I hate to exercise, does it get better the more you lose?



  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    Yes it gets easier but you have to find a form of exercise that you enjoy, that challenges you, and that you can stick to long-term. For me it was yoga. And I had tried - at various time throughout my life - walking, karate, swimming, pilates, dancing, weight lifting, aerobics, etc., etc. Yoga made me fall in love with movement and then about three years ago I started running. Yoga is something you can do at any time in your life and at any size. And there's a man in one of my classes who has PF and he says it helps.
  • rachelwarner32
    rachelwarner32 Posts: 96 Member
    I've always hated to exercise. Yes it gets better when you can see what a difference it makes in your physique. Even Jillian Michaels hates to work out but she does it. Just keep doing it!
  • Tflowers34907
    Tflowers34907 Posts: 51 Member
    For me, exercise is not fun. However, I do find it rewarding when I see the changes in my body. The only exercise I have remotely enjoys is Zumba. The rest of it is just boring and tiresome. Lol, 30 lbs lighter, I am okay with that. I try not to focus as much on the exercise as I do on the results I am trying to get.
  • amandaj1966
    amandaj1966 Posts: 342 Member
    I too have Plantar Fascitis so know how painful it can be to walk, some mornings it can take me 10 minutes to be able to put my heal on the floor but I have walked nearly 25 miles over the last 2 days. I am determined that my foot pain will not stop me. I wear a padded wedge in my shoe and just get moving. The strange thing is the further I walk the less the pain.

    I do jump on my exercise bike if my foot is so painful but I do find that boring, I also lift weights which helps.

    I do an aerobic class 3 times a week, been going for over 10 years and I love it. You need to find something that you enjoy and you will look forward to it. However there probably will be times when you think, " I can't be bothered, I just want to chill". But believe me once you enjoy something you will make yourself do it and will feel so much better for it.

    Good luck.

    Ps I think there should be a group on here for people with Plantar Fascitis, there seems to be so many of us.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    put it into your calendar like going to work or going shopping. Then you know it happens every day. I loooove to exercise now and I used to be a couch potato. lol
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I also have plantars fasciitis. I don't let that stop me because as long as I exercise I can't tell myself that I am lazy. It builds self confidence and strong is sexy.
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    I find that 'exercise' seems like work, whereas me dancing around in place when I am on my computer at home (I put it up on a box and stand in front of it) gives me some energy plus burns calories. It may not do miracles, but it gets the body waving around somewhat, and the circulation and all, and in general it seems like just part of life, and fun, as opposed to something I 'have' to get dressed up and go somewhere else to do--good luck finding what makes you happy and doing it!
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I also find it becomes strangely addictive, if you find one you can enjoy.

  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    And if standing feels too hard on the feet, there are tons of good chair dancing tapes and many people benefit from sitting down and dancing or moving in the chair.
  • vdobbs28
    vdobbs28 Posts: 72 Member
    I used to be the same way, I found that if I do a different exercise everyday that it helps me not to get bored with it and not to dread it!! It has worked for 2 weeks so far. I do something different everyday and I have have been exercising for 17 days in a row now. :) I haven't got bored so far and I haven't hated it. :) I hope that this helps you.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    I've been going to the gym regularly for over a year doing the treadmill, elliptical and bike (doing some combo of them) and can't say that I ever was all excited about it. "Yea! Let's go to the gym!" But I was happy about what it did for my body and general well-being. About a month ago I started doing the weights and weight machines and I LOVE it. I wish I had started sooner. Now I actually get upset that it's cardio only days.
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    I used to be a cardio junkie....now I work with a trainer and lift heavy. I LOVE it and look forward to my lifitng days. It helps my trainer is cute too lol.
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    I wouldn't say it gets better, but it does become more a part of your routine... like brushing your teeth. You start to feel like skipping it isn't really an option. You may not like to do it but you do it every day. I suppose that makes it easier.
  • kikacap
    kikacap Posts: 3 Member
    How about swimming?
  • Dynamis600
    Dynamis600 Posts: 743 Member
    Have just woken up after putting this question last night. Thanks so much for your replies they are encouraging. The plantar fascitis isn't too bad now, I have had it for about 5 months but I know if I walk it gets worse especially where we live as it is up hill and down dale. I would love to get a bike and go out riding but my balance is poor and I am too heavy for most of the bikes or the ones I need, are too expensive, so I hope my balance will improve with time and I get down to a weight where I can purchase a cheaper one. I am also kind of housebound as I have a child with autism who requires 24/7 supervision, and on week days when he is at school, I homeschool his younger brother as he has autistic traits too but is high functioning. However when we get some warm weather or rather a fine day I was thinking of taking him to the flatter part of town and doing walking. I would love to swim, when I was 20 I used to swim 3km a week, but I am very self conscious about my body now. Unfortunately money is a problem so I need to look into things that don't cost much.

    My 18 year old twins sons do weights so I have been learning from them. I have just started to add squats and and resistance with a little bit of weights, and I am feeling it today. I find that my knees crackle a bit when I do them. I do probably need to go to a gym to make sure my form is right we do have a public gym about 10 mins drive away where I can do a one off session.

    Michelle, thanks if it only becomes routine for a while, then perhaps the enjoyment comes later.

    I have also just remembered that years ago I used to go hiking so I would love to do that again. But I guess I have to get to the point in my weight loss where I am not going to injure myself doing it.