Stepping off the WW ledge and joining MFP



  • Swissy57
    Swissy57 Posts: 2
    Hello can I join in too. I am an ex WW as well. And I like the fact that noone has bashed the diet. It does work, and I lost 12kg with it, however I got really slack lately and was fed up counting points. I left the programme back in February and was muddling through with a excel sheet counting the points. I put 4kg back on.

    I am waiting for my 5:2 diet book, and will be keeping track of my food with this app. Have too loose those Australian gained 4kg plus 2 more to get to my desired weight.

    Will keep you posted.

  • Rena42
    Rena42 Posts: 66 Member
    That's too funny. I just canceled my WW membership today. I've been on MFP for about 20 days now, and I've found that the community here has been so much more supportive - I did WW online - I didn't go to meetings. I lost weight with WW, but it was always short lived. The community here is keeping me going.
  • Can I ask what is a "Fit Bug"

    My husband and I did WW 3 years ago and he loved it and lost 50lbs in 5 months. I however didn't do that good on the program. We both have been saying "this is it we have to get back to doing the WW plan" for months now and I just really don't like the plan that much and so I found MFP and I am going to go all in. I am excited about getting started.
  • KAS0917
    KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
    Can I ask what is a "Fit Bug"

    My husband and I did WW 3 years ago and he loved it and lost 50lbs in 5 months. I however didn't do that good on the program. We both have been saying "this is it we have to get back to doing the WW plan" for months now and I just really don't like the plan that much and so I found MFP and I am going to go all in. I am excited about getting started.

    It's a Fit Bit :) It's sort of like the WW ActiveLink that I was wearing - basically a pedometer. But it calculates your calorie burn throughout the day etc. Just an extra gadget! I bought mine at Target, but if you go to Amazon and search for fitbit you can learn more about it. It sync with MFP, so it will give me more calories to eat (or take some away!) based on my level of activity.
  • I switched from WW to MFP about 5 weeks ago. On WW I was losing about 1.6/week, but on MFP, it's been about 2.88/week. Crazy!
  • I am a WW Lifetime Member after losing appx 50 lbs 1997, but not at goal weight now so have to essentially start over. I rejoined WW a couple of years ago. I had a fairly scary health scare and bombed. It has taken me far too long to get my head on straight again but about 3 weeks ago rejoined WW and also MFP. Both, IMO, are awesome groups. I will be counting calories with MFP, not points. Not so sure how long I will keep both WW and MFP going at the same time but will see how I reduce #s on calorie / activity tracking. I do love the camaraderie within MFP!!! Lots of support and opportunities to gain new friends and new knowledge.
    The energy of this group is AWESOME!! Very motivating...
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    I've been a weight watchers member on and off for 10+ years, consistently for the past 18 months. I'm down 25 pounds, and I absolutely believe that WW works...but you have to actually DO it. I finally had a 'come to Jesus' meeting with myself yesterday and I know that I haven't really been DOING WW, I'm just paying them, and using it as a security blanket. I've gotten complacent and I'm in a rut. I've gained 7 pounds since December. :(

    So, here I am! I cancelled my WW membership today, got a new Fit Bit, and logged into MFP. I am currently doing an INSANITY 60 day challenge, so I am working out. (I'm not great at it, but I'm doing it!) My food is up and down. When I'm home, I do great. I try to eat pretty clean about 80% of the time. But I travel about 60% of the year for work, which is my downfall. Making poor decisions on the road.

    I'm excited to do this - my enthusiasm is back, which is what I'm missing! I'd love to be at goal by my birthday - 35 by 35! :)

    If anybody would like to add me, feel free, my food journal is public. I eat better knowing that people (even strangers!) are looking at what I eat! haha!


    welcome! yeah ive done WW couple diff times over 6mo or se each time.. lost 20 pounds both times! and gained back :sad: and i joined mfp and lost 40 pounds in 4mo! and have been up and down 5 pounds last 5 mo.. you hafta really track and do it (anything ww or mfp) for it to work! welcome ! this sight is cool and fun.. and it is motivating :bigsmile:
  • coffee4me57
    coffee4me57 Posts: 195
    I too cancelled my WW membership last night. I was no longer going to meetings or working the program. Enjoying MFP so far.
  • 2Elle
    2Elle Posts: 3 Member
    I too think my calorie allowance of 1200 a day is too low, I'd love to know what the scooby calculator is? I've been walking to and from work and out with a colleague at lunchtime, so that's giving me enough to eat but I'd be kidding myself if I thought I'll keep the walking up. There are days when I need my car at work, plus there's the lovely weather we get in Scotland, I can't turn up to work looking like a drowned rat.

    I'm addicted to my fitbit, it's like I'm in competition with it, I love the badges that they send you when you've done well and it syncs with mfp so seamlessly, I got mine on ebay and saved £15 to £20. They're not cheap but 3 months without WW subscription will pay for mine.
    Keep tracking girls.
  • frannooooo
    frannooooo Posts: 7
    You sound like me :) I was a WW member up until recently - I lost about 2 stone doing the WW diet, and then got complacent and was just paying them for the mentality that I 'was doing it' when I really wasn't! Ha.

    I am so addicted to my Fit Bit; I was using it even when I was a WW member and I am often found walking around my living room to reach my goal in steps! Hahaha.

    Best of luck everyone :)
  • Wow - others like me!
    I did WW religoulsy for about 3 years and got down to my goal weight, for about 3 months! Since then it has been slowly creeping back on, whithout me realising. I found WW very hard work in the end, but after a week of MFP I feel like I am getting back some order with my eating and making better choices. It certainly feels less of a full on effort than WW was but that could just be me at the minute.

    Anyways, good luck everyone xx
  • Marcia661
    Marcia661 Posts: 183 Member
    Can I join the club? The first time I joined WW was after the birth of my son.......23 years ago. It has been an on again/off again love affair since then.
    Never have I seen results like I'm having with MFP, not weight though mind you, but rather inches...LOTS.
    I've had to change my way of thinking and step away from the scale. My body feels better and better.
    I'm glad to hear I'm not alone :)
  • I'm another ex-weight watcher who has restarted MFP this week.

    I'm interested in what you are saying about calories. I am sticking to 1230 which is my target for 1lb a week loss, that is fine for me during the week, but the weekends will be difficult. I've restarted this week and I'm thinking that if I aim for 1230 during the week and save up exercise points, then I could have a higher allowance during the weekend and still end up at around 1,400 for 1/2 lb a week.

    Does anyone else "save up" calories like that - same as weekly ww propoints?
  • SpazQ
    SpazQ Posts: 104
    Here is something you might be interested in:

    or google: "meet Staci nerdfitness"

    Also, I hear a lot of 1200 calorie range stuff. If you don't know who Lyle McDonald is, you can find him at

    Staying at a severe caloric deficit for more than 4-6 weeks at a time is bad. Lyle talks about this in his books. 4-6 weeks then a 10-14 break where you eat at maintenence.
    If you are within 10 lbs, severe deficits shouldn't be done for more than 10-12 days. Then 10-12 days eating at maintenence.

    His rapid fat loss guide is a great read even though he doesn't condone crash diets, he knows people are going to do them so he wrote the book so people can understand how to do them correctly with minimal impact on lean body mass.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I think WW teaches a lot of good skills, but doesn't have an engaging online presence. With two toddlers and a full time job, going to meetings wasn't in the cards for me. I also like the way MFP tracks potassium, calcium, etc. It really drives you to more nutritious foods. I find myself eating a lot more fruit and nuts with MFP.

    Also: I save up calories, but don't carry them week to week - just like in WW
  • msharp23
    msharp23 Posts: 14
    There's tons of us former WWers! I too found success with WW after having my boys, but I didn't like the whole "points" thing. I feel like I eat much healthier when I'm watching calories and macros. When I was doing WW, I was totally focused on that major "point" and ate a lot more processed, "low fat", "low sugar" fake stuff. Now that I'm eating more real food, I feel a million times healthier than when I was on WW. I know that wasn't WW's fault, it was just the mindset I was in when I was tracking "points"-it made food feel not like food if that makes any sense. WW works, but for me MFP works much better (and it's free!!!).

    I highly recommend you new members all search these forums for HelloitsDan's "road map"-it's a life changer!