gym pet peeves



  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    People who only go to the gym to use the treadmill
    Seriously? This bothers you?

    As for mine- crabby Yoga instructors who get pissy when BodyPumpers are putting their "toys" away for 90 seconds into their classtime. Seriously dude - you are supposed to be Zen and there is a lot of crap to put away. AND there is no class after yours - so chill and run 2 minutes over if you have to get your 60 minutes of peace and tranquility in...quit yelling at us...
  • richardositosanchez
    richardositosanchez Posts: 260 Member
    When i'm at the gym i'm focused on my own workout and not what anyone else does, drinks, looks at, looks like, etc. If you have this many pet peeves then you're not really a people person and probably should invest in a home gym where you won't have to worry about other people.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    I usually mind my own business, pull my hat down over my eyes and get my *kitten* done UNLESS the following occurs and people get in my way:

    • People doing their Plyo *kitten* in the free weights area. That padded bench is not for box jumping and the lat machine is not for BHD situps!

    • People WAY under-dressed for the gym.

    • Using your phone while sitting in a rack or leg press... G.T.F.O!

    • Bros teaching their bros bad form & techniques (i.e. barbell on the lower neck and knees passed toes during squats)

    • One Set Wonders

    • Using the Oly barbell for curls.

    • Gym Bunnies
  • algrant1
    algrant1 Posts: 17
    The only thing that gets to me are obviously sick gym goers. If I'm sick I try to stay away from crowded places - like my gym! Be kind and keep the germs to yourself. Anything else - not bothered. I just shove my ear buds in and I'm in my own world and in the zone :bigsmile:
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Working out while sick is so stupid. All you are doing is prolonging the illness by using up your body's resources. Not to mention spreading your virulent crap around to others... STAY HOME!
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    I have to admit to being guilty of sometimes staring at someone working out but it is always because I'm interested in the move they are doing and I'm trying to see how they're doing it and what proper form to use. I'm trying to figure out free weights pretty much on my own so I do watch others for ideas. My pet peeves are people who lift right in front of the dumbbell rack so you can't get to the weights yourself and people who just leave weights all over the place. If I can lift them to workout I can lift them to put them away. :-/
  • karmabear06
    karmabear06 Posts: 62 Member
    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha You're my HERO!!!

    May i just add......
    #1 Meathead who corrects my form when he's been curling his back like Igor- SERIOUSLY??? I was a ballet dancer in my younger days, i think I know what a straght back is

    #2 Bambi with the thong who's giving me the evil eye because i'm the fat girl who doesn't belong in the gym...uh...I will snap you in half little girl...

    #3 DEODORANT phobic people...i swear i'm gonna take some spray-on Right Gaurd and start a ninja attacking these jack-*kitten*

    #4 TXTING or talking on the phone while using the bench press as a lazy boy MOVE PEOPLE I only have a 3 day split!!


    #3 Way too funny!!!!
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    #5) people who change the channel on the TVs in front of everyone without asking.
    If what's on the TV bugs you then you're probably not getting a good workout in the first place.
    #6) people who wear excessive amounts of make-up to the gym.
    really? and i love when it's the same women who hop on the treadmill for five minutes, walk super slow, then leave.
    What? Are they going to melt on your precious little hamster wheel? Who gives a damn?
    #8) people (usually men) who make beastly noises after lifting.
    first of all, you just scared the **** out of me. second of all, stop it. third of all (this only happened once), i checked out the weight you lifted after i supressed my heartbeat, and you were benching 75lbs. what?

    Here we find a bro in the wild. This is his mating call for number six.
    #9) getting hit on at the gym.
    stop it. i'm sweaty, i smell bad, i'm not wearing make-up, and i can barely even breathe because i'm running too fast. you're lucky, because if i had the breath to spare, i would have told you where i was going to shove my foot.
    Congratulations! You're too busy being annoyed by makeup girl and watching TV to do your workout. The bro from number eight has just mistaken you for girl number six. Yes, some people use the gym to meet boys and/or girls. Fit people like to date fit people. They have common interests. (It would be nice if they had their own dating room or something so they'd get the hell away from the equipment I want to use.)
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    Please for the Love of humanity!!!!! STOP HOLDING ON TO THE display and or bars when you are on an INCLINE on the treadmill!
    IF you CANT go up without holding on then DONT ramp the incline that high!!!! Listen to your what they can do!! DONT Eliminate half your body weight just to go some height you CANT DO!!!!!

    You are only Cheating yourself...........

    RANT OVER :devil:

    Oh and stop Looking at how awesome im running (Look no hands)!!!! :bigsmile: Unless of course you are hotttttzzzzz
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    People at the gym that give off the vibe that they are offended by the existence of other human beings
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    I love it when I'm running on the treadmill and someone gets on the one right next to me even though all the others are free. I then play this game where I can see how quickly I can make them leave. I eat a lot of protein, just saying...

    Bonus points if I make them cough/gag.

    Double bonus points if I make myself cough/gag.
  • SpazQ
    SpazQ Posts: 104
    Not a peeve at all but I know some would be annoyed.

    I thought the gym would be slow today because there weren't as many cars in the lot and adjoining lot.


    The NY Yankees farm team was there!!! :):)

    ahem, made my rest periods WAY more interesting. Polite and great form indeed.

    All you young gals would have been in heaven.

    I didn't get my squats done yet I remained un-annoyed. I opted for leg presses and that works too.
  • melizmarie
    melizmarie Posts: 6 Member
    I prefer to use the same machine every time when I can because they all seem to be set slightly differently (e.g., resistance level 23 on one elliptical = resistance level 25 on another one), and I can track my progress better if I eliminate the inconsistency. Sometimes this results on me getting on a machine right next to someone when the gym is relatively empty. It's not about that person.

    I put on makeup every morning. Usually some of it is still on by the time I get to the gym. I didn't apply makeup specifically *for* the gym, but I don't think it's necessary to make a point to remove all of it before I do my workout.

    ^^ this is understandable. there was a reason i wrote excessive amounts and not just 'wears makeup'. i do the same thing you do. i was more thinking of this woman who comes to our gym and wears enough foundation that you can see a line separating her neck from her face, three different colors of dark eye shadow and dark pink lipstick. THAT'S what i mean.
    **and before people say: focus on your workout, you won't notice. A) it's impossible not to notice this woman. and B) i wasn't working out yet, she was applying all this in the locker room before working out.

  • Cologne!!! Why would you ever where cologne to a place that you are going to sweat and mix that cologne with your pheromones and stink. Not only that, but as I'm breathing deep, I'm looking for oxygen, not essential oils and alcohols. I feel like I might as well be sitting behind a diesel on my bike.
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    #1) people who choose the machine directly next to you.
    I will never have this problem, as I don't do cardio. However, some people are creatures of habit. They choose one machine, and stick with it regardless of who is near it. Are they directly interfering with your intense ellipticalling? Probably not.

    #2) people who stare at you while you're working out.
    People look at everyone, everywhere. If I was annoyed by this I would never leave my house.

    #3) people who keep checking your workout status.
    Again, people's eyes go everywhere. More often than not, they're worried about their own stats, not yours.

    Bring a towel and wipe down every machine before you use it, regardless of who was on it before and what they did. Solves this problem pretty easily.

    #5) people who change the channel on the TVs in front of everyone without asking.
    Hate the channel that much? Change it back yourself.

    #6) people who wear excessive amounts of make-up to the gym.
    People can wear stilletos and push-up bras to the gym for all I care-doesn't affect my workout. If a man wants to walk backwards on a treadmill wearing nothing but a leopard print bra and hot pink boxers, he should go for it.

    #7) people who are too sick to even be out of the house, let alone at the gym.
    Better than avoiding the gym after breaking a nail, I'll say

    #8) people (usually men) who make beastly noises after lifting.
    People grunt when they make an effort. If making an effort is an issue for you, you should probably not be annoyed by #6.

    #9) getting hit on at the gym.
    People get hit on everywhere. Ignore and move on.

    #10) people who bring energy drinks/coffees onto machines with them.
    Who gives a flying crap what anyone else drinks? Is someone's cup of joe on their treadmill causing you such anxiety? I think not.

    I stopped giving a flying crap about anything and everything else at the gym. Helps your workout, and your results, trust me.

    ^^ that about sums it up.
    I'm way to busy worrying about me to even bother to notice anyone else.
    I had no idea people were so worked up about their surroundings while they workout for an hour.

    .ps at My gym only the women's area has spray bottles and rags. They aren't even offered in the men's area.
    Now that I think about it, I wonder if the management is having a 'men are pigs' - 'women needing rags' - 'jokes on you' snicker moment.
    Maybe I should be upset about that. lol