Tired of being skinny fat.



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    6 months to go from this:


    to this:


    Lift heavy. Be consistent.

    personnally...I think you look much nicer in the first pic...if that is "skinny fat"....bring it on!!!!

    i vote for the second picture..

    and based on the profile pic in the quoters post she should not be judging anyones looks...
  • SpazQ
    SpazQ Posts: 104
    I'm skinny fat as well. My personal trainer says one can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. If a person diets while strength training, the body will burn the metabolically expensive muscle, not fat. Considering your current numbers, you can afford to gain muscle and diet later. I'm only a month into my strength training program (after being sedentary for 5+ years) and can already see positive changes.

    Put it simply: If you eat at a deficit and aren't lifting it is a big mistake. The same goes for not enough protein in your diet. You will burn your lean mass at huge deficits without these two elements.

    Lifting and adequate protein will preserve lean body mass. (although you will probably still lose a bit, you can greatly minimize this).
    I didn't say it, Lyle McDonald did and he is an expert.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    hey it's better than just being fat!

    yep. the term skinny fat is so damn offensive.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    personnally...I think you look much nicer in the first pic...if that is "skinny fat"....bring it on!!!!

    Well don't worry. You're probably far too lazy to ever need to worry about being as hot as VJ.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    hey it's better than just being fat!

    yep. the term skinny fat is so damn offensive.

    I don't find it offensive when used correctly.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    hey it's better than just being fat!

    yep. the term skinny fat is so damn offensive.

    I don't understand. Please explain.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    personnally...I think you look much nicer in the first pic...if that is "skinny fat"....bring it on!!!!

    Well don't worry. You're probably far too lazy to ever need to worry about being as hot as VJ.

  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    hey it's better than just being fat!

    yep. the term skinny fat is so damn offensive.

    I don't understand. Please explain.

    nothing wrong with not being muscular. i'm not sure why we need to invent a derogatory term for it. back in the 70's women weren't muscular and that was fine. now it's like if you're not muscular there is something wrong with you and you're skinny fat. insulting. we can't just accept the beauty of all types of bodies instead of creating insults where there doesn't need to be one?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    hey it's better than just being fat!

    yep. the term skinny fat is so damn offensive.

    I don't understand. Please explain.

    nothing wrong with not being muscular. i'm not sure why we need to invent a derogatory term for it. back in the 70's women weren't muscular and that was fine. now it's like if you're not muscular there is something wrong with you and you're skinny fat. insulting. we can't just accept the beauty of all types of bodies instead of creating insults where there doesn't need to be one?

    Being slim/non muscular =/= skinny fat. People use the term incorrectly.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    hey it's better than just being fat!

    yep. the term skinny fat is so damn offensive.

    I don't understand. Please explain.

    nothing wrong with not being muscular. i'm not sure why we need to invent a derogatory term for it. back in the 70's women weren't muscular and that was fine. now it's like if you're not muscular there is something wrong with you and you're skinny fat. insulting. we can't just accept the beauty of all types of bodies instead of creating insults where there doesn't need to be one?

    Being slim/non muscular =/= skinny fat. People use the term incorrectly.

    well, I wouldn't consider justsomerandomgirl's before pic as skinny fat. She was just skinny. she seeme to be using her pic as an example of going from skiinny fat to muscular, but i think that her calling her before picture as fat in any way is kind of offensive.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    hey it's better than just being fat!

    yep. the term skinny fat is so damn offensive.

    I don't understand. Please explain.

    nothing wrong with not being muscular. i'm not sure why we need to invent a derogatory term for it. back in the 70's women weren't muscular and that was fine. now it's like if you're not muscular there is something wrong with you and you're skinny fat. insulting. we can't just accept the beauty of all types of bodies instead of creating insults where there doesn't need to be one?

    I believe you and I have different definitions of the phrase "skinny fat".
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    hey it's better than just being fat!

    yep. the term skinny fat is so damn offensive.

    I don't understand. Please explain.

    nothing wrong with not being muscular. i'm not sure why we need to invent a derogatory term for it. back in the 70's women weren't muscular and that was fine. now it's like if you're not muscular there is something wrong with you and you're skinny fat. insulting. we can't just accept the beauty of all types of bodies instead of creating insults where there doesn't need to be one?

    Being slim/non muscular =/= skinny fat. People use the term incorrectly.

    well, I wouldn't consider justsomerandomgirl's before pic as skinny fat. She was just skinny. she seeme to be using her pic as an example of going from skiinny fat to muscular, but i think that her calling her before picture as fat in any way is kind of offensive.

    Neither would I, but I find it odd that someone finds the term skinny-fat offensive, but then turns rounds and call someone skinny. Calling someone skinny is less offensive than someone calling themselves skinny fat?

    Edited for typo
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    @ the OP

    You don't need to lose any weight. Especially if you are not small framed. So, you shouldn't be eating at a deficit at all. If you want to gain muscle you really need to eat more than whatever you are currently eating that is keeping you at 132. If you don't want to be skinny fat then weight lifting and be prepared to see the numbers on the scale go up even as you lose inches. It's ok. It could take a while, IIRC it takes about a month to put on one pound of muscle. But, you may see results even before you gain muscle, when your current muscles start firming up.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    hey it's better than just being fat!

    yep. the term skinny fat is so damn offensive.

    I don't understand. Please explain.

    nothing wrong with not being muscular. i'm not sure why we need to invent a derogatory term for it. back in the 70's women weren't muscular and that was fine. now it's like if you're not muscular there is something wrong with you and you're skinny fat. insulting. we can't just accept the beauty of all types of bodies instead of creating insults where there doesn't need to be one?

    Being slim/non muscular =/= skinny fat. People use the term incorrectly.

    well, I wouldn't consider justsomerandomgirl's before pic as skinny fat. She was just skinny. she seeme to be using her pic as an example of going from skiinny fat to muscular, but i think that her calling her before picture as fat in any way is kind of offensive.

    Neither would I, but I find it odd that someone finds the term skinny-fat offensive, but then turns rounds and call someone skinny. Calling someone skinny is less offensive than someone calling themselves skinny fat?

    Edited for typo

    Calling someone skinny is less offensive than skinny fat. Because skinny is one term. Skinny Fat is two. She already called herself skinny fat, so she already used the term skinny to refer to herself. This other gal is saying she only sees the skinny and doesn't see the fat. That's my take on it.
  • artex1024
    artex1024 Posts: 119 Member
    I consider skinny fat to be a person at a low body weight, but a high BF%. Like someone said, skinny fat people have excess jiggle, cellulite, etc, simply from lack of muscle tone. It doesn't mean you have to be "muscular". I don't think it's an offensive term. I also use the term "obeast" to refer to someone at a high weight but low BF%.

    And can we all focus on the fact that vjohn is not wearing a sports bra in the second pic, which leads me to believe that her boobs are perky enough now not to require one? Regardless of anyone's personal opinion of aesthetics in a ripped bod, that she be a huge selling point in building that type of muscle. Kudos!!
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Skinny or skinny-fat the process of adding more muscle (if that is your goal) is the same. Start lifting some heavy weight, eat enough calories and get enough protein and fats. Might take a some cycles of bulking cutting depending on how comfortable you are with your body fat levels.
  • psh6692
    psh6692 Posts: 1
    Judging from the photos, your height and weight, if you think you are fat you have a body image problem, not a weight problem.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I guess U can say I lost a majority of my chub and have been lifting for a month straight. My skin is much tighter and my arms look like I can join a fistfight. Since lifting, it has added a couple of pounds but after the end result it is much better and I will continue....:flowerforyou:
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Judging from the photos, your height and weight, if you think you are fat you have a body image problem, not a weight problem.

    Just because someone isn't overweight doesn't mean they cannot want to better themselves and lower their bf%.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    6 months to go from this:


    to this:


    Lift heavy. Be consistent.

    personnally...I think you look much nicer in the first pic...if that is "skinny fat"....bring it on!!!!

    i vote for the second picture..

    and based on the profile pic in the quoters post she should not be judging anyones looks...

    Better be careful, my post saying similar did a vanishing act, lol.