Anyone out there with Fibromyalgia/Auto-immune issues?

I'm curious to see how many others out there have these issues and find it extra hard to lose weight because of it. Many days I feel as if I've worked out (very sore and weak muscles) when I have barely done anything!!!! Adding exercise is such a hard thing to do. I've never been good about physical activities and have struggled with my weight most of my life so that doesn't help!!!!


  • shortie_sarah
    shortie_sarah Posts: 177 Member
    Hey there. I have an autoimmune issue. It's psoriatic arthritis. I know how you feel about being sore without even doing anything but I do my best to not let it get in my way. Back when I was doing P90 I noticed that the longer I did it, the less I was stiff and sore. I have to keep my joints moving or else they get mad at I'm not sure if that is the same with fibro though.. I don't know much about that
  • naturalstyles
    Hi. I have fibromyalgia as well. I am finding it extremely difficult to lose weight and also exercise. I am in pain quite a bit of time. I also have osteoarthritis, degenerative bone disease and have a gluten intolerance. Between the constant pain and all the pain meds, my body is still trying to adjust.

    I just take it a day at a time. There are many days when so many parts of my body are so tender my husband cannot touch me. Even on days when I haven't done anything.

    It is tough to have so many problems that are "hidden", and then trying to lose weight on top of that sometimes discourages me.

    Just take it easy and take it day by day, a little at a time.
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    I used to think it was a good reason to skip a workout (on really bad days, maybe), then I joined a gym (this was years ago) and my trainer had rheumatoid arthritis- pretty significant joint issues, too. And she was my trainer and in great shape. I did not bring up my sore joints associated with colitis EVER again. LOL. She was sooooo inspiring - just did what she could, but did it consistently.
  • summersbest
    summersbest Posts: 194 Member
    I suffer from fibro and find it very difficult to follow a regular work out schedule. Some days it's the extreme fatigue that does me in, other days it's the pain. I am starting back with exercise but very slowly and I listen to my body when it tells me it's had enough. Definitely makes loosing weight an added challenge.

    Good luck in your journey. ~
  • AliciaNineteen72
    Thank you so much to all of you who responded. I can find wisdom in each post, and it just helps knowing there are others out there!
  • hunniebadger
    hunniebadger Posts: 12 Member
    I have Ehlers Danlos hyper mobility type and if I don't keep my joints moving it hurts and if I push too hard it might really hurt, thank god for yoga and Pilates!!
  • rcm1973
    rcm1973 Posts: 40 Member
    I have fibromyalgia and have found weight lifting and swimming to be my friends. I still have flare-ups,but not as intense or as frequent when I'm working out regularly. Important to note, I life weights under the guidance of a personal trainer who knows my situation, so I don't injure myself. My doctor recommended strength training to help alleviate fibro symptoms, and it's definitely helped. Swimming is an all-over workout that's easy on my body. I've been able to add jogging to my routine, even, and jog three times a week. It can be done; sometimes it's a matter of pushing myself when I don't feel up to it--but I never regret it!
  • Becky_Smith72
    Becky_Smith72 Posts: 161 Member
    Hi. I have Fibromyalgia, some arthritis issues.. endometriosis and fibroid tumors.. so I hurt all the time, my joints are achy, and when I start my period am pretty much out of commission for the first 2-3 days.. But I push past.. I usually hurt after a workout.... but this is do able with these issues. I gained about 10ls back due to Lyrica, but went off of it a few months ago because it made me a mess.. Yuk.
  • grandma0561
    grandma0561 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi I have fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis in both knees needing surgery but don't want to get it because I'm still somewhat young (: My knees hurt so bad I can barely get up and down lately let alone try to exercise! My weight loss has been stagnant for over 2 wks with nothing happening. I"m afraid that I will stop trying to exercise all together if the pain persist and we all know that is something that cannot happen!!! Oh well, I'll keep trying to do a little each day until I can hopefully build back up to my old exercise routine.
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia seven or eight years ago and have found that when I give in to the lethargy and pain, I end up feeling worse in the long run. So I try to tough it out. I walk about three miles four or five times a week, and I'm now doing pushups for my upper body. I add something new every month or so, and so far I've been feeling pretty good.
  • Thalie5000
    Thalie5000 Posts: 24 Member
    I have Fibromyalgia & Arthritis & Hypermobility. Walking for 30 minutes can get uncomfortable, but not so painful that I stop. My chronic fatigue has just gotten under control because I began taking Ritalin which is a stimulant that helps with my ADHD. The Ritalin also helps regulate my appetite. I stopped taking Lyrica a long time ago. What a nightmare!

    In 2000, my Fibromyalgia specialist advised me to keep the weight off with regular exercise, especially weight training. I used to go to a gym, but can't afford it any longer. Now I just walk my dog (it's free!) and makes my dog happy. I also play darts on a regular basis and can hardly believe how many calories it burns. WOW! In the summer, I swim in the lakes that surround me.

    I also discovered that drinking cinnamon & honey in hot water everyday helps as a type of anti-inflammatory. I am also taking ViSalus Nutritional Shakes twice daily. They are gluten & lactose free & full of protein & vitamins. So far in three weeks, I have managed to lose about 8 pounds.

    I hope some of this is useful to you. I wish you all well along your journeys towards good health. All the best to you & yours.
  • ChristinaR720
    ChristinaR720 Posts: 1,186
    I have Lupus and I, too, worried about being able to exercise. I use the elliptical, lift weights, and run. I listen to my body. I push myself when I can and take rest days whenever I need them. I am in pain a lot, but no more than usual. I just push through it.

    I do have to say that losing the weight has really helped alleviate some of my symptoms, which has been wonderful.
  • hardyjessicag
    hardyjessicag Posts: 93 Member
    Lupus patient here! I get a bit fatigued and have joint pain, but all in all exercise and proper diet have greatly improved my quality of life with this disease. I get nervous that one day I may have an "episode" as I call them, while I am exercising (which can consist of me having a panic attack and then losing consciousness) but I feel so much more healthy, that I know I gotta keep going :)

    I feel like I lost weight easier before I was diagnosed with Lupus, but I've still been on a steady decline, so I can't complain too much.

    Hope you are doing well! Nothing can stop us as long as we try :)
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I've got the R/A. No meds due to the cancer risks. I was walking with a cane right before Christmas. Now I'm stomping out 4-13 miles a day with the shoes and throwing weights around a near or more than the same weight when I played semi pro football.

    Its tuff, but I have a few other R/A MFP friends now jogging and lifting now too. You'll be surprised on what you can do if you are at the right weight Flares up can kiss my azz!
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    Hi there!

    I have autoimmune issues, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I lost the first 40 pounds sitting in a wheelchair with a shattered ankle and unable to do any exercise. :grumble:

    You don't need to exercise to lose weight. However, if you choose to exercise (for the benefits of mind and body) I would start really slowly and build from there. At first, I could only manage 2 minutes on the stationary bike and built my way up to half an hour just by doing an extra minute or two every week! Unfortunately another health problem now means I can barely exercise at all, but I now know, once it is sorted out, I CAN exercise. Just at my own pace! :drinker:

    Wishing you all the best!

  • AliciaNineteen72
    You are all amazing. Thank you so much. Each of you inspire me to keep going no matter what health issue comes up.
  • karu4link2479
    I know this is an old thread, but I too have problems with chronic pain in my back and joints (particularly ankles, knees, and wrists). There are some days when I can barely get out of bed! I tried C25K, but the impact of the running was too much for my knees, and I eventually fell and hurt myself and had to quit. I know how hard it is to motivate yourself to exercise when it hurts so bad, so for awhile, I was only counting calories, and was miserable. I would get out of breath, and hurt so bad even just climbing the stairs! One of my friends who has fibromyalgia suggested yoga, a friend with Addison's Disease suggested barre, and some of my other friends suggested exercise bike and swimming, but the thing that I found worked the best for me was the recumbent stationary bike. I put it in front of my tv so I can try to focus on something other than the pain, and push through. Out of all the things I've tried, stationary bike was the ONLY one that I felt I could keep up with. Really the only thing that hurt was my butt, after sitting in that chair for 45 minutes lol! I've only used the bike once so far, but it's definitely something I feel I can continue to use, provided the pain stays in check. Good luck to you, you can do it! :)
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    Rheumatoid arthritis sufferer here. It settles in my left toe and the joint along the side as well as my hips and knees.

    When it gets bad I push through it. It lets up once I'm done.

    I mean walking through Wal-Mart is tough too, but I still go shopping.
  • anna0306
    anna0306 Posts: 16 Member
    Hashimoto's and Fibro here. I am still trying to find something that doesn't make my body feel like it's been tortured. So far, short bursts on the elliptical are winning. My flareups are worst in my back and hips. The stationary bike KILLED my back which makes no actual sense but there you have it.
  • floop1207
    floop1207 Posts: 194 Member
    CFS and fibromyalgia here. i used to do a lot of yoga and i'm trying to get back into it - gently. i tried brisk walks but felt like i had been run over by a bus for days afterwards.