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Water -- Recommendations to get it in???



  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    i was a bad water drinker myself till i bought myself a little 0.5 liter squirt bottle its so much fun i carry it everywhere and just shoot it in my mouth i am surprised how much i got to refill it now
  • saeede83
    saeede83 Posts: 96 Member
    My husband bought me a hydracoach to encourage me drink more water. It has been very hepful. I try to drink at leqst 64 oz every day. I take it everywhere with me. Numbers always keep me more informed and motivated.

    Another option is to have a simple water bottle and take it everywhere with you. make sure you fill it up 6-7 times a day.
  • FindingTimeForMe
    FindingTimeForMe Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for all the recommendations -- I love this website.

    You ask a question and many people are willing to provide recommendations.

    Congrats to the many who responded who have put some serious numbers on the board and wonderful profile pictures. You all look great. If you are just starting -- you are on your way to some great numbers too.

    I appreciate the advice. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. Consciously if I could get past day 3 that would be an accomplishment.

    Take care and great work on everything you are doing for yourself and everyone you provide comments to.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    A gallon a day makes the fat melt away!! :bigsmile:

    You shower your outside every day so shower your inside. Before I get in the shower, I fix a 32 oz cup of water with ice in summer. No ice in winter. The whole time I am getting ready for work, I stop and take gulps. Cant' have coffee til my water is gone. Been doing this for years!

    Slowly began adding 32 oz cups. I drink 32 oz for lunch. I also drink 32 oz in the afternoon. With supper, I drink my 4th and final 32 oz cup of water. Exercise water is an additional 20 oz or so. I drink at least a gallon a day plus my 2 cups of coffee. Even when I drink diet soda with lunch on occasion, I make sure to drink 2 32 oz cups at work. I either start before lunch, if I have pre-palnned going out, or I push 2 cups back to back.

    At this point, I have to have it or I am dehydrated. Even on vacation, I bought 32 oz bottled waters because I knew I needed 4 a day to get my water intake. I am completely anal about that!

    That's my tip! You have to do what works best for you! :drinker: Going to get my final work cup now!! And take a pee break!! Added exerscise!! :laugh:
  • koshkasmum
    koshkasmum Posts: 276 Member
    Read a post on how to drink enough water. Seriously. I just went and poured and drank a 16oz. glass.

    A lot of it is just habit. Start piggybacking drinking a glass of water with other activities. One before each meal. One before your coffee or other beverage at coffee break, one to sip during meetings, One when you go into the kitchen to start cooking a meal. You get the drift. Oh and I agree that a fresh glass of cool water (or ice water) goes down much more nicely that the tepid flat stuff sitting in your water bottle all day.
  • ravenbard
    ravenbard Posts: 51
    I am the same way, just never get thirsty but know I have to do it. It helps me to fill up my container (no matter what you use) with crushed ice and then fill with water. If it's very cold, I seem to drink more of it. I don't like Crystal Light simply because it leaves an after taste in my mouth for a long time. I do not use artificial sweetners of any kind. If your water is very hard then you may get a smell or taste to your water. We have a big filtering system in our basement for all our water so it tastes good. Try the ice.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Cup with a straw. I drink way more water if I am using my cup with a straw than if I just drink out of a water bottle.
  • THIS! This has worked for me as well. I do three a day to make my quota
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I am the worst water drinker ever to have walked the face of the planet. It takes a huge amount of exertion for me to actually drink water. I can't just drink it, I have to really need it. I got nothing for ya. I'd have to visually set out so many bottles of water and tell myself they must be gone by bedtime.
  • Evachiquita
    Evachiquita Posts: 223 Member
    Try herbal teas. There are lots of really nice flavors out there. Plus sometimes it's nice to have a hot drink to mix things up a bit. You can also do iced herbal teas. Some people count ounces of fluid, whether it's plain water or not. So your coffee, juice, caffeinated tea, whatever may count toward your daily goal. I know that caffeine is a diuretic and blah blah, but it's still liquid entering your body. You can also get lots of fluids from food, like melons, fruits, cucumbers, tomatoes, soup, etc. Basically my point is that there are multiple ways to get fluid into your body, not just drinking plain water.

    I used to be a water drinking junkie, drinking several liters a day and having that clear and copious urine that everyone's always talking about....then I started getting really bad cramps. I cut back on water, and drink to thirst (which can still be a lot of water/fluid) and now I don't get cramps. And I don't have to run to the bathroom every 30 minutes. I think what happened with me was that I was over hydrated to the point where my electrolytes were diluted hence triggering cramps.

    I'm not advocating drinking no water and only drinking soda/juice/coffee, so don't go there and misinterpret this post.
  • craftynerdmama
    craftynerdmama Posts: 18 Member
    Try using a straw. I find it goes back way easier. Add lemon or fruit or a few slices of cucumber is nice too!

    I can vouch for this -- I used to be in the same boat as OP -- I just couldn't force myself to drink enough water during the day until I did two things -- added ice, and a straw. I have a 24oz. Tervis cup that I keep at work... Filling it up requires going upstairs two floors to our building's "employee lounge" (they're the only place that has ice!), so it also gets me some more steps and calories burned. I fill it up before breakfast, before lunch, and usually late in the afternoon, and as a result I get about 9 servings of water a day, even without counting what I drink when I get home!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    As a society we are easily swayed to convenience items. One way around this is to make water the convenience item.

    Every night, I fill a 2 liter bottle of water half full and stick it in the freezer. When I wake up, I fill the remainder of the bottle and bring it to work. The bottle sits on my desk and provides ice cold drinking water all day long.

    As a convenience it is easier for me to pour the water in a cup than walk to the other side of the building for a can of pop or coffee. (You say lazy... I say I used to spend $5 a day on pop... who's laughing now Mr.Vending Machine???)

    A couple of other things I do...

    - Never order a beverage with a meal. Always drink water. Saves money and is healthier (some restaurants charge $3.00 for a pop) Save the $3.00 (ok I'm cheap) or leave it for a tip (and if you do Your server will appreciate your request for water that much more next time)

    - Drink a glass of water before a meal. It helps give you a sense of fullness by adding volume to the food. You will likely find you eat less during your meal.

    - Avoid juices. Most juices offer minimal nutritional value and are high in sugar. If you are craving juice have a glass of water and piece of fruit instead. You will get more nutrition out of it (vitamins/fibre)

    - If you are feeling hungry... the brain sometimes confuses the signals for thirst and hunger. Drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes. See if you are still hungry.

    My two cents... I am of course not a doctor. I did however lose over 100 pounds and attribute this to changing some of these behaviors.

    Hope it helps!

    Good Luck!
  • Obscuring
    Obscuring Posts: 51 Member
    #1 Reason why I get all my water is that I got a cup with a straw + lid for xmas. I think just the straw would do it though! :3 I take it anywhere!
  • 1duffwf
    1duffwf Posts: 76 Member
    Getting your daily water in can be tough! I make myself drink 2 glasses right away when I get up. Then I go for my morning walk. While I'm getting ready for work I drink another 2 glasses. It ends up being 4 glasses before I leave the house. Then by lunch I make it a goal to drink at least 1 bottle of water, same thing with the afternoon. When I work out I also make sure I drink another bottle.

    I like to use those flavor packets as well. But they do have calories - usually about 10 per packet. So I limit myself to 1-2 a day.
  • faely
    faely Posts: 144 Member
    - Never order a beverage with a meal. Always drink water. Saves money and is healthier (some restaurants charge $3.00 for a pop) Save the $3.00 (ok I'm cheap) or leave it for a tip (and if you do Your server will appreciate your request for water that much more next time)

    - Drink a glass of water before a meal. It helps give you a sense of fullness by adding volume to the food. You will likely find you eat less during your meal.

    - Avoid juices. Most juices offer minimal nutritional value and are high in sugar. If you are craving juice have a glass of water and piece of fruit instead. You will get more nutrition out of it (vitamins/fibre)

    - If you are feeling hungry... the brain sometimes confuses the signals for thirst and hunger. Drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes. See if you are still hungry.

    All of the above actions worked very well for me. I'd be too busy at work to think of drinking water so I too would notice, as I'm walking out the door, my still-full water bottle that I'd filled in the morning.

    My water bottle is a 32-ouncer, with a straw. I used to put ice in it, but I found I actually drink more when it isn't ice cold. For some reason, close-to-room-temp water goes down much easier. Since its 32 oz, I know that's = 4 cups of water. I try to drink a full cup (1/4 of the bottle) every time I take a drink. I take fewer drinks per day obviously, but now its much easier to get 2 full bottles in per day, and that's just at work. I also am eating (ok, munching and grazing) MUCH less now during the day because the water makes me full.

    I always hated drinking water. I tried adding the sweetners and flavors and fruits, and every great once in awhile I still do, (last time was about 3 months ago...grape Hawaian Punch sugar free powder, yum), but I am truly enjoying, and even look forward to, a great glass of plain, filtered, slightly cool, water. I'm even seeing great improvements in my skin and particularly my nails. Nail polish finally stays on and my nails don't break anymore when the wind blows...woohoo! :laugh:

    Good Luck!! :drinker:
  • cwilliams080676
    cwilliams080676 Posts: 118 Member
    open mouth. pour in. swallow.
    my thoughts..
    Drink it. You will get used to it. Crystal Light is crap. It is made with artificial sweeteners.
  • pinkpatron
    pinkpatron Posts: 154
    Cucumbers smashed in water.

    Drink it.

    Tis good
  • wjack459
    wjack459 Posts: 17
    i hated water because it so "bland" but i knew i had make this work === we need to drink plenty of water.!!!!! i just drink one in morning when i get up (16.6oz) one with my breakfast (even if i have lean body shake) one after i excerise, one with my lunch , and of course with my dinner!!! and as much as i can during the day .. most of the time i just try to drink in a one )gulp!!!! but i had to give up all soda and juices ( water and whole fruit or juice them) it has been 15 days since i made the big change ( right eating and exercising 5 to 6 time a week and please just stay active around the house or at work) oh yeah H2O is very important so drink plenty even if you put lemon or lime juice in it ( no kool-aid or sugar) i have done -- a lot or research so if anyone have a question feel free to ask lol no am not a doctor but i have done "great so -far)