and it can be a bit disheartening. I think my body just needs time to adjust though. That's why it's so important to keep going and not think you are biologically programmed to not lose weight or something. Good luck, well done and don't give up :) Give it time.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I chose active because walking at a speed of 4.0 is pretty hard for me but i do it for 60 min and i burn alot of calories. Also, I dont just walk everyday I also workout to jillian micheals 30 day shred and sometimes do Billy Banks and I workout 4-5 days a week...combining all of those I dont think it would fit the criteria as "lightly active"

    That's fine. Go with it for a month or so and see what happens. If your expected results match your actual results, you'll know you are pretty close with your numbers/estimates. If not, you'll need to tweak one way or the other.

    Just know that since you are factoring exercise into the calculation (activity setting), you won't want to eat back exercise cals.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    The activity setting is for your job or usual daily activity. You add your exercise separately. Choosing active and then eating your exercise as well is double dipping on calories.
    There's nothing wrong with doing it this way (provided she doesn't eat back exercise cals). Most people don't use MFP this way, but it should work just fine. She's basically using it to calculate TDEE rather than NEAT.
    Also perceived exertion based on not being very fit doesn't bump up your activity level. Sweat, being tired and sore muscles shows a poor level of fitness, not that you are working harder than anyone else.

    Perceived exertion simply indicates how hard you are pushing yourself compared to your own current level of fitness. It's not necessarily an indicator of cals burned.