Anyone have a "blow the eating" day a week?



  • GymBeast2
    GymBeast2 Posts: 81
    Well, I had one yesterday and I give 2 poops that I ate some not so good for you stuff. Some weeks I eat great all week and some I have 1 day to enjoy.

    Besides one bad meal won't make you fat, just like one good meal won't make you thin.

    Just saying
  • blakerb29
    blakerb29 Posts: 74
    My reply wasn't judging or a sweeping statement. It is simply true and was designed to help motivate those who may struggle not to binge.

    Motivate. Of course you were. Remember, truth isn't always truth, sometimes it's opinion.

    How dare you, please look through the rest of my posts before youmake conclusions.
    I never reply to judge and always try help or motivate where I can, if I can't I don't post.

    Your talking in riddles now, what I said is true. It Is applicable to most people. Those who it may not be don't have to pay attention.

    If in your riddle language it Is opinion then please sit down and let people put there's across without offending posters and causing arguments.

    You don't know me at all or whether I was trying to help motivate or not, you have offended me and you are also guilty of what you attempted to call me out for in the first place which was sweeping statements and being judgemental, can you not at the very least see how kettle/black that Is?

    Ever heard of the phrase people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?

    Maybe I could Have worded it better and maybe I didn't have the one and only answer but this is a board and is for opinions, I won't be the only one to have made a comment like mine and to isolate, offend and Group up on me is far worse than anything I did.

    I apologize for anyone I actually offended anyway as it was never my intention, good luck with your goals.

  • ameliadiouf12
    I agree ... Not everyone has strong discipline, that's why we are here... Also here for Positive HELP AND ENCOURAGEMENT not negative big headed comments.... If you cant say helpful things, say nothing...
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Motivate. Of course you were. Remember, truth isn't always truth, sometimes it's opinion.

    How dare you, please look through the rest of my posts before youmake conclusions.
    I never reply to judge and always try help or motivate where I can, if I can't I don't post.

    Your talking in riddles now, what I said is true. It Is applicable to most people. Those who it may not be don't have to pay attention.

    If in your riddle language it Is opinion then please sit down and let people put there's across without offending posters and causing arguments.

    You don't know me at all or whether I was trying to help motivate or not, you have offended me and you are also guilty of what you attempted to call me out for in the first place which was sweeping statements and being judgemental, can you not at the very least see how kettle/black that Is?

    Ever heard of the phrase people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?

    Here's a riddle for you. It's one word. LOL.

    How dare I? Ha. Why can you not accept what you posted was your opinion. In that opinion you believed it was true. However, I, and I'm sure many others would find your "truth" offensive. How dare YOU make conclusions about me? ./rolls eyes.

    ETA: "Ever heard of the phrase people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?" That makes no sense with what we're talking about and doesn't apply to this situation. I have a perfectly concrete house...and I don't have any stones, you use far too many phrases you don't fully understand.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Consider your calories as a weekly allowance - are you still happy with the deficit?

    If not, then probably best to not do it, if yes, fair enough.

    Personally, I'd go for the over-eating on a day when you're doing heavy weights if possible.
    This way the food is more likely to go towards repairing your body.

    As an idea, I tested my BMR/RMR about 18 hours after doing weights (you're supposed to leave it longer than that).

    It came out at just under 2400!
    So my body was burning that before we added in any extra movement, eating etc.

    Yesterday day ended up being a bit of a 'reset' (ok, cheat) day for me and sadly because I was stuck driving for over 13 hours, I not only ate more, but was moving a lot less (apart from having to shift a very heavy engine out of the van, which might count for something :) ).
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Wow, I did good :bigsmile: :huh:
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    I'm having a blow day today!

    From a mental perspective, denying things to ourselves makes us want it more.

    My suggestion would be to have cheat days, or more relaxed days but still make decent choices. dont 'binge' - you have a good rythm going and continue! try introducing treats into your day or week. works for me :)
  • blakerb29
    blakerb29 Posts: 74
    Motivate. Of course you were. Remember, truth isn't always truth, sometimes it's opinion.

    How dare you, please look through the rest of my posts before youmake conclusions.
    I never reply to judge and always try help or motivate where I can, if I can't I don't post.

    Your talking in riddles now, what I said is true. It Is applicable to most people. Those who it may not be don't have to pay attention.

    If in your riddle language it Is opinion then please sit down and let people put there's across without offending posters and causing arguments.

    You don't know me at all or whether I was trying to help motivate or not, you have offended me and you are also guilty of what you attempted to call me out for in the first place which was sweeping statements and being judgemental, can you not at the very least see how kettle/black that Is?

    Ever heard of the phrase people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?

    Here's a riddle for you. It's one word. LOL.

    How dare I? Ha. Why can you not accept what you posted was your opinion. In that opinion you believed it was true. However, I, and I'm sure many others would find your "truth" offensive. How dare YOU make conclusions about me? ./rolls eyes.

    Please see edited part of that message as you replied before I saved changes, I really can't be bothered now as its petty and childish, the fact is I was trying to help, clearly now I realise I could Have worded it better or left it as it may offend some. I still think for some people it could be a useful post but maybe a minority not majority.

    All I will conclude to you Is you seem to be better informed. You could have put your opinion or corrected me without all of this and making statements about me.

    What I did was accidental, same I doubt can be said for you.
  • majica8
    majica8 Posts: 210 Member
    I don't really plan it but I'm usually over on Sat and/or Sun. I've only just started exercising over the weekend (usually just one day, rest the other) But I do need to break out of the habit of eating too much. Seems I spend all week getting back on track after a bad weekend. Great if I was going for maintenance but I still have 40+lbs to get rid of >_<
  • blisser99
    blisser99 Posts: 122 Member
    To answer your question, yes.. I sometimes have a cheat day. I had a cheat day this week and still lost a pound. If you eat around the same exact calorie allowance every single day, your body gets used to this amount and doesn't work as hard to burn calories. If you vary your intake by doing one cheat day a week or one every other week, you are telling your body to work harder to get rid of all that crap you just put into it. I find that this helps with cravings, and normally you will not feel the greatest afterwards, leaving you wanting only wholesome healthy food the rest of the week. You have to have dicsipline though. You can't do it everyday, or every other day.
    I don't know if you follow Jillian Michaels or not but this is what she has to say about eating. She says that staying at the same can cause plateaus.
    "Eat more: Ninety percent of the time plateaus are caused by your body's survival mechanism of protecting against famine, which is triggered by calorie reduction. The best way to fix this quickly is to give your body a little more food so it feels secure.
    Varying your calorie intake is my best advice for keeping your body from plateauing:
    For a couple days vary your calorie intake between 1,800 and 2,400 calories. I know this may sound crazy, but trust me...I know what I'm doing. Then, after three days, drop back down to the calorie allowance."
    Hope that this helps.
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    What I did was accidental, same I doubt can be said for you.

    That was a lovely undertaking of accountability. Save for the accusatory bit at the end. No, my post was not accidental, I'm not sure anyone would think it was.

    Anyway, good luck in your journey.
  • blakerb29
    blakerb29 Posts: 74
    What I did was accidental, same I doubt can be said for you.

    That was a lovely undertaking of accountability. Save for the accusatory bit at the end. No, my post was not accidental, I'm not sure anyone would think it was.

    Anyway, good luck in your journey.

    I am absolutely accountable for what I said, I clearly offended people and that I am very regretful for as its the last thing I want to do.
    I have no problem being corrected when wrong, its just how it is done that is important.

    Again. Apologies for those offended and good luck in your journeys.

  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I agree ... Not everyone has strong discipline, that's why we are here... Also here for Positive HELP AND ENCOURAGEMENT not negative big headed comments.... If you cant say helpful things, say nothing...

    Thing is, I can't tell if this response is to those who are against 'cheat days' or those in favor. The point of view *you* personally might find helpful and encouraging, another might interpret the exact opposite. So it probably would have been a good idea for you to have quoted or otherwise made clear who you prefer would "say nothing".
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    Stay within my weekly allowance
    eat less during the week and more on the weekends (which feels like 2 cheat days)

    I feel great on mondays.
  • Allyice
    Allyice Posts: 122 Member
    I'm kinda maintaining right now, so I set my settings to lose .5 lbs a week, then I just eat whatever I want on the weekends, works well for me :)
  • Dynamis600
    Dynamis600 Posts: 743 Member
    The way I figure it if I am going to eat like a skinny person, they will have celebrations etc and then eat less the following days or eat less before. So as far as I am concerned a high cal day is OK as long as you make up for it later in the week.

    The other thing I know is that my body adapts pretty quickly to the amount of cals I eat and then weight loss slows down. So I plan once a week to have a low day sometimes eating only 1000cal ( which will not put me in starvation mode just for one day) and then make up the difference the next day, sometimes on that day I will eat 200 cals over TDEE but the next day back to my MFP cals. As far as I am concerned it is not binging it is a high cal day a planned day. If it were binging it would be out of control. I understand that there are purists who believe in eating weight loss cals or the time and eating clean all the time and it works for them that's great. At present I am doing what works for me and making slow changes that will last.
  • cynthiarobb
    cynthiarobb Posts: 8 Member
    My great weakness is Cappuccinos & Lattes. Sunday I allow myself to have these to my hearts content. Lately it's only been 2 cups & I've pretty much been staying within my calories. The cravings for these are getting easier to handle. And when I have a day where I know I'm going to have something way over the calorie limit I try to exercise more in order to earn whatever it might be.
  • anniegail1961
    Hi There: Sundays are my hardest day-especially if the weather is rainy and damp.
    I am learning about myself while tracking all these calories and exercise.
    It's a process right?
    Have a great week!