Monday Morning weigh-ins anyone???



  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I've only taken a laxitive once before, after going more than a week without anything! I was in the bathroom a lot the following couple days....

    I actually track my fiber on here, and it hasn't really dipped lately, so I'm not sure what's wrong...
  • sublimechik28
    sublimechik28 Posts: 74 Member
    i weigh myself friday and monday to check what damage i did over the weekend i went up a pound from 157 to 158 geeez!! i wanna be at 145 and i was stuck at 165 for the longest time bc i stopped weighing myself and just wanted to maintain but now i realize i want more weight off at least to be at my bmi for my height 5'4"
    WE CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Well, I got home yesterday in wind and rain, so I decided to have soup to warm myself up. After eating tomato soup with whole wheat crackers and a grilled cheese sandwich, then napping, I got up and HAD to go to the bathroom, no laxatives needed! YAY! :)
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    Pixie: Yay!!

    I am sooooo sore. I did 3.75 miles yesterday and I feel it today! Oh and I am a few days away from TOM :sad: I want CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!
  • My first post! Weighing in at 181, post 2 week vacation with no gain so that is good. Back on the 1200 calories or less plan. Planned out foods for the day this morning: a Lean Cuisine wrap for breakfast, a 100 cal snack at 10am, tuna and crackers pack for lunch, 100 cal snack for 2pm, then I have 500 calories or less available for dinner. Sounds like not much, hoping I can do it. I have a food plan like this for the next three days when I only have to feed myself. It is tougher on the weekend when I have to feed the family.

    My latest help is TrueLemon crystallized lemon that you add to water. It is like a lemon wedge, no sugar of any kind. It really helps the water go down!

  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    How is everyone doing this week???? I went to the store last night and bought ice cream, frosting and chocolate syrup! WTH I guess I am not thinking clearly :noway:
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Monday 8/16
    I lost 2 more pounds so I am at 223
    I am not doing well with the challenges. I will try again this week.
    Have a good week everyone
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    1.8 pounds for a total of 7.4 pounds. And, I'm under 200. Current weight 199.7. YEA!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Crazy busy day yesterday, didn't post. So I actually weighed 153.2 on Sunday :bigsmile: 153.8 Monday :happy: and 152.6 this morning :glasses: Oh yeah! I finally broke out of the mid-150s and I'm at the lowest I've EVER been since I started losing weight. At 150, I'll be the lowest I've been since hitting puberty. I said that to a friend the other day and her response was, "Isn't that dangerous? That was a long time ago!" I just smiled and told her that she underestimated how long I've been overweight! :laugh:

    (I know, I'm weighing everyday, bad me! But it's pretty motivating, and even when it goes up, I generally attribute it to water and don't worry about it, just drink more water!)
  • vicky34
    vicky34 Posts: 1
    Good idea! I will like to weigh on Mondays. I just enjoyed this weigh plan I hope it works for me.
  • Netta2015
    Netta2015 Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to weigh in on Mondays, all the support i can get!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm pretty excited because it was a bad week last week. Took my youngest two children off to college and couldn't exercise or eat right. I'm down to 199.2, which is 1/2 a pound.
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Terrible week end but I still lost. I am down to 220 which is a 3 pound loss!!! I will need to exercise more though.
    See you all next week
  • hit my first 10lb mark, a little late but better than never!
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    1.4 pounds for a total of 9.2! I'm happy, but I cannot wait to get to double digits :smile:
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    153.8, and that during my second day of TOM, so I'm pretty happy :smile:
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    217 thats 3 more pounds!!
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