Biggest Loser comment about high calorie day??



  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    Found this info...

    Biggest Loser Diet

    * modified, low carbohydrate diet 45% of calories from carbohydrates (mostly fruits, vegetables and some whole grains), 30% of calories from protein, and 25% of calories from healthy fats or oils (seeds, nuts, avocado, olive oil)
    * no “white stuff”
    * whole foods, elemental ingredients
    * 4-3-2-1: daily 4 cups minimum of fruits and vegetables, 3 servings of healthy proteins (e.g. fish, skinless chicken breast, 93% lean ground turkey), 2 servings of whole grains, and 1 serving of healthy fat.
    * Aim for everyone to have 1 serving of fish daily.
    * There is room for 1 optional treat per day.
    * Cereals must have minimum 5 grams of fiber per serving and less than 5 grams of sugar per serving. This limits the cereals to certain oatmeals, bran cereals, or other high fiber cereals on the market.
    * Goal of 7 calories per pound of body weight for daily caloric intake. This is recalculated after significant weight loss.


    By that goal I would need to eat more calories than what I eat in one day
  • HikeThatMountain
  • BackToFree
    BackToFree Posts: 58 Member
    One of our recent winners for the Aus BL (Wont say which one, but will say it's been in the last 3 seasons) is quoted saying that she was on 800-1000 cals a day for the duration of the competition, and working out 2hrs in the morning and 2-4hrs in the arvo/evening, plus whatever they had them do as "challenges".

    I don't watch the show anymore. Not sure what the American one is like, but I find this Aus one disgustingly unhealthy.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,639 Member
    I think I read somewhere that when you eat the same amount of calories everyday you can hit a sort of plateau in your weight loss and your metabolism slows down a lot. I once did I diet where I had 1 meal, 2 treats a day, nothing else, and I could eat whatever I wanted (in sensible means) I suppose that was varied from day to day and I lost a stone in a couple of weeks

    That is a myth fortunately. If you are at a deficit, you will lose weight.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I remember reading in Bob Harper's Skinny Rules that he recommends having a high calorie meal (instead of a day) one day a week.
  • OneDimSim
    OneDimSim Posts: 188 Member
    This may be old info, but i have heard ~1200 calories for the women and ~1500 for the men. Obviously with the amount of exercise they do, they are way into the negatives on Net calories. They wear those Fit Bit (or Similar) armbands to be sure they are hitting daily burn rates. I think there was an offhand comment that they do get a higher calorie day once per week? I don't think it is "news" that our bodies seem to respond to "changing it up"
  • OneDimSim
    OneDimSim Posts: 188 Member

    Hmm, resurrecting a 4-yr old thread to advertise ?

    Ha! Just noticed....major ZOMBIE!
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    On Australia's bl which just finished up. The trainers and contestants both said they aim to hit 1,000 cals per day!!
    They also DON'T eat back exercise cals. A few of them even said no I never go over 800 in front of the trainers. I could not believe that they are advertising such a low cal diet!!!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Yea, the advert zombies pull up 4 and 5 yr old threads. It was so simple back then, brings back memories :laugh:

    Actually loved the info Banks shared on this thread.

    Helped me lose 36 back then, and another 13 so far this time.

    and I like the idea of one meal where I eat what I want (although I never call anything a cheat0