OK I'll bite, why does everyone go crazy for squats?



  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I love them. It works almost everything. It also helps my running and strengthens my bad hip flexors :)
  • jolt28
    jolt28 Posts: 218 Member
    Love squats! I do sumo squats because I have bad knees, my legs have never been more toned and my tush... wow is what my honey says! They're great if you have knee issues because squats build up all of the supporting structures of the knee, I can even jog now!
    Forgot to mention how great squats are for your core!!!

    I will look those up " sumo squats ".... thanks!!
    I'm sure I can't do even one of any kind of squat. Just starting exercise after many, many years of none
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    I was doing walking squats (taking a sideways step while entering a squat, then standing, repeat x10, then do it in the other direction). Saw it on a beginner video I was using for a couple of months to supplement my walking, and really liked the results in my caboose, but not in my knee. I've been trying to get back into the videos (my arms are back to flabby too) but probably need to find an alternative squat, or an alternative TO squats. Walking keeps my butt acceptably toned but squats definitely took it up a notch.

    I liked the feeling that the walking squats were making me a little more coordinated,but it might have been better to start with a squat that's easier to control, so I could gradually develop form and not strain my knee.
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    I love them. It works almost everything. It also helps my running and strengthens my bad hip flexors :)

    I agree. I think it has helped my running and I no longer have hip pain while running since I started squatting.
  • kaylah47
    kaylah47 Posts: 6
    Love squats! The fitness buddy app shows a bunch of different ways you can do them. I like to have a 10lb weight in each hand. :) My legs n buns appreciate it lol
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I was doing walking squats (taking a sideways step while entering a squat, then standing, repeat x10, then do it in the other direction). Saw it on a beginner video I was using for a couple of months to supplement my walking, and really liked the results in my caboose, but not in my knee. I've been trying to get back into the videos (my arms are back to flabby too) but probably need to find an alternative squat, or an alternative TO squats. Walking keeps my butt acceptably toned but squats definitely took it up a notch.

    I liked the feeling that the walking squats were making me a little more coordinated,but it might have been better to start with a squat that's easier to control, so I could gradually develop form and not strain my knee.

    Have you tried just doing regular squats? No need to make them "fancy" with whatever walking squats are. Just plain ole squats have been working for decades.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Question for squat fanatics. We do jump squats with hand weights in boxing. We do all out calisthenics fast... like racing fast... so bad form might be the source of the problem. I find that when I've been doing these daily... for a week or two.,, my knees start locking up. Any advice?

    What type of volume of jump squats are you doing?
    Any pain? Or is it just from being so fatiqued?

    Jump squats are a plyometric excercise used for sports specific training with the design to improve quickness and exposiveness. The downside is it's a high impact activty that can stressful on the joints, especially if form breaks down.

    Most strength and conditioning specialists recommended like a four week run up just training your lower body before adding in plyometrics.

    Best advice would be to go at pace where you are able to explode on every rep with good form and work up your speed gradually.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    Question for squat fanatics. We do jump squats with hand weights in boxing. We do all out calisthenics fast... like racing fast... so bad form might be the source of the problem. I find that when I've been doing these daily... for a week or two.,, my knees start locking up. Any advice?
    I'm no expert, but one thing to do is make sure that when you land from the jump, try to get your feet to land lightly and "follow through" with the landing by letting your knees bend a little. Hard to explain. Sorry.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    To OP, I like the feeling I get when I use the barbell and plates rather than just bodyweight so I do low rep, high weight. However, that's a personal preference... nothing wrong with bodyweight exercises (especially if you don't have access to a barbell and plates).

    The reason I love/hate them... They hurt so good! :laugh: Knowing the kinds of results that come from them make the soreness feel good in a strange way. Also, I have a wide butt, not a nice "big a**" so I'm working on transforming it more toward the latter. (My bf also appreciates that. :wink: )
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    Question for squat fanatics. We do jump squats with hand weights in boxing. We do all out calisthenics fast... like racing fast... so bad form might be the source of the problem. I find that when I've been doing these daily... for a week or two.,, my knees start locking up. Any advice?

    Do it slowly and make sure you're pressing out with your feet like you're splitting the floor apart. This will prevent you from caving your knees inward and causing knee strain. Your knees should track over your feet when you go down not inward.
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    I was doing walking squats (taking a sideways step while entering a squat, then standing, repeat x10, then do it in the other direction). Saw it on a beginner video I was using for a couple of months to supplement my walking, and really liked the results in my caboose, but not in my knee. I've been trying to get back into the videos (my arms are back to flabby too) but probably need to find an alternative squat, or an alternative TO squats. Walking keeps my butt acceptably toned but squats definitely took it up a notch.

    I liked the feeling that the walking squats were making me a little more coordinated,but it might have been better to start with a squat that's easier to control, so I could gradually develop form and not strain my knee.

    Have you tried just doing regular squats? No need to make them "fancy" with whatever walking squats are. Just plain ole squats have been working for decades.

    I tried plain ones after my knee started bugging me but it still hurt (and also, they were a lot more boring than the walking sideways squats). Now that I haven't done any squats for several weeks, I'll probably look up some "squats for bad knees" videos and start again that way. I was just reporting on my experience since someone else mentioned the knee issues.

    I talked to someone who said their orthopedist thinks people over 40 should just skip the squats altogether as they can cause knee issues where there weren't any before in older knees. I'm willing to give it another go though. My fanny was lookin fabu.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I was doing walking squats (taking a sideways step while entering a squat, then standing, repeat x10, then do it in the other direction). Saw it on a beginner video I was using for a couple of months to supplement my walking, and really liked the results in my caboose, but not in my knee. I've been trying to get back into the videos (my arms are back to flabby too) but probably need to find an alternative squat, or an alternative TO squats. Walking keeps my butt acceptably toned but squats definitely took it up a notch.

    I liked the feeling that the walking squats were making me a little more coordinated,but it might have been better to start with a squat that's easier to control, so I could gradually develop form and not strain my knee.

    Have you tried just doing regular squats? No need to make them "fancy" with whatever walking squats are. Just plain ole squats have been working for decades.

    I tried plain ones after my knee started bugging me but it still hurt (and also, they were a lot more boring than the walking sideways squats). Now that I haven't done any squats for several weeks, I'll probably look up some "squats for bad knees" videos and start again that way. I was just reporting on my experience since someone else mentioned the knee issues.

    I talked to someone who said their orthopedist thinks people over 40 should just skip the squats altogether as they can cause knee issues where there weren't any before in older knees. I'm willing to give it another go though. My fanny was lookin fabu.

    Doing them with correct form should help your knees not hurt. Incorrect form is what causes knee pain most of the time.
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    I was doing walking squats (taking a sideways step while entering a squat, then standing, repeat x10, then do it in the other direction). Saw it on a beginner video I was using for a couple of months to supplement my walking, and really liked the results in my caboose, but not in my knee. I've been trying to get back into the videos (my arms are back to flabby too) but probably need to find an alternative squat, or an alternative TO squats. Walking keeps my butt acceptably toned but squats definitely took it up a notch.

    I liked the feeling that the walking squats were making me a little more coordinated,but it might have been better to start with a squat that's easier to control, so I could gradually develop form and not strain my knee.

    Have you tried just doing regular squats? No need to make them "fancy" with whatever walking squats are. Just plain ole squats have been working for decades.

    I tried plain ones after my knee started bugging me but it still hurt (and also, they were a lot more boring than the walking sideways squats). Now that I haven't done any squats for several weeks, I'll probably look up some "squats for bad knees" videos and start again that way. I was just reporting on my experience since someone else mentioned the knee issues.

    I talked to someone who said their orthopedist thinks people over 40 should just skip the squats altogether as they can cause knee issues where there weren't any before in older knees. I'm willing to give it another go though. My fanny was lookin fabu.

    Doing them with correct form should help your knees not hurt. Incorrect form is what causes knee pain most of the time.

    That's what I'm hoping, but I did have a dodgy knee to begin with. So I'll have to be extra careful.

    It sounds like someone biting into an apple when I straighten it out :/
  • keepongoingnmw
    keepongoingnmw Posts: 371 Member
    And... to add to the benefits everyone has already listed - if you've had kids (like I have) they are hands down the easiest way to tone your pelvic floor muscles (sooo much better than doing kegels etc)! And the bonus is you get a nice *kitten* :wink:

    I can vouch for this, My doctor sais Kegal's are useless, My friend who is a physical therapist sais that is what they are teaching PT's now. If you have kids....you want a strong pelvic floor.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    For me it helps with the serious case of "no-*kitten*-at-alls" I have. Baby is building back 1 squat at a time!

    I wish I had taken a side view before I ever started strength training. I have an *kitten* now! :bigsmile:
  • wrascoe1
    wrascoe1 Posts: 2
    How many squats to you do a day?
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    How many squats to you do a day?

    5 sets of 5 three times a week. Squats are lifts, not cardio. 250 squats is cardio
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    How many squats to you do a day?

    5 sets of 5 three times a week. Squats are lifts, not cardio. 250 squats is cardio

    Tell that to my *kitten*! :wink: I'm doing the squat challenge on top of New Rules. I have to do 195 squats today, and yeah, that definitely gets your heart racing and makes your *kitten* hurt!
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    How many squats to you do a day?

    5 sets of 5 three times a week. Squats are lifts, not cardio. 250 squats is cardio

    Tell that to my *kitten*! :wink: I'm doing the squat challenge on top of New Rules. I have to do 195 squats today, and yeah, that definitely gets your heart racing and makes your *kitten* hurt!

    so would running 104 miles, but its still cardio
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    Because... DAT *kitten* :love: