Pool embarrassment...

So I've been hitting the gym again now all week. It's my first week back from a yer and half hiatus and so far so good. I'll cardio for about 60 mins then soak in the hot tub for about 20. Feels great! The time I go there's almost no one in the pool. Maybe 3 or 4 people in an Olympic size pool. I want to start swimming but just feel embarrassed about swimming. I can swim but not very good. I'm stil very embarrassed to take my shirt off in public and going in the jacuzzi is a big step already. I know swimming burns a lot calories and I'd like to try it. Can anyone sympathize or maybe you've felt the same way once?


  • I'm totally with you, dude. I won't swim now because I'm so big. Oddly, I'm closing on a house with a pool next month, so I'll be able to get in some laps, but I feel your anxiety. I'm a former triathlete (trying to get back in shape to race again), so if you need some tips on how to start a swim routine, hit me up.
  • I know how you feel on this one, but it really is a refreshing way to exercise and great after a gym session. I actually was a pretty bad swimmer at first, so that got me down as well, but after a while i just jumped in and focused on the lengths. I am a much better swimmer now, you can do it!
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I feel similar. I love to swim. I was like a fish growing up. I love the water. I have kind of forgotten how to do it though and I don't know that I could do laps. I would like to go to swimming lessons or get a one on one appointment for swimming lessons but I am scared that I will be embarrassed and humiliated being so out of shape and not be able to do what is required. I know I will do this eventually when I feel ready, but I am not sure I am yet. I am kind of scared even to do my own thing in the pool with people watching me. I love feeling weightless in the water but I do not know if it is worth humiliation. :(
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    And me in a bathing suit at this point is not a pretty sight!. Scary!
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    I can definitely feel your pain! For one, I'm surprised to hear a man say these things. A lot of women usually forget that men can also have image issues too. Good for you for reaching out!
    I absolutely LOVE being in the water. Having said that, I rarely would ever go in a public pool or to the beach because of fear and embarrassment.
    Almost every single time I wore a swim suit, someone would make a mean comment or laugh, or I'd get stares. It's a terrible feeling, and every time someone would make fun, it would only compound the issue.
    I have since lost 50lbs, but I still have more to go. The feelings of fear and embarrassment have yet to go away though.
    I still don't look great in a swimsuit, but I feel better than before.
    I now go to the pool at the YMCA gym I go to, and usually when I'm there, there is only a few people there with me. I try to remind myself that when I'm at the gym, I'm there to take care of me, and everyone else there is doing it to take care of themselves. I don't give a rat's *kitten* about how they look, so chances are they don't care about how I look.
    If you go in there with your head held high, and just walk like you own the place, people will probably be admiring you, not judging you. If they are judging you, that's their problem, and you should just go on about your business.
    You can never know for sure if someone is going to try and make you feel bad, but if you are there trying to make yourself feel good, then everyone else can just eff off!
    Do what's right for you and try (I know it's hard) to ignore the haters.
    Good luck!!
  • ColorfulWeirdo
    ColorfulWeirdo Posts: 113 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I am training for a triathlon right now, and whenever possible, I do open water swims since I can wear a wet suit.

    When I do go to the pool, it's never enjoyable since I am so anxious. I still do it, but man, I never look forward to those days.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    You can do it! If you want, you can wear a T-shirt. However, I do not think that is necessary. : )
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    My husband doesn't like being shirtless (never has) so I bought him a rash guard to swim in. It's just a t-shirt made of swim suit material and you can buy them at many local stores now. We got his at Costco for $20 and I bought my 13 year old son one at Target. My son likes them because they have sun protection built in and he doesn't have to "slime up" with sunscreen. :D

    You can get private swim lessons but I think anyone who is there seriously swimming won't be mocking you, they'll be cheering you on. They all started where you are at some point.
  • kingkoopaluv
    kingkoopaluv Posts: 147 Member
    honestly pool embarrassment happens at every size. I hate getting in the pool around people and im not over weight. I think you just have say YOLO and get in the freaking pool!
  • Don't be embarrassed.. Who gives a crap what people think...?
    Just do your thing. Quote the Nike Marketing engine.. Just Do It
    Get in there... realize that you are not alone...
    YES,, YOU, may be the motivation for someone else who is embarrassed to get out there...
  • katinachaos
    katinachaos Posts: 90 Member
    People at the gym should be there to get healthy, and I'm sure if they even notice you're a bigger guy, they will be pleased that you are working at getting healthier.
  • simplyeater
    simplyeater Posts: 270 Member
    At the gym pool the other swimmers are focused on themselves and their routines. Just go do your thing and you'll wonder why you waited so long. Trust me.
  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    I can definitely feel your pain! For one, I'm surprised to hear a man say these things. A lot of women usually forget that men can also have image issues too. Good for you for reaching out!
    I absolutely LOVE being in the water. Having said that, I rarely would ever go in a public pool or to the beach because of fear and embarrassment.
    Almost every single time I wore a swim suit, someone would make a mean comment or laugh, or I'd get stares. It's a terrible feeling, and every time someone would make fun, it would only compound the issue.
    I have since lost 50lbs, but I still have more to go. The feelings of fear and embarrassment have yet to go away though.
    I still don't look great in a swimsuit, but I feel better than before.
    I now go to the pool at the YMCA gym I go to, and usually when I'm there, there is only a few people there with me. I try to remind myself that when I'm at the gym, I'm there to take care of me, and everyone else there is doing it to take care of themselves. I don't give a rat's *kitten* about how they look, so chances are they don't care about how I look.
    If you go in there with your head held high, and just walk like you own the place, people will probably be admiring you, not judging you. If they are judging you, that's their problem, and you should just go on about your business.
    You can never know for sure if someone is going to try and make you feel bad, but if you are there trying to make yourself feel good, then everyone else can just eff off!
    Do what's right for you and try (I know it's hard) to ignore the haters.
    Good luck!!
    She said it perfectly
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Dont let what others may think define who you are and what you do. Youre not perfect and will never be. You hafta deal with that.

    Rules are for those who are too afraid to follow their on. Rock em all. Step up and do it. To borrow the quote you have in your profile, "if you aint in it to win it, then get the hell out - Marky Mark"

    LOL...Now drop and give me 50 butter cup....the hard way!
  • Know this feeling all too well as well...I wear my bathing suit AND shorts AND a t-shirt when/if I go swimming. I love swimming though, but because of my body issues I hardly go, which I'd like to change!

    But, if you're committed to getting in shape then I say "Just Do It!" A year from now you'll wish you started today. So, get in that pool and swim! Just have fun :D
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I'm not a big fan of swimming and I'm terrible at it, but I'll tell you what, going swimming with high body fat is great! I don't know how much you've got, but I found that when I had high body fat I just floated in the water. It was great! The other thing is that you feel much lighter and stronger than you do out of the water, because your body is supported.

    I don't know how many calories it burns, but it makes me hungry so it's never been any good for weightloss! I've just used it for exercise in the past. Walking or running through the water is also supposed to be good exercise - I used to do that when it was quiet because I wasn't good at swimming.

    I agree with the person above who said that embarrassment happens at any size. Just get swimwear that you're happy with and are sure is going to stay in place and go for it. Nobody can really see your body when it's under the water anyway! Good luck and enjoy :).
  • webb5104
    webb5104 Posts: 1 Member
    The people who's opinions matter are those that would encourage you, and would admire you for giving it a go. I like to run, and any time I talk to someone who is embarrassed about running too slow, or not far enough, or how they look I tell them the same thing....

    1) You are out here doing it rather than sitting on your couch doing nothing. You are doing far better than any of those people already.
    2) It takes time to get better, but if you keep at it you will.
    3) If you have any questions, i'll try to answer them or get you in touch with someone who can.

    That's the type of person you should befriend or worry about. Same thing goes for your swimming or anything else you try.

    The people who tell someone that is working out or trying something new that they look bad, that they'll never do it... those people don't matter. They aren't the kind of people you want around you anyway. And if it helps (it does me), when you want to swim that one more lap, visualize what they would say to you and then prove them wrong.
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    You can do it! If you want, you can wear a T-shirt. However, I do not think that is necessary. : )

    You havent seen me with my shirt off... its definitely necessary! lol
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    I don't really ever notice people's bodies when I swim. I'm too worried about mine!
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    Someone said something to me once that has helped get over caring about what people think.

    I use to play in a band but I got nervous playing in front of people. I was afraid of screwing up. When I told my friend about it he said to me "your not THAT important" I said "what?!" he said it again "your not that important, if you screw up most people wont notice, some will and wont remember the next day, at the worst someone may laugh but who cares nobody is going to remember. Just have fun" I don't know if he knows what a major impact that has had on me. I have carried that into all areas of my life. I don't fear speaking in front of people or trying things in front of people. If I screw up who cares.I have actually become very successful in my career and I have been able to experience a lot of new things because of the saying your not THAT important.

    Don't get me wrong I know I am important to the people that matter, but strangers.... who cares! You probably think worse things about yourself than what others think. if you have your shirt off most wont notice, some might but wont think anything of it, at the worst someone might think something mean but nobody is going to remember you 15 minutes later for having your shirt off. Just have fun and don't let what people think hinder you.