Are you pregnant? "no, just fat..."



  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    I've been asked this twice in my life. Once at school which I didn't care because I knew I wasn't even sexually active at the time and I wouldn't be caught dead with a baby in high school. The 2nd time was actually quite recently. My husband is military and we went shopping and he ran into one of his coworkers. The military has a very strict policy on fitness and the joke is, Army has the fat wives an the Marines all have the fit/skinny ones. I purposely hid behind a rack of games so he wouldn't see my face (or my fat lol) as I wasn't wearing any makeup and hid under a winter peacoat.

    On the car drive home my husband told me that his coworker asked if I was pregnant. In his defense, he told the guy that I just had really large boobs LOL. (wow, really?) It really hit me like a ton of bricks because I didn't expect it. However, I used it as fuel to motivate me to get in shape. Why assume the role of a pregnant lady by having so much weight on my belly if I'm really not? The next time that guy sees me I'll be fit and fine as hell! There will be no hiding then :)
  • heytherelameman
    heytherelameman Posts: 76 Member
    I've been asked this twice in my life. Once at school which I didn't care because I knew I wasn't even sexually active at the time and I wouldn't be caught dead with a baby in high school. The 2nd time was actually quite recently. My husband is military and we went shopping and he ran into one of his coworkers. The military has a very strict policy on fitness and the joke is, Army has the fat wives an the Marines all have the fit/skinny ones. I purposely hid behind a rack of games so he wouldn't see my face (or my fat lol) as I wasn't wearing any makeup and hid under a winter peacoat.

    On the car drive home my husband told me that his coworker asked if I was pregnant. In his defense, he told the guy that I just had really large boobs LOL. (wow, really?) It really hit me like a ton of bricks because I didn't expect it. However, I used it as fuel to motivate me to get in shape. Why assume the role of a pregnant lady by having so much weight on my belly if I'm really not? The next time that guy sees me I'll be fit and fine as hell! There will be no hiding then :)

    Love your outlook on this! :)

    Also, your husband's comment was cute. Sounds like something mine would say. He was probably just trying to defuse the situation after the coworker's baaaad mistake.
  • shhsonya
    shhsonya Posts: 7
    I've been asked this twice in my life. Once at school which I didn't care because I knew I wasn't even sexually active at the time and I wouldn't be caught dead with a baby in high school. The 2nd time was actually quite recently. My husband is military and we went shopping and he ran into one of his coworkers. The military has a very strict policy on fitness and the joke is, Army has the fat wives an the Marines all have the fit/skinny ones. I purposely hid behind a rack of games so he wouldn't see my face (or my fat lol) as I wasn't wearing any makeup and hid under a winter peacoat.

    On the car drive home my husband told me that his coworker asked if I was pregnant. In his defense, he told the guy that I just had really large boobs LOL. (wow, really?) It really hit me like a ton of bricks because I didn't expect it. However, I used it as fuel to motivate me to get in shape. Why assume the role of a pregnant lady by having so much weight on my belly if I'm really not? The next time that guy sees me I'll be fit and fine as hell! There will be no hiding then :)

    OMG. My boyfriend could not say that as I have pretty little boobs lol. But I totally know what you mean! I use it to motivate myself too and I'm thinking that when she'll see me next time, she will notice the difference ! Thank you for sharing, feeling less lonely :).
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    What a snatch! I had the sort of opposite problem. I was pregnant and no one noticed because I was so fat. They just thought I was really really fat. I was so heartbroken.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I had that asked many times, although their reaction was usually one of embarrassment, not being rude.

    To lose belly fat, you need to eat at a deficit. Working abs won't work as you can't spot-reduce.

    Just start logging your food.

    I did not do one stitch of exercise at the beginning. I lost 20lbs (averaging 2lbs per week) then I started to educate myself on exercise and eating to fuel my body.. Once I added in exercise (a woman's fitness/TKD class), my weight loss slowed but my inch loss sky-rocketed.

    Have faith, and give it time, you'll lose the belly fat!! (although I'm not there yet, my belly has gone down, a LOT!!)
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Wow. I thought people learned early on, "Never ask a women if she is pregnant unless you already know the answer!"
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    When's the bbbbbbaby due?

    Uh, at the zoo, the Panda. I heard it's gonna have a baby. Yeah, that's what I meant.

    :laugh: Brian Regan is hilarous. Every time someone talks about pregancy that is what jumps into my head
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    You can still eat bread and pasta while losing weight.

    That person was a moron. Never ever ask a woman if she is pregnant and if for some reason you do and they say no.. apologize and move on. Don't lecture them! That's ridiculous. If i was her and asked (which would never happen) i'd apologize and be like "Oh i thought i heard someone mention you were. They must have been referring to someone else. K bye" and scamper out with my tail between my legs.

    Just log your food, eat at a calorie deficit and the pounds will come off. Won't be instant but you didn't gain weight instantly either.

    Best of luck
  • My grandmother said that to me once... or twice.. (she's a witch!) and it's just ridiculous. For one thing, our overweight tummies sit differently than a pregnant person's .. so those people are idiots anyway! I just wanted to reply and say "keep at it, and stay strong, because every good choice you make is getting you closer to your healthy self!"

    Happy walking/running everyone! :)
  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    i've always worked in retail so i've heard this comment quite a few times. "are you pregnant?"
    half the time i wanna shout at them, but can't because i'm at work.

    the couple months ago at work, my coworker was talking to a customer and my coworker asked him "which girl helped you?" and i heard him say "the fat one over there" and he pointed at me. then we made eye contact and he was like "uh... oh... i think it was you"

    seriously, what is wrong with people? this guy probably didn't realize he sent a girl home after work crying.
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    Google something called: stomach vacuum. It doesn't involve anything scary :) It'll only help a little bit.

    Then there is something called eating at a calorie deficit. That is what you need, basically. Eat until your body fat percentage goes down and down and down some more. And don't eat too low. Just at 200-300calories less than you need to keep your current weight. Put in light exercise (swim, walk, job) a few times per week to keep your body active.

    Then when your bodyfat percentage is really low (less than 15% ?) throw in some abs exercises.

    You don't need abs exercises now. They don't spot reduce fat. They only bring out the abs a little more. But nobody will see them with the fat covering them.
  • cranium853
    cranium853 Posts: 138 Member
    I can lose weight, but they are stuck with that mean-spirited and clumsy personality. I wake up a new person every morning. That woman wakes up herself, which is a real shame.

    For what it's worth, the weight I lost first was that slab over my belly. I seem to have been saving it for an emergency. The goal is to reduce stress, hence reduce the hormone cortisol that holds onto fat in case of an emergency, and to practice saying, "I can't believe you said something so inappropriate aloud," over and over again. Smile your benevolent goddess smile, turn, and sail away. You do not have to explain or apologize to rude people.
  • freyaheart
    freyaheart Posts: 220 Member
    I hate that so much!! I am not pregnant and I don't want to be pregnant. Thank you for being so rude and tactless perfect stranger!!