Starting Insanity on Monday June 3rd



  • Scarlett1joshua1
    HI, I did the fit test last night (I want my rest day to be Saturday), I will post my results later! Are you all doing the eating plan too? Just forced myself to down a protien shake (closest to shakeology in UK) it was horrid but Im determined to do the whole 60 days!!!
    would be good to see how others are coping...... I had a sneak peak at tonights work out- it looks TOUGH!!!!

  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    HI, I did the fit test last night (I want my rest day to be Saturday), I will post my results later! Are you all doing the eating plan too? Just forced myself to down a protien shake (closest to shakeology in UK) it was horrid but Im determined to do the whole 60 days!!!
    would be good to see how others are coping...... I had a sneak peak at tonights work out- it looks TOUGH!!!!


    Hi Heather,

    I am following the calories and 40% protein, 20% carb, and 20% fat. I just got done with P90X and did the same thing so I will probably stick to my same plan but increase my calories since Insantity will probably burn more calories. I agree the workouts look tough. The warm ups are a workout itself. I sent you an invite to my group here on my fitness pal. I will also send you a link to my faceobook page for more motivation and support.
  • Cd56bright
    Hi, I have done a DVD or two of insanity but never really stick it through. Will try again this month. Goal is just to hit play every day and lose some pounds and get fit. Wish me luck with my commitment issue:) good luck to all and would love to follow your journey.
  • clodsb
    clodsb Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 1/2 way through week 2 already, but would still like to join your group, if there's space. I could do with the support
    Many thanks Clodagh x
  • jnheg
    jnheg Posts: 4 Member
    I'm starting today too, would love to join and give/get some support!
  • MsStang02
    MsStang02 Posts: 147 Member
    Hi there!!! I am starting Insanity today. It will be my first time. Looking forward to see how I do!! :bigsmile:
  • arylia
    arylia Posts: 24 Member
    I'm glad I saw this group! My husband and I are starting Insanity tonight, please add me to the MFP group :)
  • MrsButlerTheCat

    I started today, and came on here to see if anyone else was doing it. It would be great to have some support, as well as people to keep me accountable! Can I join the group too, please?

    Almost vomited after the Fit Test, but am raring to go for tomorrow.
  • 1chubbychicken1
    1chubbychicken1 Posts: 15 Member
    I just started insanity today!!! infact i just finished the fit test (or "unfit test" as it should be called lol) and.... Im feeling pretty insane right now, not going to lie, im nauseous and dizzzzzzy :p but it will be worth it in the end :D

    I have to share this... After about 6 globe jumps, i was going into a forward globe overreached it and landed flat on my face in the carpet, then i just layed there for the last fifteen seconds of the drill panting like a wounded animal and wishing i was dead!! Im so ashamed hahaha I really dug deep (into the carpet) on that one, but it's my first day so :D im excited and a little scared for tomorrows workout.

    good luck everyone =)
  • margeisang
    I am starting insanity today, and hoping i could get some motivation from this group
  • Bpaige50
    Bpaige50 Posts: 1
    Hello all :) I will be starting Insanity today as well. I've gained about 25 lbs over the last year. Now I'm out of shape and terrified I won't have the discipline required to complete this insane task. But the hope and drive is definitely there so a support group will most likely help me get that much further. What to eat before and after workouts and out at company meeting lunches is the complicated part for me, I'm terrible at food education what's good what's bad, I've just never had to loose weight before. It's nice reading everyone's feedback on their progress. I may fall face first on the floor too, so I'm not the one laughing at that. Good luck to all...
  • Tflowers34907
    Tflowers34907 Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome! I am in both groups!
  • ShamelesslyFlawed
    ShamelesslyFlawed Posts: 11 Member
    I'm starting today too when I get home from work! My husband and I are doing it together. Question: How much room do we actually need? We have a decent sized living room for our town house but now I am worried with the two of us together we aren't going to be able to have enough space.

    Oh and how sore are you after the "Fit Test?" Any recommendations to keep the "soreness" down (I'm sure a hot shower right after would be a good idea.

    xoxo!! Yay! I am so excited!
  • Tflowers34907
    Tflowers34907 Posts: 51 Member
    I just started insanity today!!! infact i just finished the fit test (or "unfit test" as it should be called lol) and.... Im feeling pretty insane right now, not going to lie, im nauseous and dizzzzzzy :p but it will be worth it in the end :D

    I have to share this... After about 6 globe jumps, i was going into a forward globe overreached it and landed flat on my face in the carpet, then i just layed there for the last fifteen seconds of the drill panting like a wounded animal and wishing i was dead!! Im so ashamed hahaha I really dug deep (into the carpet) on that one, but it's my first day so :D im excited and a little scared for tomorrows workout.

    good luck everyone =)

    LMBO!! OMG YOU SOUND JUST LIKE ME!! Those push up jacks turned into me just kinda melting into the floor... So glad no one was there to see me looking all pitiful.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    I'm starting today too when I get home from work! My husband and I are doing it together. Question: How much room do we actually need? We have a decent sized living room for our town house but now I am worried with the two of us together we aren't going to be able to have enough space.

    Oh and how sore are you after the "Fit Test?" Any recommendations to keep the "soreness" down (I'm sure a hot shower right after would be a good idea.

    xoxo!! Yay! I am so excited!

    Great job on starting today. 6 X 8 feet per person should be enough space.

    You will be sore. Stretch really good after the fit test and workouts.

    Research shows a post-workout meal high in carbohydrates is required to refill muscle glycogen/energy stores. However, you need to consume enough high glycemic carbohydrates to promote a substantial insulin release. Insulin is the hormone responsible for shuttling carbohydrates and amino acids into the muscle. By consuming a large amount of carbohydrates, you will promote a large insulin release, increase glycogen storage, and increase protein repair.

    While your post-workout feeding should be rich protein and carbohydrate, this meal should also be fat free. Fat slows down transit through the stomach and so eating fat after a workout essentially slows digestion and absorption of the good carbohydrates and proteins
  • Petse
    Petse Posts: 1
    I have just finished day 2(plyo circuit)!!!!!!!this will be 2nd round after completing 1st round two weeks ago,had a bit of a rest now I am wanting to join a group to get through it again!!!!
  • pyronymph1
    pyronymph1 Posts: 18 Member
    I just finished the fit test this morning. I did better than I though I would! Way better than 6 months ago when I first tried to commit to the program! I made it 2 weeks before I gave up with the intention of starting again when it was warmer outside and I could put my dogs out so they weren't getting kicked in the face every 5 seconds...

    I do all my exercises either barefoot or in vibrams - as long as you're not going to slip, you should be fine barefoot. You may have to make sure you add some stretches for your feet though, mine tend to get really tight afterward from all the jumps.

    Good luck everyone!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Did the fit test! Not so bad. Was wondering if we are to post the results along with measurements & weigh in? I absolutely HATE the scale. It will MAKE or BREAK my day every time! HATE it, HATE it, HATE it!!!!:sad: I can gain by looking at food & even this workout has not been a big weight loss helper! I will pray it will be different this time!!!!
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Did the fit test! Not so bad. Was wondering if we are to post the results along with measurements & weigh in? I absolutely HATE the scale. It will MAKE or BREAK my day every time! HATE it, HATE it, HATE it!!!!:sad: I can gain by looking at food & even this workout has not been a big weight loss helper! I will pray it will be different this time!!!!

    You can post your fit test results. One other person has so far on the group posting. The link is below. I just got done with the fit test too. My heart is still pounding. The scale is discouraging. Recently I started using the scale only once a month. I was stuck at no weight lost then I tried on a pair of pants and they were very loose on me. I had lost no weight and the pants were loose. I lost over an inch but no pounds. You can do this.
  • joeysfacts
    joeysfacts Posts: 83 Member
    I am on my 7th week of insanity, 2nd time around. Love it. I really get toned up and feel like I have had a workout. Stick with it, you won't regret it!