Losing gym membership..need at home success stories please!!

Hi, all! I have lost about 12 lbs so far (about 25 more till goal weight) and we just decided to get rid of our gym membership for financial reasons. I am worried I won't push myself enough at home.. I would love to hear some encouragement from you who work out at home. What works for you? Have you had success at home? Thank you!!!


  • laurabelle2013
    Get a HRM and some DVDs that you are excited about.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I workout at home. I use my xbox for cardio workouts when the weather is bad. When it's nice I like to go on walks. We recently got a weight bench and barbell, so I am starting Stronglifts 5x5. I haven't been in a gym since before I gained weight ( so roughly 4 years).
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I use YouTube, my treadmill and workout DVDs. I got a bench, small rack, bar and weights. I lost 40-45 pounds without the weights, but I wish I'd been using them from Day 1. My workouts currently consist of running on my treadmill (outside when I can) and lifting. I do yoga to stretch and relax, and sometimes toss in a Pilates video.
  • joandwebster
    I gave up on gyms a while ago- I just don't go it's too easy to make excuses. I do have a stationary bike at home and some hand weights, a medicine ball, an ab roller, and a mat. I also have a small, inexpensive TV in the room I workout in. So, it's either watch a tv show or DVD while biking- or do a fitness DVD. I work 3 jobs so I am strapped for time, so it's gotta be something quick- some of my favorites: 30 day shred, ripped in 30, no more trouble zones (all Jillian Michaels) and I also really like the Physique 57 DVD's (there are boosters for specific body parts, an hour workout, and a 30 min express) which you also need a waist high chair for (I use a kitchen stool). The P57 ones don't feel like they are doing anything int he moment, but you should be sore the next day for sure!
  • TheBeerRunner
    TheBeerRunner Posts: 2,777 Member
    I don't have time for the gym, so it's the treadmill at home or running outside. My motivation is generally fueled by the "extra" calories gained from busting my butt running... Not to mention I'm tired of giving up and giving in.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    I have never gone to a gym. I do have equipment in my basement but all I have been doing is a lot of walking. I have hand weights too and an exercise ball. You can youtube workout videos. You can do it, it will be fine!
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    50+ pounds lost. Have a plan and stick to it. There are plenty of things to do. Body weight exercises, HIIT, yoga, pilates, YouTube. Netflix, VideoOnDemand. If you can set up a weight bench, great, but it's not mandatory. You can do it!!
  • ElizaJay143
    ElizaJay143 Posts: 52 Member
    My sister has lost 37 lbs doing the 30 Day Shred DVD & the C25K program, you can get the DVD through Netflix or super cheap on places like e-bay and the C25K is a free program/app you can download to your phone.

    It's definitely worked for her!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    There are so many things you can do without a gym membership.... Take a walk, play with children and/or a dog, clean the yard, plant a garden. etc.

    The book "Body by You" by Mark Lauren is a very excellent place to start for body weight strength training. Only a few simple tools are required for some of the exercises.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    No gym membership here. No time to drive to workout. Mostly now I run. Love running. If the weather is awful I hop on the Elliptical or aDVD. Jillian Michaels can kick your @&& in 30 min or less. Her DVD's run around $10 and you just need hand weights.

    No fee's, no locker room / shower issues.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    My sister has lost 37 lbs doing the 30 Day Shred DVD & the C25K program

    I lost 60 lbs that way and have now maintained that loss for a year and a half. I did start lifting after I lost the 60 lbs, but that's also something I do at home.
  • NumbrsNerd
    NumbrsNerd Posts: 202 Member
    I work out at home too. I haven't been a gym member in years; rather, I invested the money I'd pay for a membership towards a universal gym, an elliptical and a treadmill (over time, of course). That being said, I still do a lot of DVD workouts and a good bit of work with dumbbells, resistance bands, kettlebells, medicine balls, etc.

    ETA: I push myself HARDER at home because there are no other gym members there to see me snot and sweat and grunt (or throwup - I did that when I was heavier and just getting into jogging).
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    I only do some at-home cheap weights I bought at Target (under $15/pair each) with some free iPad/iPhone apps called Daily Arm/ Daily Abs/ etc. And the Couch to 5K program: http://couch25k.com - granted I have a Planet Fitness membership and use their treadmills for $10/month but you can do it outside and I've been thinking of canceling my membership for this reason. I downloaded the Simple Couch25K app (also free) and it tells me when to stop and go. And I lose about a pound a week. You can do this :)
  • lazirlott
    lazirlott Posts: 42 Member
    It is nice to get outside on pretty days and walk, cycle, or jog - try starting the C25K program. A few DVD workouts are good for bad weather days or eary/late workouts if you aren't comfortable being outside before or after daylight. I have an elipitcal machine as well, which gives a little something different too.
  • minijag06
    minijag06 Posts: 70
    DVD's! I do Jillian Michaels videos every morning before I allow myself coffee - and I LOVE coffee!!!!!
  • mylast5lbs
    mylast5lbs Posts: 25
    Too old for the gym enviro, turned garage into gym. Only problem is that I live in south Texas and it can get frigging HOT.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I've been doing kettlebell videos with this site: http://livefitrevolution.org/

    I'm at 127 lbs lost. I've been to a gym 4 times since I started, and two of those times have been for in-person kettlebell classes.
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    I did two rounds of Jillian Michaels body revolution and a round of insanity and now back to body rev. Take a look at my page and photos! I bough a gym membership for like 2 months cause co workers wanted to zumba but no one ever ended up showing! Plus the classes we late and i would rather workout right when im off work then 3 hours later! Also I tend to make faces while lifting lol and would rather do that in private lol. I workout so much harder at home when i dont have to worry about my shirt lifting or people using the machine i want. I love love love body rev and its so great you can do it time and time again with heavier weights and the more advanced moves. I promise you will LOVE IT! Feel free to add me or email me any questions!
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I only miss the gym for racquetball ... I actually prefer my home gym (I'll admit I'm spoiled with an elliptical, treadmill, bike and weights). I can just run downstairs, even if I only have 20 minutes. I don't have to wait for machines (well ... occasionally hubby or the boys will be in MY gym) and I can turn the tv to anything I want. No one to look at me funny when I wear my slippers on the elliptical instead of shoes. Even if you don't have the $$ or space for machines, there is a ton you can do at home.
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    I started this journey using the Xbox and Kinect doing boxing and Zumba, and progress to the gym, The gym just offer an environment and some things that you won't get in the house. Like classes and super heavy weights. but classes can be done via a game console and DVD, and weight you can buy, the only thing is just some motivational eye candy interaction that's all. You don't need a gym to lose weight, but it helps with the monotony that's all.