Health Benefits of Your Weight Loss?



  • I have only lost 7 lbs as of today but let me tell you! LOL. I already fell so much better. My weight gain happened with my first child. I actually lost a little weight with my second due to severe vomiting throughout most of the pregnancy. I was borderline gestational diabetes with the first and should have been with the second. They kept ignoring the high readings I was getting. Low and behold, my second baby was 10 lbs. That scared me! I have been trying to lose weight for four years now. I have tried about every diet on the internet. Since my second daughter was born 2.5 years ago, my symptoms progressively worsened, (i.e. debilitating fatigue, no libido, cyst-like acne, dizziness when standing, hypotension, progressive weight gain, memory loss, depression, numbness/tingling in hands and feet, blurry vision, dry skin and eyes, dandruff, rash on arms..... I could go on forever). I had a sleep study done last November which showed I wake up every nine minutes with no known reason. Finally, after a year of begging my physician to check for insulin resistance, he did just to shut me up. It confirmed that I do have problems with my glucose control. I bought a Nutribullet and drink green smoothies for breakfast and high protein lunch and dinners. I have gained back energy (more than enough to keep my house spotless again and to maintain my five gardens), my acne is cleared up, the rash (which I had for four years and no medications could clear up and dermatologists could not explain) is completely gone, the dizziness and blurry vision is gone as long as I maintain my diet, and my skin all around has more moisture to it. The biggest relief is that I am finally losing weight, almost like the weight is falling off of me! I am sure as I lose more and the insulin resistance gets better, more and more symptoms will completely disappear.
  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    Have been healthy since starting my lifestyle change back in January of 2012 (18 months). I have not even had the common cold. I attribute that to a healthy diet and exercise program.
  • JulieKayJ
    JulieKayJ Posts: 21 Member
    I have knee replacements, and my weight loss so far has taken a lot of pressure from my knees. I can also do some of my weight lifting exercises with better form because my stomach isn't so much in the way. I hope that with my next Dr. appointment, I can decrease some of my BP meds. Best of all, working out first thing in the morning has helped with my mood and stress level!! It also helps me to not eat poorly during the day so I don't ruin what I accomplished in the morning. :bigsmile:
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    The single most noticeable benefit from not carrying around so much excess weight is, being able to move (walk) with no pain in my knees. I did not even begin to exercise until I had lost 100 pounds. I feel pysically better than I have in years, and that is mostly due to the weight loss and moving around more. At my age, the vanity part of being able to shop for, and wear normal sized clothes is nice, but the health benefits are astounding.
  • That is a brilliant story I an a little similar, have only lost 8lbs so far but menopausal symptons better, rashes more or less disappeared, more energy etc etc!! Keep it up-I intend to. Walk a lot now, do zumba once a week and bought a Reebok Step so doing Step Aerobics following it on You Tube on my ipad!! Cheers!!
  • I don't get out of breath taking my laundry basket from the first floor to my third floor bedroom, and in general, I can walk those stairs a lot easier. I'm also slowly starting to get a more positive attitude, though that is taking a little more work; not going to lie, so that is mental health related. The biggest achievement is that I don't get as hungry during the day anymore and can skip snacks and be fine with it.
  • Archer_ev
    Archer_ev Posts: 2 Member
    I am a 58 year old man. I am 6' 5" tall and at my heaviest was 260 lbs. Everyone said, "Oh, you are tall and carry it well." But I knew it wasn't good to be that heavy. I started losing weight before I discovered MFP, but it has been a tremendous help since then. I am now 239 and counting. As I got older and my metabolism slowed down, the pounds began to creep onto me.

    I have Type 2 diabetes. It is inherited and I will always have it but I have seen improvements since losing weight. I am insulin resistant and I take insulin but since losing weight, I have cut the amount of insulin I need significantly. My blood glucose levels have really leveled out with the weight loss. I am also a 12 year cancer survivor and am clear of cancer but get checked every six months. I am sure that the weight loss and healthier diet have benefits for that as well. I set up six different "meals" in my app and I eat something every few hours during the day, staying as close to my daily caloric goal as possible. I am averaging about a pound lost each week.

    Hang in there folks. It is definitely worth the effort!
  • PrivateVenue
    PrivateVenue Posts: 41 Member
    Ive lost 25+ and its funny but there is a big improvement in bed!!!! if you know what I mean ;)

    I was going to say something about that, too!

    I've felt better, been more confident, I'm not as anxious or scared to go out by myself anymore, and yeah, taking a roll in ze hay is much more enjoyable now!
  • kim2walker
    kim2walker Posts: 52 Member
    10 weeks in 16 pounds down. Benefits so far; not breathless walking up stairs less tired. Hoping for improvement in cholestrol and blood pressure figures , really hoping snoring will cease or improve. Unfortunately not stopped craving certain foods yet, and maybe never will. I might have to accept that butter and me are a "no go".
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Only benefit so far is that I can walk for longer without being tired. AFAIK, cholesterol/BP/other blood work related stuff is the same which means borderline high on all the charts. My eczema, vision, monthly cycle, and joints are worse.
  • WillowWindow
    WillowWindow Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks, everyone. These are some incredible and touching stories. So helpful to hear them. Big hugs to you all.
  • KathleenC12
    KathleenC12 Posts: 64 Member
    Began MFP b/c had high blood pressure, and was smack in middle of BMI Overweight range. I thought, "I can go either way: up to Obese category or down to Healthy Weight". My BP is now normal, without drugs. I have more energy, sleep better and will admit here, look freakin' awesome. Oh, and turn 65 next month.
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