200+ (Week 42) Getting Fit For Fall!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning gang!!! I'm having trouble sleeping so I thought I'd sign on. I got up to check on the meteor shower and can't get back to sleep. Unfortunately, it's cloudy so I can't enjoy the shooting stars. Maybe tomorrow (*sighs*).

    Kristina - working with cranky patients makes me cranky. Not sure how you handle it so well - hopefully the group will go better next time.

    Lacey - love the pics of Gracie!!!! She is adorable.

    Kendal - can't wait to see your photos. Is this weekend you camp or is it next weekend?

    Amy - I've tried to accept your friend request but seems to resend it self. I'll send you a request if it doesn't go through soon.

    Thanks for the info Kim.

    Goo - how's it going??

    Amber - we miss you. I hope you're hanging in there.

    Good luck with doctor Mish.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Victoria- Camping is a week from Saturday. So can't wait. I am VERY excited about it. I've already started making a list of things to pack so I won't forget anything. It's probably a little too early to be doing that, but oh well.

    The sodium is finally wearing off and I'm back down to 219.2 this morning. I was seriously 221.2 yesterday. I'm going to have to be good this weekend. I do a lot worse when I'm around other people...I don't know how you ladies do it.

    Have a question....I have a pound of ground turkey in the freezer. How do I thaw it? I know I can put it in the fridge for a day or so but last time I tried that, I didn't make anything with the meat before it went bad. Can I cook frozen meat straight? Is there a way to defrost it the same night I want to use it?

    I also have frozen chicken breasts in the freezer. How do I thaw and cook those? I don't have a george forman or grill or anything. How should I marinate them? I've never made chicken before. I'm quite scared that I will undercook it. HELP!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Thanks for allowing me to vent last night, ladies. I appreciate all your sweet comments. I tell you, I truly do enjoy my job, but we all have those days, right? I wasn't in the best place emotionally going into group, and when someone can be super critical about something (and thinking back, it wasn't anything about me, it was able one of the exercises in the workbook- totally out of my hands), I can take it very personally and just downward spiral. Today is another day! In reality, this is so much less stressful than my previous work (internships in psychiatric emergency services, inpatient psychiatric unit, and a community mental health program where I'd have to go out to people's homes and physically watch them take their meds to make sure they were being compliant). Really like my clients- it was just an off night for me, and some of them aren't in the best of places at the moment emotionally. *sigh* Moving on...

    Today is a running day for me. I was still exhausted when my alarm went off and I really needed the sleep more than anything to help me be in a better place mood-wise today. So, since I worked late last night, I decided to come in a bit late today- was able to sleep an extra hour and a half and am in a much better mood now. Plan is to hit the rec center after work (cause it's supposed to be another hot one today) and do the treadmill. Yes, I'm not a fan of the treadmill, but I'm going to take it as an opportunity to work on some speed work. My distance might not add up to the 4 miles, but I will at least be on the machine for a while and work on some short, faster spurts, which can hopefully increase my speed and endurance for my upcoming runs. Will still get exercise in today, darn it!

    Lacey- sorry to hear that your hubby was being such a weenie. Seriously, pull it together buddy.

    Amy- so proud of you for being on your last week of c25k! that's such an accomplishment. Isn't it crazy how fast you can progress on that program? Keep at it!!

    Victoria- saw on the home page that you did another 6-miler today. Faboo! You're just powering along!!

    Kendal- camping is going to be a blast! I can't give you any advice on the meat scenario- as I'm a vegetarian- been a LONG time since I've cooked it. Sure one of the meateaters can help you out.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - I cook frozen hamburg all the time by placing it in a pan and flipping often. Scape off the cooked layer and keep it to the side of the pan. You can only get ground meat this way - not in meatloaf or hamburg shape.

    I often defrost chicken, beef and turkey in the microwave - mine has an auto defrost button.

    I would defrost the chicken before marinading it. How you cook chicken depends on the recipe - are you eating it as hunk of chicken or putting it in a dish such as quesadilla or sweet and sour chicken? Fully cooked chicken has no draining juice and is white - no pink. I tend to over cook it to be on the safe side. Good luck.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello everyone...so sorry but I didn't manage my mfp time very well today...I have to run...I'll blame it on my son, he interupted me for some help in his room... HUgs to you all and I will catch up when I can...I must of missed the posts with Gracie's pics...I'd love to see them too...I'll go back and try to find it as soon as I can.......

    Kristina...Patience, is a Virtue...You ROCK!!

    Kendal...I use frozen chicken breast all the time...some days I leave it out on the counter for a couple hours and just slice it while it is still a little frozen, it cuts way easier...I use the slices for everything from fijiatas, or I'll cook them and then add honey and a tiny bit of Bar-b Q sauce, or you could add soy sauce or terriaki sauce. I add whatever spices that I am in the mood for..it's is usually on the spicey side and I'll throw it in a corn tortilla or a bed of salad...I have chicken almost everyday. I too use the microwave defrost if I am in a hurry...

    sorry I really have to run super pals...have a great day!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    when you cook your chicken, is it in the oven? (what temp and how long/)

    or is it on the stove in a pan? (again, what temp and how long?)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I often cook it on the grill on med to med high if in large hunks until it looks done - it tastes great with Sweet Baby Ray sauce this way. On the stove I use a pan and have the gas set between med and med high again until it looks done. I use med if I'm not watching it as closely (doing other work in the kitchen) so it cooks slower and less likely to burn. I'd guess it's on the stove 10 to 15 min. Sorry I can't be more specific.

    I have 45 min to kill. I like it when clients cancel but it's better if I'm close to home or the weathers cooler. I can't grocery shop since it's 85 which too hot to leave food in the car for several hours.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    thats great info Victoria- thanks so much!
  • nic3595
    nic3595 Posts: 7
    Thanks for the ideas about packing my lunch. Its hard to do with my crazy schedule but I did made myself a healthy lunch the night before. I am really happy that I have been eating healthy for the past few days. It has always been a struggle for me to change my eating habits. I love cooking chicken up with a little brown rice and veggies. Last night I made salmon that was sooo good, its really hard to measure the amount of noodles I use to get an accurate calorie count, so I use a little and estimate high. If someone has a better way let me know! I am starting running again and its an uphill battle! I love reading everyone's comments, it makes me realize everyone is living a crazy life and having success too. I know I can do this! Got to keep it up. Good luck to everyone!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    So I gotta know from you ladies that have been at this longer than I (which is about everyone) - have you noticed your significant other being more "affectionate"? Cuz I'll tell you what - I've probably gotten more action in the past 2 months than I have in the previous 6 months. I was just wondering if ya'll had noticed a similar phenomenon.

    Anyways, did my Insanity this afternoon with Gabe (that little dude can really move when he wants to!) and had a great Cornbread salad for dinner. I LOVE seasonal veggies!

    Kendal: I often cook ground turkey & beef on the stove when it's frozen and do like Victoria said (scraping of bits as it cooks). My favorite way to cook chicken is marinate it in Italian dressing and then grill it. If the grill isn't available (due to rain or whatever) then I generally bake it until it's totally white inside. I like to crust it with breadcrumbs mixed with Parmesan cheese and make my own baked chicken nuggets. I know you probably don't need this info anymore but I thought I'd throw it out there for later.

    Kristina: I hope you get enough rest so you can feel energized and happy. You rock, girl!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: new thread y'all! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
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