MFP faithful for 2 weeks but no lbs lost yet

I'm a little discouraged. I have been logging my food and exercise for the past couple of weeks with no results. I stay within the calories allowed but the scale has not moved. I'm trying to stay motivated to continue.


  • Lylie1985
    Lylie1985 Posts: 35 Member
    You need to eat more. 1200 should be the minimum. You're also going quite high over in sodium which will be holding on to water weight. Cut down on the takeaways and try to eat more meat, fruit and veggies. This will help cut down sodium. If you exercise eat back some of your calories. 1200 is Net
  • kellykw
    kellykw Posts: 184 Member
    Two weeks may not be long enough to tell yet. How are you feeling? Are you weighing your food and sure that you are recording portions correctly? Not overestimating calories burned?
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    It's been TWO weeks. Eat enough. How fast you lose will also depend on how much you have left to lose. I still have about 30 pounds to go and now I only lose a few pounds per month. So what? I don't have a finish line for my lifestyle; it's permanent. If the number on the scale is going to defeat you, get rid of the scale.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Are you drinking water at all? If you're exercising on top of staying below 1200 calories, you might not be eating enough.

    Give it time...its not going to happen overnight.
  • Hash5m
    Hash5m Posts: 29 Member
    Don't worry ... just increase your training and try to stay over 1000 Cals below your recommended calories a bit or in between them and you'll just be fine ... sometimes the weight does not go down but after a while it goes more than usual. This has happened to me before, but to assure you that you are loosing, measure your body parts every week or two and you will see the changes there if nor on the scale. The scale in not the only way to know that you have lost some fat. So, take your body part measurements every week or two + inrease the amount of training + stay over 1000 Cals + decrease carbs a bit + increase proteins = You'll Rock by then with your weight loss. Good luck, feel free to add me if you need more motivation.

    Best Wishes,
  • pjp1125
    pjp1125 Posts: 313
    Think big picture. You are making good eating choices. You are exercising. You are cognizant of what you eat. Keep doing these things and you will not fail.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You need to eat more. 1200 should be the minimum. You're also going quite high over in sodium which will be holding on to water weight. Cut down on the takeaways and try to eat more meat, fruit and veggies. This will help cut down sodium. If you exercise eat back some of your calories. 1200 is Net

    Agreed! That calorie limit is a goal - this means you should try to meet it, not try to go under it. A calorie deficit is already built in so by eating so much less you're actually harming your progress instead of helping it. Normally your sodium isn't too bad but it was quite high this weekend so you may just be retaining water right now. Make sure you drink at least those 8 cups a day if not more. Once you become active, add at least 2 more cups a day.
  • ammire82
    ammire82 Posts: 50
    You need to eat more. 1200 should be the minimum. You're also going quite high over in sodium which will be holding on to water weight. Cut down on the takeaways and try to eat more meat, fruit and veggies. This will help cut down sodium. If you exercise eat back some of your calories. 1200 is Net
    I don't have a finish line for my lifestyle; it's permanent. If the number on the scale is going to defeat you, get rid of the scale.

    Agreed! keep over 1200 net calories, lower your salt intake and ditch the scale. Salt makes you retain water really bad. Stay away from process meats like hotdogs and deli meats, they have insane levels of salt. Add some more foods that naturally boost you metabolism like almonds, yogurt, oatmeal, ect.
    Every morning I have a cup(literally) of oatmeal with a yogurt mixed in with some splendia and I'm full most of the day. Then for lunch I have some fruit and a handful of almonds.
    If you find yourself REALLY wanting that salt taste get some "No Salt" which is located next to the table salt at the supermarket. But defiantly DO NOT weight yourself every day. Looking at a scale constantly will just depress you and you can't loose when you're depresses. And lastly, cardio is your friend. It doesn't have to be killer, a simple 20 min stroll with a loved one once or twice a week will do. Anything that makes your heart rate go up for 20+ mins will work. Good luck!
  • kevinjb1
    kevinjb1 Posts: 233 Member
    I look at your diary for the past week. Are you not drinking water or just not logging it? You sodium levels are pretty high so you need to drink more water to help flush your body out.

    Don't skip any meals either or replace them with a snack if you are close to going over your calories. It's better to eat and work them off through exercise.

    Are you getting any exercise?

    I agree that you also aren't eating enough. It looks like you are picking high calorie foods that also contain lots of sodium. You may have crazy time constraints, but it would be good to try and work more lean meat and fruits/ veggies into your meals.

    It takes a while to adjust to the changes necessary to lose weight. Stay with it and you will begin to see results.
  • JK2XYS73
    JK2XYS73 Posts: 3
    Hang in there! It's a weird process. I was so excited when I started a month ago because I lost 5 lbs right way. Then two weeks later, I was back up 5 lbs. Now my weight fluctuates up 1 lb, down 2, up 1, down 1, and so on. While it's good to monitor your weight daily while you are dieting, it's best to look at your weekly average. I worked out at least 3 days a week - burning around 400 - 500 calories each time - for a month, and I've only lost 3 lbs. I honestly expected more, but my body is stubborn.

    The YMCA told me I needed to cut my calories down to 1300 a day and work out 3 - 4 times a week. I was eating between 1500 - 1800 calories daily, so hopefully this will help. Although, last night I was so hungry around 8:30 PM! I had already met my caloric intake goal for the day, so I sucked on a wheat thin cracker! LOL!
  • najgolfpro
    najgolfpro Posts: 20 Member
    congrats On Making The First steps. It Seems Your Sodium Intake Is A Little High. Also Try drinking Water In Your Diary Thus Far. I personally Drink At Least four Bottles A Day
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    No-one else will tell you straight but I went through the last week and your diet seems to be fairly awful, your sodium is way to high which I believe can lead to high blood pressure, it also means you will be retaining more water than usual which can add on a few pounds in itself. Try regularly exercising (3-5 times a week) and eating 1200 + your exercise calories back so probably around 1500+ and try and cut out the rubbish foods and I guarantee you will be blasting through the pounds :)

    Not trying to be a p**** or anything, just I think it's better to tell people things straight than sprinkle the truth with chocolate and cream to make it sound nicer...
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    Stick with it. I didn't see the scale move for a month. If you need to see the scale move, stop eating sodium and you'll see your water weight go bye bye.

    After looking at your diary, you are consuming way too much sodium and way way way too much sugar.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I'm a little discouraged. I have been logging my food and exercise for the past couple of weeks with no results. I stay within the calories allowed but the scale has not moved. I'm trying to stay motivated to continue.

    Well done for sticking with it for your first 2 weeks :smile: It does get easier as you carry on.

    I hope you don`t mind I checked back your diary for a few days?

    Some days you are not reaching your BMR of 1200 and some days you are going over on the sodium.

    What works is eating at a deficit and exercising, but trying to keep above that magical 1200 cals even after your exercise.

    Maybe try to work on preparing food instead of buying/eating packet stuff. This will bring the sodium down. The more sodium you take in the more water you will retain (and other health probs)

    Use the search function on MFP ask a question similar to what you have asked and you will find a ton of great advice also.

    Most importantly, is make sure you are 100% true with what you are logging, what worked for me at the start is to log what I was going to eat in the morning and sticking to it.

    You can do it x
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    No-one else will tell you straight but I went through the last week and your diet seems to be fairly awful, your sodium is way to high which I believe can lead to high blood pressure, it also means you will be retaining more water than usual which can add on a few pounds in itself. Try regularly exercising (3-5 times a week) and eating 1200 + your exercise calories back so probably around 1500+ and try and cut out the rubbish foods and I guarantee you will be blasting through the pounds :)

    Not trying to be a p**** or anything, just I think it's better to tell people things straight than sprinkle the truth with chocolate and cream to make it sound nicer...

    I completely agree with this.. it looks like you're not eating very healthy foods, and not enough of anything. Eat fewer processed foods, and if you want treats or fast food, make sure to either plan for it in advance and eat healthier for the other meals of the day or exercise to make room for it. You don't have to deprive yourself of anything, just make room for it in your diet. Also really watch your carbs, sodium and sugars... they're what will stall weight loss the most.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member

    Which as a new person looking for advice as the OP is, then the above is 2 whole weeks to long for them.

    AKA why they are asking for some advice?

    so unless you can enlighten the OP with some advice, then why bother?
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    Yep. You need to eat more. And what you eat needs to be better quality. Cut down on sodium. Up the Protein. Reduce the fat a bit. give it time. Congrats on taking the first step to be here.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

    Which as a new person looking for advice as the OP is, then the above is 2 whole weeks to long for them.

    AKA why they are asking for some advice?

    so unless you can enlighten the OP with some advice, then why bother?

    because your post in this was so informative?? thanks.

    OP, my comment was directed at my disbelief that you would expect results this fast.
  • madmax0412
    madmax0412 Posts: 65
    I didn't look at the diary but I have to agree with most comments here. It's only two weeks! If you've been exercising you could be building muscle during this time as well so that may be what you're seeing as a result.

    But this is a lifestyle change. And once you know you're committed to it, not just now, but for the foreseeable future and beyond then in time the weight loss will come.

    Two weeks is nothing.