Mommys with young kiddies

Hey all! I was just wondering what types of exercises all of the mommys of young children were doing? My daughter just turned one, and there is no way she gives me 5 minutes to do anything. I wanted to take her walking in the jogging stroller so i could attempt to start jogging, but its been above 90 degrees the past few days and I don't want her to get really hot in that thing. She goes to bed at 8, and to tell you the truth after working, taking care of her, and cooking/cleaning, I'm pooped at her bedtime and fall asleep myself. I wanted to hear what others were doing, get some ideas :)

P.S.--> Hubby works a night shift... :(


  • fairfatandfabulous
    fairfatandfabulous Posts: 28 Member
    Been there, it exhausting just looking after the child, when it cools down I believe walking is the best exercise. Alternatively you could look for a gym with a crèche but all starts to get toooooo hard. Good luck.
  • dawnM3007
    dawnM3007 Posts: 37
    I get up early around 5:45-6:15 and work out at home. My son is 22 months, i work, walk the dog every day and run the house as oh works a lot. If my son wakes up early it may seem bad but I put him in his high chair, give him his breakfast and he watches tv while I do my workout in the next room. I have CLX and turbo fire which r both great!
  • HS2305
    HS2305 Posts: 422 Member
    Try Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. I get up at 6am with my son, then go to work at half 8 until 6 then I get home and spend a couple hours with him and then as soon as he's gone to bed, I do this workout dvd. It's not easy and you'll be exhausted afterwards but once you get through the first few sessions, you will feel so much better. My son is almost 2 so it's probably slightly easier for me as he is pretty settled in his routine.
  • whimsy38
    whimsy38 Posts: 158 Member
    Work on getting up earlier even if you need to take a nap with the little one. Also try making her a part of an exercise session. You might have to get a little silly, but it could be fun.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    hi! i have a 3 year old and a 10 month old. I do turbofire and chalean extreme. I do these when they first wakeup (i am not a morning workout person) so they are their happiest. While i am working out, they are playing with each other, my daughter crawls around and plays. They tend to stay out of the way so i can get it done. Sometimes i do have to stop for a couple seconds and address them but i dont mind. My three year old kinda knows now that thats "mommys time" and doesnt interfere. You have to make it fit in. Otherwise, you will have no time for it.
  • eponine1976
    eponine1976 Posts: 143 Member
    I walk or do other exercise during my lunch break. If you're concerned about the heat, you could always drop the child off at daycare early and then go walk a mile before work. I've got a 1 yr old and a 3 yr old and I'm going through cancer treatment right after work and my husband takes college classes 2 nights a week and comes home very late from work frequently on his non-school days so with the before work exercise and lunch time exercise I'm able to make it work. I also wear a pedometer that helps motivate me to walk around more while actually at work, for example I park as far away as I can, walk to the furthest bathroom or sometimes I'll just get up and walk the hallways of the building for a couple of minutes then go back to my desk.
  • adcbing
    adcbing Posts: 10 Member
    Yup - no matter how painful, early morning is the best bet. Every time I tried to make myself workout at night, I just couldn't do it. And I wanted to spend some time with my partner after our son went to bed. So for me that means a 4:20am alarm clock - take care of the dogs, workout, shower, clean up the kitchen and put myself together, get little man up and ready and out the door by seven. Work 8-5, home at 6, dinner (while my hubby is training for a marathon), bathtime, bedtime and then some free time (or laundry/ironing/cleaning/homework) and bed by 10! BUT - I take the weekends off. I used to get up on Saturdays too, but I can't keep up that pace so if I want this to be long term, I had to let it go and be OK with that. I consider myself a pretty lazy person - so if I can make myself do it, I believe in you!!! Also, the reason I started working out was partly because I am more exhausted at night when I do not so I needed the morning workout to keep my daily energy up. GOOD LUCK!!!!!
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I have a 3 and 4 year old, I am active with them but with my workouts I have to wait until half 7 when they're both in bed, it isn't always easy but I make myself do it as it isn't practical to do anything like that with them awake. I got to the toilet and they're either following me or arguing as soon as I leave the room. Even if its only twenty minutes a day its better than nothing x
  • adcbing
    adcbing Posts: 10 Member
    and type of workout for me is Insanity. I hate it so much that I love it!
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    I walk during lunch breaks at work, take walks with my little ones, and make my hubby take care of the kiddo for an hour or so when he can and I'll do a workout dvd-which I can do when the kiddo naps as well.
  • WVmom24
    WVmom24 Posts: 266 Member
    I have an 8yo, 4yo, and 2yo, and a full-time job. Basically my options are to exercise when they sleep, or take them with me for walks. A lot of times I'll put the younger two in the double stroller and the oldest walks with me around the neighborhood.Taking them to the park gets my body moving, too. Just running around making sure they don't die burns mega calories. :P
  • JessieJanie
    JessieJanie Posts: 428
    I have a two year old and a three (almost four) year old, and the only thing I've found that works is getting up before they do. It's hard to find the time otherwise. Good luck!
  • Cassie8877
    Cassie8877 Posts: 177
    2 kids... 4yrs and 18m... I get up at 4am every morning to work out.. ive been doing 30 day shred.. ripped in 30 and about to try Insanity ... You just have to push yourself to do what you really want.. I also run everyday at 3 but yet my kids are in daycare all day... and my husbands a soldier so he can work til whatever time they want him to be there... you just have to remember no excuse is a good excuse.. if you want to work out do it... just because you have kids doesn't mean you cant take care of yourself also.. good luck!! and remember you can do it!!!
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Get a bike and a bike trailer. The wind will keep her cool and you'll love the exercise. WIN WIN! Also, it's VERY hot and humid where I live in the summer and I put my 1 yr in the jogging stroller and ran with her. Usually around 5:30 or so. She was ok.
  • lishaalexis
    lishaalexis Posts: 195 Member
    On days that I have to work out with my command I do not go to the gym. On days that I don't have to pt with my command I go to the gym after work...on the weekends I go to the gym on saturday during the day, and sunday I go for a jog, and now that my husband is going on deployment I have to go get a jogging stroller so then I can bring my daughhter along. she is now 13 months.
  • adaluc
    adaluc Posts: 14 Member
    My kids are 4 and 6 now so most of the time I do my workout while there are at school, but summer is coming up so my solitude is about to end. I usually set them up with an activity and then do my work out. However when they were younger we would walk/jog very early in the morning before it got too hot on most days. On other days I would just get myself up super early 4:30 or 5 am. and just get it done whether I was running or doing a video. But like other people said you have to make it fit and once you kids see that it is part of your routine it gets easier, especially as they get older.
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    I have a 2 1/2 year old. I am a super busy pulmonologist/ICU physician . But I make it work.

    I sometimes workout at 5AM before WJ and my hubby get up. I sometimes squeeze one in in the middle of the work day (only works during office days). other days I will take WJ out in the jogging stroller. He seems to enjoy the runs as much as I do.
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    I tell my husband he's on daddy duty for 30 minutes and go do 30DS.
  • oliviabog
    oliviabog Posts: 101
    If you cant get out and run in the evenings i would do stuff in her naps. I have a 2.5 year old and a 17month old. I do running in the evenings and weekends but before i started that i bought myself a mini step machine and used that in nap times. You could do the 30 day shred or other circuit training, or anything that you can follow at home. Insanity, dance work outs etc.

    Best of luck :)
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Right now, I work from 7-3:30. My husband takes the kids to daycare at around 8 and they stay until 5. I go to the gym right after i get off work and pick them up when i'm done. I had tried working out before i go to work, but to be completely honest, sleep is VERY important to me and i won't drag myself out of bed any earlier than absolutely necessary. When i was still working 8:30-5, we had drop in child watch at the gym that i would take them to.