Insanity/P90X quotes



  • Tonyv01
    Tonyv01 Posts: 56 Member
    Oh....and you got to luv that Shaun T calls it a "Recovery" workout :-)
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Tony: "I gotta check on the kids" (after doing 2 reps).
  • 'DIG DEEPER'.......I think about it when I am running up the hills!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    My favorite quote is from Tommy Magrant from the P90X commercial: "NOBODY'S WATCHIN'". Keep doing your best and struggle through till you get that crane down pat or those side balance thingy's. It's OK, because nobody's watchin.
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Oh....and you got to luv that Shaun T calls it a "Recovery" workout :-)

    & that he calls that 10 minutes or so of hell a warm-up!
  • oh,and i like when shant t says:
    'i am not trying to hurt you, i am trying to make you better!'
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    oh,and i like when shant t says:
    'i am not trying to hurt you, i am trying to make you better!'

    ummm....yeah right Shaun T! You're begging for a lawsuit, buddy! j/k, but sometimes I want to call him up and just be like "you really suck, you know that?"

    This isn't a quote, but that K-Fed guy with the corn rows needs to just go home. He's the most annoying human being on this planet. Tonia's "intense face" comes in a close second.
  • *************************************************************************************************************************************
    ummm....yeah right Shaun T! You're begging for a lawsuit, buddy! j/k, but sometimes I want to call him up and just be like "you really suck, you know that?"

    This isn't a quote, but that K-Fed guy with the corn rows needs to just go home. He's the most annoying human being on this planet. Tonia's "intense face" comes in a close second.
    I messed up the quote process up above....oops!

    I hear you about Tonia....I did the plyo today from the first month......He says to the girl in the blue sports bra..I think it is Rebecca or something like that....
    'you never wore a sports bra before doing insanity, did you':noway: that was awesome-she does really good too!
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184

    I hear you about Tonia....I did the plyo today from the first month......He says to the girl in the blue sports bra..I think it is Rebecca or something like that....
    'you never wore a sports bra before doing insanity, did you':noway: that was awesome-she does really good too!

    Yeah I love that girl! She joined the test group when she turned 40 and she's had like triplets or something. I'm in my 20's so it's motivating when a mom in her 40's is kicking my butt!

    I also love when he goes up to some guy with blackish hair (i don't remember what workout it's on) and he goes
    "You run marathons don't you?"
    "How's this compare to that?"
    "Oh God!" lol
    SHALONDAG Posts: 50 Member
    I did P90x ABD. ripper yesterday. Tony says something like " The party's almost over, what a bummer" ! I was like " No it's not a bummer cause your trying to kill me Tony"! And you notice that both Tony and Shaun T take lots of breaks while they are checking on the performance of everybody else. I'm like " You pushing me, so why you get to take breaks" !!!
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Oh so many. . .

    "Look at those triceps. . .Diamonds of gold!" Wtf is a diamond of gold?

    "They're writing it down, as should you be." As should who is wha?

    "Look at that man, he's all grissle!" Tony, do you realize that grissle is fat?
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    Oh so many. . .

    "Look at those triceps. . .Diamonds of gold!" Wtf is a diamond of gold?

    "They're writing it down, as should you be." As should who is wha?

    "Look at that man, he's all grissle!" Tony, do you realize that grissle is fat?

    hahaha I'd like to get you and Tony together in a room and any time he tries to use his "Horton wit" you could just shoot him down. Don't get me wrong, I admire the guy, but that would be hysterical.
  • lizziewhan
    lizziewhan Posts: 148 Member
    thanks for this post! it has made me sister and i tend to crack on tony when we are working out and he makes his remarks...were like tony come get a piece of me hahaha!

    i love when he says something about not going to grab a donut...and how hamburgers and coke are evil....sorry i dont remember the exact quote. LOVE p90x though!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    As an English teacher, it drives me INSANE when Tony says to keep your abdominals "Taunt." I want to yell, "It's TAUT, TAUT, TAUT, TAUT, TAUT, NOT TAUNT!"
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    pastrami sandwich bad, soda bad...
    Why did you have to mention those things Tony? I wasn't even thinking about them till you mentioned them. Now I'm hungry!!!
  • bpayne78
    bpayne78 Posts: 249 Member
    Not quite sure why I like it because it's not really the correct way to speak (sorry to the English teacher).....but at the beginning/opening of ALL of the Insanity videos when Shaun yells "Lets sgo" (he slurs the s with the next word) makes me want to "dig deeper". That would drive my mom crazy but for some reason gets me pumped! :laugh:

    As far as when he tells someone to take a break but tells everyone else to keep going, yeah that bugs me a little too. BUT he does say several times not to sacrifice form, so.......if those people were getting so tired that they were sacrificing form, he's protecting them so I can go for that.

    I've found that I can't do the workouts everyday as my muscles scream at me the next day (I have a muscle disorder) BUT it's not so bad that I can't stick with it every other day or so. I'm just getting back into it but hope I can continue.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I've found that I can't do the workouts everyday as my muscles scream at me the next day (I have a muscle disorder) BUT it's not so bad that I can't stick with it every other day or so. I'm just getting back into it but hope I can continue.

    That's why I can't wait for our P90X/Insanity hybrid. We are on day 50 of Insaniyt. We're starting the hybrid August 30th and only three days of jumping around with Insanity.
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    I've got one more: "Me and Laura, lovin' the grooviness" From.....Chest, Shoulder and Triceps?

    Anyway, it makes me smile and I always sing along.
  • p90xokc
    p90xokc Posts: 66
    I've noticed a lot of us are doing INSANITY and/or P90X. Now you know there are some priceless quotes in these programs (especially from Tony) and when I quote them to people who haven't seen it, I just look stupid. So here's a place to quote away and we all know what you're talking about!

    i'll start. this one's from pure cardio (which is almost a joke now that i've started month 2 of insanity lol): "that s*** is ba...nanas, yo"

    How about when he says "I'm actually really nervous for this workout"...when he said that the first time I did Pure Cardio, I was like..."well if he's nervous, I'm pretty sure I'm about to die!"
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    How about when he says "I'm actually really nervous for this workout"...when he said that the first time I did Pure Cardio, I was like..."well if he's nervous, I'm pretty sure I'm about to die!"

    Out of all the workout DVD's in the world I ABSOLUTELY hate it when he says that. I'm like, well let's not do this then!!!
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