Protein pancakes have gone to s**t



  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    do this.

    1 egg
    1/4c raw oats
    1/2c cottage cheese

    blend till relatively smooth. grease your pan. cook like pancakes. this can easily be doubled - the measurements i gave are actually half of the recipe but it yields a good amount for one person. they come out as a wonderful cross between pancake and french toast texture and they're amazing.

    you're welcome!
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    My only advice is to ditch the "healthier" pancakes and just eat the real thing if that's what you want. It wont kill you, I promise. It's all about moderation.

    I love me some pancakes w/ butter and maple syrup.
    This! eat a pancake now and then... or 3. anybody like nutmeg syrup instead of maple?
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    My favorites are Cottage Cheese Protein Pancakes and the current Ultimate Protein Pancake that is in the recipes forum. So good! The Cottage Cheese one is as follows...

    Cottage Cheese Pancakes

    1 cup cottage cheese
    1 cup oatmeal (quick or old-fashioned)
    4 eggs or 8 egg whites
    (some recipes also call for vanilla and baking powder - I included 1/2 tsp vanilla and no making powder)

    Blend in blender, cook just like pancakes. One serving (1 pancake) has something like 20 - 30 g of protein. All natural, no weird protein powder taste.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    That's because it's not a pancake - it's a protein shake omelette.
  • Anna7595
    Anna7595 Posts: 38
    Here's my recipe for protein/low carb pancakes:

    1 cup of almond flour
    1/2 tsp baking powder
    3 eggs
    1/4 tsp vanilla extract, or a bit more if you like
    1 packet of stevia or splenda
    up to 2 tbsp of water

    combine all ingredients except the water and mix until blended
    ad the water just a little at a time until you have pancake batter type consistancy

    drop onto a hot non-stick frying pan or griddle coated with cooking spray or a little canola oil.

    top with sugar free syrup, fruit, whipped cream...whatever you want....these are delicious trust me and VERY filling. if you wanted i suppose you could add in a bit of protein shake powder...but with the 3 eggs and the almond flour they have enough...your body can only utilize so much protein at a time anyways.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I don't know. I tried some kind of oatmeal-egg white pancake recipe from here, and it was okay, but not a pancake. Honestly, I'd just eat a ****ing pancake and have a protein shake later. Pretend food is just not as good.
  • Anna7595
    Anna7595 Posts: 38
    I forgot to add to my recipe...i usually let the batter sit for a minute or two after mixing before cooking...and when i cook i just watch until the edges of the pancake start to dry up and a spatula goes under nicely then flip. these come out really good! they aren't overly eggy at all. i have even tried doing it with only 2 eggs instead of 3 and slightly more can play around with it a bit. These pancakes make it a lot easier for me to stick to my lower carb diet.
  • moosiau
    moosiau Posts: 53 Member
  • pittbullgirl
    pittbullgirl Posts: 341 Member
    Dang the science of a pancake.. I just wanted a way of getting my protein shake and eggs in after the gym without eating eggs and drinking shake lol. I thought.. ooh pancakes with eggs and shake is the solution!!

    God damn cottage cheese and shake... that must of been freakin aweful bro.

    Dont think the pan is non stick :/. What other awesome thing could I do with eggs that would not.. well.. taste like egg

  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    do this.

    1 egg
    1/4c raw oats
    1/2c cottage cheese

    blend till relatively smooth. grease your pan. cook like pancakes. this can easily be doubled - the measurements i gave are actually half of the recipe but it yields a good amount for one person. they come out as a wonderful cross between pancake and french toast texture and they're amazing.

    you're welcome!

    I do these, and sometimes I do flaxseed as well. They're pretty yummy.
  • robdel302
    robdel302 Posts: 292 Member
    One serving of Oat meal flour (half a cup of regular oats ran through a food processor), one egg, and protien powder. I'd also recommend a little vanilla extract and baking soda or they will be really dense.
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    I'd make pancakes to eat, then save the protein for a shake or I'd make pancakes and add a small amount of protein to the mix...Generally tho' I like peanut butter on pancakes, so that is how I get my protein in that meal.
  • JakeBrownVB
    JakeBrownVB Posts: 399 Member
    Time to go shopping me thinks, how thick should the consitency be? Should it be "I aint letting this muder fuding spoon go" thick or should it be "imma wanna be drippier then titanic"?
  • moondawg14
    moondawg14 Posts: 249 Member
    Time to go shopping me thinks, how thick should the consitency be? Should it be "I aint letting this muder fuding spoon go" thick or should it be "imma wanna be drippier then titanic"?

    Somewhere in the middle... at least for regular pancakes. It should pour with the same consistency as liquid soap, more or less. Thicker will make fluffier pancakes, thinner will make flatter.

    Again, not sure about your "science experiment" pancakes, but for regular pancakes, you pour the batter into a hot, oiled pan, and then wait until the side that you can SEE is full of bubbles. Then, you flip it and cook it for roughly the same amount of time.
  • araviel
    araviel Posts: 19
    My fav;

    4 eggs
    Box of cottage cheese
    100g oats
    Dash extra skimmed milk
    Pinch of salt

    Mix it in a blender til smooth, leave for 4-5 hours or over night. Makes about 4 thick pancakes, serve either savory (I use a handful of parmesan, herbs, black olives and tabasco) or sweet (honey and cinnamon). Yum.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    this is my favourite :smile:

    alternatively, normal pancakes plus bacon for protein!
  • leila12a1
    leila12a1 Posts: 1
    low calorie pancakes

    3/4 cup whole wheat flour
    · 1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
    · 1/2 tablespoon baking powder
    · 1/2 cup fat-free buttermilk or 1/2 cup skim milk, with 1/2 tsp lemon juice mixed in
    · 1 egg white, lightly beaten
    · 1/2 tablespoon cinnamon
    · 1 -1 1/2 teaspoon no-cal artificial sweetener ·

    1.Mix all ingredients until smooth.
    2.Note: Batter will be kinda thick. If it is too thick for you, add a tablespoon of water at a time until desired consistency.
    3.Heat a large skillet or griddle that has been sprayed with non-stick butter flavored cooking spray.
    4.Spoon two good sized heaping tablespoon fulls of the batter into the skillet per pancake and spread out slightly. Let cook like a regular pancake and then flip, allowing to cook another minuet or so. Serve.
    5. Recipe made about 5 pancakes
    6.Dietary Info:.
    7.Per pancake: 67 calories; 2 gm fiber; trace fat (1pt).
    8.for three pancakes: 202 calories; 6 gm fiber, 1 gm fat
    nutrition for whole recipe
    calories from fat 10
    total fat 1.2g
    saturated fat 0.2g
    cholesterol 0.0 mg
    sodium 301.6 mg
    carbohydrate 39.4g
    fiber 6.3g
    sugars 4.1g
    protein 7.8g
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    That's because it's not a pancake - it's a protein shake omelette.

    Yah. I had me one of those yesterday. *vom*

    I can't seem to get protein baking down either. I try a "delicious" recipe everyone is raving about and... *vom*

    It's so sad, I'm all pumped and excited to try these creations and nothing NOTHING to date has been even moderately bearable. Then I wash the pans and utensils in my own damn tears.

    But I will soldier on and try some of these suggestions. *stiff upper lip*
  • mdu13
    mdu13 Posts: 6 Member
    • 1 cup almond meal
    • 2 eggs
    • 1/4 cup water (for puffier pancakes, you can use sparkling water)
    • 2 T oil
    • 1/4 teaspoon salt
    • 1 T sweetener
    Mix ingredients together and cook as you would other pancakes. I like to use a non-stick pan with a little oil. The only real difference is that they won't "bubble" on top the same way as regular pancakes. Flip them when the underside is brown.

    Serve with sugar-free maple syrup, Easy Three Berry Syrup, strawberry topping, or other low carb topping.

    Yield: Six 4-inch pancakes

    Nutritional Information: Each pancake has 1 gram effective carbohydrate, plus 2 grams of fibre, 6 grams of protein, and 155 calories.
    They not too bad :)