Day 1 of no diet coke...not going well



  • mylast5lbs
    mylast5lbs Posts: 25
    I love Coke and Dr. Pepper, but I have had only one Coke in the last 8 months. And I had that only to see if I really missed it. Nope!!!
    It was sort of easy for me, where I worked there was no vending machines.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    You sound like me :-) I've tried to give it up but without success. I have cut down A LOT though. I like water and unsweet tea but I realized it was the carbonation that I craved more than anything. I replaced diet coke with a carbonated water but I'm not sure that's much healthier.

    Now I just have a rule I can drink a Diet coke but before I drink another I have to drink 64 ounces of (plain) water. So this has increased my water and decreased my diet coke. So that's a start. I don't have any weird health concerns with Diet Coke or anything, I just doin't like being dependant on something. It was like when I quit smoking, the freedom was the best part and now I don't like being dependant on anything.

    Good luck!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I tried weaning off Pepsi multiple times and it never worked. After a bit I'd find I was right back where I started. Ditto for a friend of mine. This last time, in 2009, we both decided to quit (again), but she went with the weaning off again and I went cold turkey. I used Excederin a few times to help with the caffiene withdraw, but didn't touch the soda. I treated it like any other addiction and tried to avoid the triggers. It took a couple months, but I'm off it now and haven't started again. My friend is back to drinking it.
  • junes2013
    junes2013 Posts: 3 Member
    I gave up pepsi - fully loaded - 64 days ago when i decided to get serious about my weight loss. I drink 8-10 or more glasses of water a day, and honestly...I don't miss it anymore. In fact, snuck a drink of my daughter's pepsi the other day at a restaurant and it didn't really taste very good.

  • labeachgirl
    labeachgirl Posts: 158 Member
    I'm off soda, but I gradually phased it out. The caffeine withdrawals are no joke, so maybe replace it with tea to get the caffeine fix and then just gradually replace it with water.
  • lesleyoung6
    "My name is Lesley and I'm a Coke-aholic"... phew, that feels better! Seriously, Diet Coke is my drug of choice and I regularly OD. As a total newbie to this weight loss deal, can I please ask... why is Diet Coke soooo bad? Seriously, give me reasons, people! I need motivation to ditch the drug! To my mind, it's virtually zero calories so does it matter to my weight loss ambitions if I drink it every day? Please don't think I'm being a devil's advocate here - I genuinely want advice. Thanks!

    PS. Sorry for hijacking your thread :flowerforyou:
  • hellokatee
    hellokatee Posts: 211 Member
    I stopped drinking Diet Coke in January... I didn't drink it for over a month and also stopped eating out, telling myself I would have a Diet Coke if and when I went out to a restaurant or something similar. Sometime in February I went to the movies and automatically ordered a Diet Coke without even thinking about it. I went into the movie, sat down with my huge soda and took a drink... And I was like "EW, THIS IS NOT DIET!!!!" :mad: I had my best friend and my boyfriend taste it and they said I was crazy and it was definitely diet. I kept trying to take sips but it was just gross and I kept wondering what was wrong with their soda... Until about halfway through the movie it occurred to me that I hadn't had a Diet Coke in over a month! I realized that it had been long enough that I had lost that "acquired taste" for Diet Coke. Stick with it and you won't even want it anymore, I promise.

    I drank Diet Coke every day for eight years before that!

    Good luck! :wink:
  • kellykw
    kellykw Posts: 184 Member
    You people need to ditch the Diet Coke IMMEDIATELY . . . . and switch to Coke Zero or Diet Dr. Pepper. :laugh:
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    I used to drink about three 1-liter bottles of diet coke a day. I stopped in early November 2009 and haven't had a soft drink since the Friday after Thanksgiving 2009. I had that one because a friend, who didn't know I quit, bought it for me. After 2.5 weeks, the taste was disgusting. It didn't taste anything like I remembered. The odd thing is that 2 years prior to quitting I was in the hospital for 8 days and didn't have a Diet Coke during that time. When I got out and had one, I had the same experience as I did the Thanksgiving weekend. The only difference is that at that time I thought it was because the medications were affecting my sense of taste.

    When I quit, it was a horrible feeling. I had headaches for about 6 days. My wrists and even the joints in my fingers ached for a few days. I don't regret it. The only time I miss soft drinks is when I want a Jack and Coke or something similar.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,707 Member
    Reduce it then. Personally I've drank Diet Pepsi for about 25 years now on the average of 1-2 a day. Moderation is the ticket.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    I gave it up last year. That first week sucked! I felt like an addict suffering withdrawals...which actually helped me stay off of it. If i felt that bad giving up something stupid like soda then that is just so sad! My poor body. Haven't really had any since and I've been fine! I stick with lots and lots of water and now if i dont drink enough water my body craves it! Just think about all the good that will come out of letting the soda go! (i would stay away from any and all soda including diet if you can)
  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    You can do it! My drinking habits were pretty similar to yours until I decided to try to quit my cherry coke zero habit a couple months ago. I have been successful and don't miss the caffeine, although I sometimes miss the cola taste. I have allowed myself a regular cherry coke once or twice, and found this works out great because I can drink a single 8-12 oz serving and not need any more. In the first few weeks I spiced up my drinking options with country time lemonade (full of sugar, but I accepted the trade off in the interest of getting rid of the caffeine and aspartame I was previously taking in), and the occasional ginger ale (or any clear, non-caffeinated, carbonated drink that I can have lying around). Hang in there!
  • Mdcgc
    Mdcgc Posts: 28
    I use to drink like four cans of diet coke everyday, because I love it and it helped control my anxiety. It took me a while to stop drinking the way I did, I replaced it mainly with coffee and water. Every now and then (not so often) I have a can, I still love it but it makes me feel fool and I dont want anymore. This days Ive been really craving it since I am on a diet so I feel more anxious than usual. But I just keep drinking water and coffee. Dont worry! It does get easier! And even though it is diet coke, you can definetly see the results in your body after a few weeks of not drinking it, so it is totally worth it!!!
  • boophil
    boophil Posts: 99 Member
    I used to drink 1-2 liters of diet soda every day! I honestly didn't realize just how much I was drinking, so I added a spot on my food tracker here on MFP to account for any carbonated or alcoholic drinks. I don't think I'm ready to give up my diet soda completely, but I am proud to say that I am down to only one 20 oz bottle a day.
  • mikkimomof3
    mikkimomof3 Posts: 224 Member
    I gave up diet dr. pepper cold turkey last December (and I was drinking at least 6 cans a day :/ ) I was miserable and had a headache for about four days..but once I got past those first days, it has been SO much easier...stick with it!
  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    I have a few cans left and then I'm going to quit my diet coke as well...I'm going to switch to cold brew unsweetened tea...and still drink coffee...I don't know if coffee is bad for you or not, but I like my caffeine. I know quitting anything is hard, but if you really want it, stick with it! Wish you the best!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Was a huge diet coke drinker back 3 years ago. Now no way. I don't miss it at all. I would say I replaced it with seltzer water b/c of the bubbles. I know I missed it at first but I'm thinking that didn't last longer than a couple of days. That chemical stuff is hard to get off of ya know. :) You can do it. Hang tight. Lots of bottled water or club soda. You won't regret it.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    pfft, talk to me when you regularly drink a 2 liter :)

    i cut it out for a few months, went strictly with water.

    then at walmart i found they have these great little generic flavor packs you can add to water

  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I've been trying to kick the diet soda habit for years--without success. I'm down to one a day, but I'm going to try and make today's my last. I don't feel good when I drink it and I don't even think I like it that much, I just crave it for some reason.

    Today, I only drank 2/3rd of the can and then tossed it.
  • joshcan1972
    On Jan 1 of this year, I gave up all full sugared soft drinks. My favorites were Coke and Dr. Pepper. For the first week, I seriously wanted to cause bodily harm to anyone who walked by me drinking one. But it does get easier. After adjusting to Diet Sunkist and other diet drinks, I gave them up on April 1st. Now I drink nothing but low or zero cal Lemonade (still uses Aspartame, which is bad, but I love lemonade) and water. It does help you lose weight, and it does get easier. Don't beat yourself up about it.

    I've tried the Zevia drinks made with Stevia, and they are not bad. They are expensive, but for a rare treat they work. Kroger in my area carries them.

    Good luck!